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Welcoming Someone New

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2013 @ 12:28am by Captain Patrick Dow

557 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 83 - Recovery
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: Concurrent with ongoing Misisons


Dow had returned to Ops following his lunch at the Skyline Lounge on the Promenade. As he stepped out of the turbolift, Lieutenant Archer walked over to him and handed him a PADD.

“Captain, this is Lieutenant Daniel Gardner, he’s just come aboard, says he’s the Station’s new Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer.” Archer motioned over to the man standing to the side in Ops.

Dow thanked Nick, then walked over to the new Officer while he glanced at the PADD. Gardner was a well-trained, experienced Officer. Three quarter El-Aurian one quarter Vulcan, thirty-five years of age…be he wondered if the appointment was something the Admiral requested before he left or if it was Admiral Sevlek’s doing.

Dow extended a hand, “Welcome aboard Starbase 400. I’m Captain Patrick Dow, Acting-CO while Admiral Bremer is busy.”

Daniel stepped forward and took the offered hand with his own right hand, gripping the hand firmly. He had suspected that there would be a lack of formality on the Starbase, which he thought was more conducive to a working environment, but he had yet to meet the Admiral. "Thank you, Captain. Is something happening that I need to be aware of?" He asked, releasing the hand.

Dow shook his head. Until he could verify Gardner’s security access, he couldn’t tell him the Admiral’s, or the rest of the Senior Staff’s whereabouts. “If you’re hungry, the Skyline Lounge on the Promenade is a good location, but its owner, Crumm Widdy, is serving fleas…I’d avoid them.” He smirked, hoping the joke would be received well.

Daniel laughed a little."I'll be sure to avoid the fleas, Captain. But I ate just prior to my arrival. I'd like to get stuck in. I received a brief from some cleric at Command, I understand a small part of what has been going on, but I'd like to get up to speed, otherwise I am useless here." He responded. Daniel wasn't one to wait around. Especially when clearly, something was going on.

Dow took a breath. He didn’t want to shoot down the guy’s enthusiasm, but he did need have orders to follow. “Tell you what, get settled into your quarters and meet me back here at fifteen hundred, and I can give you an update of the current situation.”

Dow made a mental note to ask Admiral Sevlek to come up to Ops once the Lieutenant was gone. He’d be able to quickly verify the Officer’s clearance faster than verifying with Starfleet Command under the current circumstances.

Daniel relented and nodded. Settling into his quarters was not what he had in mind. But, he didn't want to upset anyone on his face day."Yes, Captain, I think I might." He didn't move however, waiting to be dismissed. Although there appeared to be a lack of formality here, it still wasn't wise to push the boundaries until he had been told where they were.

"Dismissed Lieutenant." Dow finally said when he realized Gardner was waiting.

Pat walked over to the Intel station and checked our Gardner's Starfleet records and Security clearance. All was as it should be, so he sent a message to Admiral Sevlek asking him to verify, and hoped he's get the good word back quickly.



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