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Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2013 @ 4:09pm by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike

1,551 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400 - Gym
Timeline: After school


Rachael Yamaguchi
Civilian - Preteen
Starbase 400

Captain Lee Pike
Chief Intelligence
Starbase Second Officer
Starbase 400

***** Gym - Starbase 400 *****

Rachael Yamaguchi stood off to the side of one matt, wearing
her martial arts Keikogi, it wasn't tight more so it was comfortable, it
was the standard two piece outfit she normally wore and one
could tell it was very well looked after.

It was a light grey in color with one red band across her wrists, she
also wore a orange belt, signifying her status as a 7th Kyu.

Rachael had been doing martial arts training since before she could
walk and she was exceptionally strong and powerful for someone her

She turned her head as she felt the burning power of Captain Leon Pike
who even now still intimidated her after what he did to her, she knew in
her heart that it was an accident but still, there was the feelings that it
produced and provoked that she needed to face and overcome.

She watched the doors open with her lovely dark eyes and in he came
as she called her bostaff which was lying on the deck next to her into
her outstretched hand.

She knew full well he saw her doing it and it wasn't like she had meant
to let him see her doing it as he simply had turned his head. "Captain."
she commented.

Lee stepped into the gym and spotted Rachael. He nodded to her:"Ms

She could be so strong and formidable at times but that was when she
was with Paul as he let her be herself but this man was a totally different
issue altogether.

He had the potential to make life very hard for her and for her mother and
she didn't want to cause issues, what also didn't help was that she did not know him.

"Come with me and I'll do some staff training with you and we can talk." Lee grabbed a bo staff from a near by wall and walked over to a far away spot towards the back.

Rachael raised an eyebrow as she followed him obediently without protest.

He stood there with the bo at his side "So talk to me young lady, what do you feel?"

Rachael decided to come right out with it. "I'm confused. On one level I like you but on another. I hate you for what you did to me." she didn't raise her voice or lose control as it would gain nobody anything but she found it hard to keep her focus. "Yes, I know it was an accident, you did not mean to harm me... but there is what I know and what I feel... Have you ever felt like that.. for me it felt like I was caught in the beam of a neutron star, so bright and, it felt like fire..." she twirled her bo in her hands as she explained herself.

Lee stood there listening to her:"I understand how you feel, it can be scary at times. Especially when something happens to you that you have never dealt with before in your life."

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "Even now, I sometimes wonder about you." she admitted. "That first meeting left its scars on me."

He then took a martial art stance and put the bo in both hands "Come at me."

Rachael looked at him. "Is this a wise idea?" she inquired. "Things might get out of control..." she paused as she hefted her bo in her hands. "Very well." she sighed softly as she twirled her bo as she moved at him with a simple overhead strike.

She was expecting him to be more subtle and then when he countered her, she hooked his left hoot and tried to trip him but he was too strong for that, she smiled in that she was dealing with a more powerful opponent then she was expecting.

Lee spun the staff and went for a low sweep with the staff

Rachael leapt up and over the staff as she instantly countered with an attack
of her own as she lunged at him.

"I don't think things will get out of hand." He smiled and noted her speed.

Rachael looked at him dubiously. "I can feel your control." she responded as she waved him on. "Come, attack me." she smiled as she watched his opening move, expecting a feint as she blocked his first and his second strikes with her own bo then she deflected his third strike with a slight adjustment of her grip and then she stepped inside him and whacked him across the arm with her own bo, she could have easily gone for his face but his arm was a better target anyway.

She then stepped back as she deflected two of his strikes and as she countered rather then retreat further as she said something in Hungarian at him. "Megszakad a szivem..." she said softly as she proceeded to attack him, going for fast but quick strikes, moves she could easily chain together.

Lee smiled and watched her moves blocking her latest strikes, he then came at her with three powerful strikes of his own. Backing her up he then went for a head feint but at the last second turned it to a leg sweep taking her off her feet.

Rachael found herself flat on her back, she had ben expecting him to throw a clumsy over at her but he came out with something masterful.

"Remember this is just a training session, no need to go truly full force." He looked at her.

Rachael looked at her as she clambered to her feet, she looked down as her Bo seemed to lit up off the ground and fly into her hand of its own accord as
she sighed softy, she watched as Pike turned his back to her as if mulling something over.

Rachael lifted her staff and prepared herself to strike him. 'Does it help to understand how I feel... Do you know the nature of pain?'. she thought, forgetting he could hear her thinking but she caught herself at the last second as her bo slid from suddenly nerveless fingers and then she crashed to her knees as she burst into tears.

What had upset her was that she had forgotten everything she had been taught, to protect others and not to hurt them.

Lee turned towards her and then walked over to her:"I know you have a lot of pain that you are going through. It can be scary going through something that you have never gone through in life."

"No... you don't understand the scope of my crime... my parents would be very angry if they heard about this, what I almost did to you goes against everything I was ever taught.... what you did to me was a mistake but what I almost did....was deliberate.."

He knelt in front of her:"Yes I do admit what I did was a mistake, and I will live with that for the rest of my life. Do you honestly say that what you almost did that you could live with yourself for the rest of your life?"

Rachael looked up at him, her face slick with hot tears. "I...I don't know.." she

Lee let out a sigh:"I will not tell your parents what happen here today. But I would recommend you go see a counselor and get help cause you need to let go with the accident before it eats you up inside."

Rachael looked up at him. "No, they need to know about this.... I'll tell them myself, I can't hide from what I almost did... What happened was an accident but.... I allowed my fear to break me..." she admitted.

Lee nodded:"Very well that's up to you about telling your parents. Why don't you let me help you and teach you some stuff about your abilities."

Rachael looked surprised but then as she considered it, she saw his wisdom and she nodded her head. "Yes... I'd like that..." she wiped her face. "Now I understand why Paul speaks so highly of you."

He smiled:"Paul is a good kid." He then stood up and held out his hand to her:"Why don't we start tomorrow."

Rachael smiled. "I'd like that..." she responded quietly

Lee smiled back as he helped her up:"Why don't you go home and talk to your parents Rachael."

Rachael looked up at the massive figure that stood before her as she nodded. "A wise plan. I must take responsibility for what I have done.."
she sounded like she had actually hit him rather then stopping at the last
second. "What time tomorrow should we meet to start my training?" she
paused. "What sort of training should I expect?"

Lee looked down at her:"We will start at 1600 since am sure you have school first and I don't want you missing any school. And as for what type you will find out when you get here." He turned to leave.

Rachael watched him turn and walk out the door of the gym, she then gathered her things and then she departed as well.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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