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Sins of the Father

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2013 @ 4:12pm by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike

1,884 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400 - Intelligence Spaces
Timeline: Six hours after the Breifing


Captain Jacob Lee Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Courageous

Captain Leon Pike
Commanding Officer
USS Luna
Second Officer / Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 400

***** Starbase 400 - Intelligence Spaces *****

Captain Jacob Lee Yamaguchi had recently arrived with the rest of the Sixteenth Tactical Wing on assignment from the Eighth fleet and he had
pushed his engines to get here a little early because he wanted a face
to face meeting with the man who had hurt his daughter.

Torilla and Rachael had both explained to their husband and father
respectively what had happened and it was Rachael who had talked
him out of avenging her, since Jake was just as dangerous as his wife,
perhaps more so because his own siblings knew how protective he was
of his wife and children.

He had had over a month to come to terms with the incident in question
and now rather then simply tear Captain Pike a new one, now he wanted to look the man in the eye before he decided on his next move.

"Computer, locate Captain Pike."

The response was quick and prompt. "Captain Pike is in his office."

"I see... now where would that be by any chance..... so I don't spend
the rest of my life hunting for him and never finding it..." Jake responded
in his dry wit.

"Section Alpha One, Deck two."

Jake smiled as he turned and walked off down the hallway, recalling his
youngest was in school so he decided he would meet her later, first he
had a matter of familial business to attend to.

She reached his destination a short time later as he introduced himself to
Captain Pikes aide. "I realize I'm arriving with no notice but I need to see Captain Pike when he has five minutes."

"Of course. Captain Pike is expecting you."

Jake blinked, this was a surprise. "If you don't mind my asking... how?"
he inquired as he looked down at the younger woman. "I just arrived. "

"Captain sir, he is the Starbase second officer and is usually informed of
all comings and going on base."

"Oh, well that explains a great many things..." Jake responded evenly.

"Yessir. you can go on in..."

Jake nodded as he went into Captain Pikes office. "Captain Pike. " he addressed
the other man. "Its a great shame we must meet like this."

Lee stood up:"Captain Yamaguchi."

"Torilla and Rachael both explained what happened... but Rachael seems to have the idea that you meant her no harm... "

He blew out a sigh:"Rachael is correct, I did mean her no harm. As you already know had yet to meet her when she reached out to my fiance Alex I had assumed it was an attack so I thought that I was only defended Alex."

Yamaguchi nodded, as both women had already explained as much. "Rachael said as much... You should have heard her defend you."

Lee motioned for a chair "Please have a seat Captain."

Yamaguchi did so, while both men were of the same rank, there was no good need to bard the man in his own keep because this area was Lee's domain and Jake had to respect that. "Could anything else have been done?" he inquired.

Lee looked at him:"The worst that could have been done is Rachael could have been killed. There are some out there that are pretty mean."

Jake nodded as he regarded the other man. "Yes, so I've heard... but Rachael was just coming into full bloom or so I heard.."

Lee shook his head:"I do regret what did happen to Rachael, but if you was in my shoes and some stranger was trying to reach out to Torilla in a way you wasn't use to what would you have done?"

"I'm not telepathic but you still make a good point." Jake responded evenly. "Besides... Rachael forgave you." he then smiled. "You should have heard her sing your praises.. so for that, I'll leave it for Rachael to decide how to handle things... I need to show some trust in my children after all... "

Lee nodded:"I do appericate that your daughter thinks highly of me despite the accident."

"Don't misunderstand me, I'm not in the habit of making threats Captain, its unseemly and beneath me as an officer and as a man, I always preferred to speak plainly."

"I also make it a habit of not making threats and talk things out like a man."

"I'm not sure of how I feel about you so what I will do.... is do nothing, as I said, I' going to let Rachael and Torilla handle things and I'm going to stay out of it."

He nodded:"I understand and don't blame you for wishing to talk to me Captain, granted I am not a father myself so don't know what you're going through when it comes to that."

"Torilla thinks well of you, besides.. I wanted to meet you so I could see what sort of a man you were... see if the legend my daughter made you into is true.." Jake sighed. "It is indeed criminal that we must meet under these circumstances Captain Pike.."

"I think highly of your wife and daughter they are good people." Lee shrugged "Yes it is too bad we had to meet this way but we could have met on worse circumstances Captain Yamaguchi."

Jake nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Yes.. " was all he said. "I miss the company of my wife and youngest child..." he paused. "So.. whats this I hear about Rachael seeing someone named Paul...?" he inquired but there was no hostility in his tone.

