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Posted on Mon Jan 31st, 2011 @ 8:39pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 74 - Fate, Dissolution, and Demise
Location: Earth, New Orleans
Timeline: Following Weatherlight's post


Bremer followed Smith for a block or two, he could tell Robert was getting directions on where to go from his ‘friends’ in his ear…

“Mister Smith, where are we going?â€

Robert shrugged, then replied, “The local Security Office, we can use their computer to access any information we may need.â€

Mike had a feeling it was a trap, he fully expected there to be several armed people there waiting for them…but when they arrived, no one was there.

They walked in, looking around, but the single level building was empty. Smith walked over to a desk in the corner and started accessing files. He wasn’t moving at his normal speed so, again, Mike figured he was being told what to look up. Mike walked around behind Robert to see the screen divided into five separate windows. One with a woman, Robert’s friend, one with K’Wor, one with Weatherlight, and one with Janeway. All looked to be in good health. Robert’s friend looked scared, while Weatherlight was being walked down a corridor of a Starship…a Galaxy Class ship. Janeway and K’Wor were sitting in private quarters. The bottom screen looked to be coordinates…a tracking program.

Mike watched Smith work and within minutes coordinates popped up beside each person’s picture. Janeway, Weatherlight, and K’Wor all seemed to be in the same location, aboard a ship in Earth orbit. However the coordinates for the woman was different, they were on the surface, Europe, Germany.

Smith looked back at Mike, but neither said a word. Mike looked around the desk, finding a PADD. He typed up a message, ‘Where is Jellico?’ Smith got to work on tracking him, as Mike accessed another terminal. He’d seen Andrews send secure data to Admiral Ross, in open public communications and messages, and he tried to do the same thing, sending them the coordinates of their friends…he just hoped he was doing it right.

Smith turned the monitor he was working on toward Mike, showing Jellico’s location, it was the same as Janeway, Weatherlight, and K’Wor’s.

Mike leaned back in the chair. There wasn’t much the Marines aboard the Pegasus could do to get their people off of a Galaxy Class ship, too many people onboard…but for Smith’s friend being held in Germany, they could. Marine ground troops to secure the area and her, fighters and Runabouts for support and extraction. The problem was, would that Galaxy class ship try to stop them? Only one way to make sure they wouldn’t.

“Captain, I have an incoming’s from the Admiral!†Pike’s surprise was obvious in his voice.

K’Temoc walked up the ramp to the Strategic Ops station and read the message, then downloaded it to a PADD. “Colonel Borodin, Colonel Rico, Lieutenant Colonel Ishihara, report to Tactical Operations.†He closed the comm. and walked back to the command chair, showing it to Janice. She raised an eyebrow, then handed it back.

“Mister Winter, you have the Bridge. Ensign Driggett, slowly move the Pegasus over the European continent, center us above Germany.â€

Both men nodded, as K’Temoc headed to the turbolift.

Mike walked away from a weapons locker, and handed Smith a Type-II phaser. He then scanned the area with his tricorder, everything still seemed quiet.

Finally, Bremer broke the silence, “Find anything Lieutenant?â€

“Not yet, I’ve been looking over Admiral Paris’s files, where he’s gone lately, who he’s talked to, he looks clean so far.†Robert slide the PADD back to Mike, ‘Started checking Paris, think ‘friends’ are coming to visit us, no way they can trace my hack.’

A moment later, Mike’s tricorder beeped, someone was coming…

Captain K’Temoc re-entered the Bridge and walked down the ramp…â€Ms. Harrison, Red Alert. Declock the ship, charge weapons, but keep the shields down.†K’Temoc tapped a button on the armrest of the command chair, “Colonel Borodin, Lieutenant Colonel Ishihara, you’re a go.â€

As the Galaxy Refit shimmered into visible site, shuttle bay three’s door raised up and several Marine Fighters burst out, at the same time the main shuttle bay’s door also raised and two Danube Class Runabouts and one Blackhawk Class Runabout launched from there. All the small craft headed for Earth’s surface.

“Captain, our friends are back, they have adjusted their orbit and are on an intercept course.†Winter reported from the XO’s chair.

K’Temoc nodded. “Colonel Rico, standby for transport.â€

Janice looked over at K’Temoc, “You sure about this?â€

He looked back at the Lieutenant General, and smirked, but didn’t answer…

Mike / Admiral Bremer


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