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Extending the Loop

Posted on Tue May 14th, 2013 @ 5:33am by Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Bail Donovan

612 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Starbase 400, Office Suite
Timeline: Concurrent

Sevlek was waiting for the comm channel to start the latest briefing with the President, a few Security Council Members and Fleet Admiral Nechayev. He'd received Admiral Bremer's take on how the blockade fleet should be handled and had made some adjustments and hadn't responded yet, that would wait until after this subspace meeting.

Andrenicus stepped into the office, "Sir, incoming conference transmission on secured subspace channels."

Sevlek nodded and activated the LCARS terminal mounted on the wall directly across from his desk. The screen activated Sevlek immediately recognized all of the individuals he was communicating with. "Mr. President, Admiral Nechayev, Councillors." He said with a nod at the screen.

The Federation President spoke first, with a smile, "Admiral. It is good to talk to you again. I'm sure you know everyone in this conversation and don't need introductions, so let's get to the point of this transmission."

Sevlek nodded, "I have spoken with Admiral Bremer and explained that I want him to serve as my XO and field commander in regards to this operation. As a result, he submitted a Plan of Action brief to me. I made some alterations and plan on returning it to him after this communication is terminated."

The Vulcan on the Security Council spoke next, "I have conferred with my colleagues extensively, Admiral, concerning your recommendations as to how the Federation should respond. The Security Council is divided on whether or not to accept the plans you have presented to us."

At this point, the Bajoran member of the Security Council spoke, "I have to agree. I'm unsure why you have proposed to use such a large force, drawn from more than just Starfleet vessels. It is wholly unnecessary to use Klingon or Cardassian forces."

Sevlek nodded, "It is entirely possible that the courses of action that I have recommended could be handled solely with Starlfeet units. However, in this instance, I believe it is necessary to ensure that a united front is present to the Krazzle Republic and Typhon Pact."

Admiral Nechayev spoke now, "Sevlek is right. We have to display a united front, the Typhon Pact has been making slow shows of force at weaker positions along the border of Federation space."

The Tellarite member of the Security Council was next. He had been unusually quiet so far, "Why wasn't the Security Council made aware of these shows of force, Admiral Nechayev?"

Alynna smirked, "Because the incidents didn't warrant the notification criteria set forth by the Security Council, Councillor Gleer."

The President spoke, "What we need to get an answer on, Councillor St'Par, is whether or not action has been authorized by the Security Council?"

St'Par nodded, "The Security Council voted unanimously to offer relief aid to the C'hakilian Core Worlds, as well as Starfleet combat vessels to accompany any relief ships sent to those aforementioned worlds. We have also authorized the transfer of 28 vessels to Admiral Sevlek's command and after those vessels are chosen, they will report to Starbase 400 for patrol and escort duties. This resolution is limited to those terms. Overt hostilities are not authorized by the Security Council, only defensive hostility will be permitted."

President Matthews spoke, "When will further action make it to the Federation Council for debate and a vote, councillor?"

"A vote is scheduled in 8 days, at the conclusion of the current legislative session's break." The Vulcan finished.

Matthews smiled, "There you go, Admiral Sevlek. You have your answer and latitude of action."

Sevlek nodded as the communication ended, at which point he turned his head slightly to the control panel at his left hand and returned Bremer's plan with the changes made to the other flag officer.


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