"Yea there where a few times where my father had to travel sometimes without my mother and I and remember him telling me how much he would hate that. Paul is Captain Harrison's son. He's a good kid." Lee gave a small smile.

"Torilla also says I should invite this Paul and Alex to my next family get together, she also mentioned you should come as well..." he raised an eyebrow

Lee nodded:"I will mention it to Alex when I see her."

"Well my sizeable family are all unusual..."

He gave a chuckle:"I think that most families are unusual."

"Well mine is most certainly that." Jake responded with a smile

"I would like to invite you and your family to Alex and my wedding coming up here shortly."

"That's fantastic, Torilla has been telling me about it, I'll pass the word along and my entire family will be there, no children of course because seating eighteen children would be a major pain so we'll leave them in daycare where they can all spend time together."

Lee chuckled:"The children are more then welcome to attend, the more the merrier."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "I'll pass your offer along but I'll let my siblings decide for themselves."

"Haven't talked to Alex about it but thinking about seeing if she's ok with having a Klingon style wedding."

Jake chuckled softly. "Klingon style." he raised an eyebrow. "That'll be different.... may I inquire as to why?"

Lee smiled:"Well many years ago my uncle retired Star Fleet Marine Colonel Charles Pike saved the life of a Klingon named Torg, and with that the House of Torg swore a life debt on the entire Pike family. So thought would honor them with a Klingon style wedding."

"That explains a great many things..." Jake responded. "I assume Gagh will be served... Oh my entire family will be there... Alex and Paul are something of a household name among my kin."

"In fact the House of Torg family will be here on Star Base 400 for the wedding."

Torilla will be happy, Rachael will be intrested... have you selected who is filling what roles yet?" he inquired. "I ask only because I am curious, nothing more.."

"General Torg will actually be bringing fresh gagh and a few cases of real bloodwine for the wedding."

"Excellent. I look forward to it, though knowing Torilla. she'll be overjoyed at having live Gagh" he smiled. "Though, a word to the wise if I may, Don't serve Torilla any bloodwine... Its... not a wise idea."

Lee smiled:"Sgt. Maal will be my best man, the other groomsmen will be filled by my cousins."

"As it should be, my family was involved with Mine and Torilla's wedding." he commented. "It was a simple affair but we made it work..."

He nodded:"There is nothing wrong with having a simple affair."

Jake chuckled. "Depends on who you are getting married to, his or her familial needs and wants, customs, etcetera, etcetera... But I think this is going to be good.... Will Torilla do anything at the wedding?"

Lee shrugged:"I will let Alex handle who she wants on the woman's side."

Jake nodded. "Always wise... Torilla was happy to let me handle it... I knew about her exile and I felt responsible." he sighed softly. "I know the rage that drives my wife and... I've felt responsible for it...."

Lee raised an eye brow:"What exile would that be?"

"Its complicated but the simple version is this... Torilla was exiled from her home... because she mated with me and had a family with me."

Lee nodded:"Sorry that she was exiled from her home."

"Torilla knew what she was getting into. Of course it still bothers me because she chose me rather then a Halanian but their loss was my gain." he smiled. "I have three children and in less then a year, I'll be a grandfather."

"She chose you cause she loved you. Everyone deserves to be happy in life. Congrats to becoming a grandfather soon."

Jake smiled. "Thank you. I've never had cause to regret being with my wife or being married to her, I miss serving with her but my loss is Starbase 400's gain..." he sighed. "Talon, Torilla and myself are part of the assignment here... and Rachael will have nobody to lean on.." he sighed softly.

"Torilla is a good officer and Paul has been a good friend to Rachael. I think am going to try and mentor Rachael on her abilities."

"Is that wise?" Jake inquired. "She's still going through her time of Bloom, it'll last another few weeks to a couple of months... her life is going to be organized chaos..."

"I understand that it could get crazy but she needs someone that can help her learn her abilities the right way."

Jake nodded. "I understand." he responded. It was like this for Gabriel and Elizabeth except those two were on Starships with six hundred to a thousand souls where as Rachael is a lot stronger and she's here, on a Starbase with ten times that many souls aboard."

"True there Captain, but I hate to break up our little meeting but I must attend to other duties now." Lee arose from his chair.

"I understand. Its not a meeting anyway, more that we are getting to know each other." he commented. "But I see why Rachael and Torilla both speak highly of you." he commented. "Ill get out of your hair and leave you to it." he smiled. "Thanks for your time." and with that Jake turned and departed.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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