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Posted on Mon May 20th, 2013 @ 5:51pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Fleet Admiral Sevlek

613 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: Following 'Marine Meeting'


Sevlek stepped off of the turbolift and walked towards Ops, he spoke to the officer at the central station, "Admiral Bremer, please." He added the platitude at the end, emotional beings would consider it rude to not use it as the guest here.

The man started and as he turned to face the Vulcan said, "I'll see if he's available." He caught sight of the gold piping and the pips and added, "Admiral."

Mike had just returned to his Office following his meeting with Marine Staff. He sat a PADD down on his desk and was about to sit when the comm beeped.

“Admiral, Admiral Sevlek is here to see you.”

Mike tapped his comm-badge as he stood back up, “Send him in.”

The young man nodded towards the office door, "Go on in, sir."

Sevlek turned to the office and entered, PADDs in hand. He greeted Bremer with a nod, "Admiral Bremer."

Mike returned the nod, then glanced at the PADDs. “Admiral, come in, have a seat. Care for a drink? Vulcan Spiced Tea?”

"No, thank you." Sevlek responded flatly as he extended both PADDs towards the other flag officer. "In the next 24 to 48 hours twenty-eight vessels are being transferred to my command and will arrive at Starbase 400 as a result of a defensive patrol and escort hostility order issued by the Federation Council's Security Council. In seventy-two hours there will be a briefing for all of the Commanding and Executive Officers of those vessels, you are welcome to attend."

"Mike looked over the PADDs for a moment. He knew a few other ships and their Commanding Officers, while others he didn't know. "I'll be there." He replied, then asked, "Any word on the possible blockade?"

"The Federation's full involvement in the C'hakilian and Krazzle conflict will be before the Council in eight days for debate and voting."

Mike nodded. He knew most of the Federation, including the Council and many in Starfleet, didn't want another conflict...a 'police action' or all out war anytime soon. It would be a heated debate, whether or not to commit ships to blockade Krazzle space.

"What are our ships to be escorting? Humanitarian aid?"

Sevlek nodded, "Ten vessels will be assigned to escort duties. The cargo vessels will be carrying humanitarian needs to the C'hakilian core worlds and the escort vessels are not authorized to engage in hostilities unless the convoy is attacked first."

Mike nodded, made sense and sent a message to the Krazzle and Typhon Pact, 'We are watching you.'.

"The remaining vessels will be assigned patrol routes along the shared between the Federation and Krazzle with the same engagement authorizations."

‘Standard procedure’ Mike though, but a wise move nonetheless. “I would also suggest having ships inspect the sensor arrays and monitoring stations in their patrol areas, make sure they are working at peak efficacy and haven’t been tampered with.”

"Three Starfleet Corps of Engineers vessels and all currently patrolling vessels will be reassigned to maintenance and enhancement duties for all sensor arrays that monitor the border." A brief pause, "Intelligence data also suggests that the Typhon Pact is sending 200 more ships into the conflict. This is obviously to speed the timetable up in the event the Federation Council's debate becomes an approval for a War Declaration."

It was just getting worse and worse. "Understood." Mike leaned back in his chair. These events and their own actions very possibly could lead to the next galactic war...

Sevlek nodded as he turned to leave, "If you'll excuse me, I have more subspace communication conferences in one hour." He left the office, leaving the other man to ponder what was said.



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