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Ladies that Lunch

Posted on Thu Feb 15th, 2024 @ 10:29am by Lieutenant JG Deezell Vox & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell
Edited on on Thu Feb 15th, 2024 @ 10:29am

2,176 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 119 - "Shattered Mirror"
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD1 - 13:00hrs

Anna sat at the table in the cafe, waiting for Dee to get there. She was a little early, something that didn’t happen very often in Anna’s line of work but today things had been a little quiet so she had taken advantage of it.

She looked forward to lunch with Dee. It had been at least six months since they last saw each other. Life on the Starbase was busy and their schedules hadn’t left room to get together as of late.

Dee turned a corner as she approached the café. She saw Anna already sat at their usual table. Once there she tilted her head " Are you early or am I late? " She asked, taking her seat opposite Anna at the table.

“I’m early.” Anna smiled. “I am fully staffed at the moment so I took advantage of it.”

"Of course, so would I. We are fully staffed ourselves and my team is already on top of most of the urgent stuff so it's been a pretty good morning so far. A nice cortado will help prepare me for the afternoon, and then we can browse the menu. " She replied.

“Sounds like you have been pretty busy yourself,” Anna said with a smile. “I’ll let you order a drink and then we can catch up.”

Dee got the attention of one of the waiters and ordered a strong cortado. once they had left to get her coffee, she turned back towards her friend.

"Oh yeah, it never stops in engineering. Keeping this station ticking over is a non-stop job and only last month did we finally finish all the repairs since the big blast in the main docking bay. That was one hell of a mess. We have also had a tonne of new equipment installed; some needed additional fittings replicated. Speaking of things being new, how is motherhood?" Dee asked.

Anna smiled at her. “I thought you would never ask. Mikey is such a good baby, I was worried about going back to work and leaving him but things are working out really well with our nanny.” She pulled out a picture and handed it to her. “It seems like he is growing so fast.”

Dee took the photo. “Oh my goodness, look at that cute little face. I doubt anyone could say no to him. “ She replied, handing back the photo. “Mikey kind of reminds me of Darrek. He was my son, well Torbin Vox's son with his wife Telah. He was a good baby too. Azrel’s twins, however, were a nightmare.” She added, reminiscing from Vox's previous hosts.

Anna smiled as she listened to Dee talk. “Besides your parents, what family do you have left?” She realised she had never asked Dee much outside of her parents

“Well, you met my cousin who is my father's nephew. He's married with two children, Alana who is adorable and Jarrell who is quite chaotic. My mother's parents are sadly no longer with us as is my father's mother but his dad is still around but lives on the Trill colony in the Sappora system. “ Dee replied.

“So no children of your own?” Anna asked her. She knew how much she had wanted children and maybe it was personal but they were friends so Anna felt like she could ask.

“Well not yet anyway. I know my parents would love to have a grandchild or two. However, they know all to well how dedicated I am to my work and so they are not pushing that agenda. But….now I am with Jaxon, anything is possible. “ She smiled.

“I hope the best for the two of you.” Anna said with a smile. “It took me a long time to get pregnant, I had almost given up.”

“Thanks. Getting pregnant isn't as easy as people think it is. Especially if there is a species difference, as there was for Azrel. But she got more than she bargained for, with twins.” Dee commented.

“I believe part of my problem was I was obsessed a little bit.” Anna confessed. “I was an only child with no family at all. I have always wanted children.” She smiled then. “Yes, more than one. Zeke and I haven’t really discussed how many but as long as Mikey has a brother or sister, I am good with that.” She paused. “Knowing you have no family, no one who shares a family or history with is something I can’t even explain but the day I met Zeke, I found my family.”

“You two have such a strong bond. It's clear for all to see. Together you are much more than just two people. I'm very grateful to have you as my friends.” Dee commented.

“As we are to have you as ours.” Anna said with a smile. “Going to your homeworld was the most amazing trip and I will always have very good memories of our honeymoon. It was perfect.” She paused. “And speaking of relationships, how is yours going?”

“Really well. I think… no…I am… I’m in love with Jaxon. He makes me feel safe, happy and at peace with myself.

Anna smiled. “I am so happy for both of you.” She paused. “I could see the attraction from the beginning but I did my best to stay out of it. You two remind me of Zeke and I.”

“I haven’t said it to him yet. You would think with 5 lifetimes of experience I wouldn’t be nervous about it but I am. “ Dee confessed.

“It is a big step.” Anna agreed with a nod. “Once you say the words they can’t be taken back. But think of it this way.” She paused and looked into Dee’s eyes. “Whatever the outcome, it won't change by giving it time.”

“You’re right of course. We have a concert to go to this week so maybe I should tell him how I feel after the event, back at my quarters. I want to tell him, I do, its just, as you say, a big step.” Dee replied.

“But worth it.” Anna said sincerely. “Take it from me, once you tell him how you feel and he responds in kind, you will have the rest of your lives together.” She had a feeling that they would have an amazing life together.

“I can't see my life with him in it or without you and Zeke. “ Dee commented.

“Then make sure he knows that,” Anna said with a smile. “Zeke and I value both of your friendships and it will make us happy to see you both get the happiness you deserve.” She laughed softly. “One of you has to make the move and you are a strong woman.”

“I like to think I am but some days things can overwhelm me. “ Dee commented.

“Don’t let it.” Anna continued. “Stop thinking about the would of and could of and just go for it.” She sat back. “Push forward and make sure that he knows how you feel and what you want in a relationship with him.”

“I will. I just hope he wants the same. Watching your pregnancy progress and seeing Mikey's cute adorable little face, I have to admit I've gotten a little broody. “ Dee confessed.

“You never know.” Anna said with a grin.
“Zeke and I knew we both wanted a family right away. It just took a little longer than we planned. But I believe this was the right time for us.”

“I am so happy for both of you and Mikey has wonderful parents. He's going have a happy life. If me and Jax can be of any help, ask. “ Dee replied.

“You might regret that when he is in his terrible twos.” Anna said with a laugh. She was looking forward to every bit of Mikey’s life. Right now she was happy with him as a baby, changing little by little.

“Have we forgotten already that I have raised six children in my five lifetimes. I have experienced the terrible twos and various other fun stages of a child's development. Bring it on. “ She replied laughing.

“Good point.” Anna replied with a smile. Over the last six months they had learned a lot about each other as they grew. “If your career in engineering doesn’t work out you could open a daycare.”

“Dee's Daycare. Has a ring to it doesn't it. “ Dee laughed. “Shall we get some lunch?” She asked.

“Yes.” Anna nodded. “I am thinking of the chicken salad. I haven’t had one in a while and I’ve been hungry for one.”

“Sounds great. Is that with or without bacon?” Dee asked. “Mine is most certainly with.” she added.

“Bacon is an essential.” Anna smiled. “It is my single most favorite food!” It felt good to sit and visit with Dee. They needed to do this more often.

“Agreed. I do like bacon but Raekwon was obsessed. Bacon sandwich every morning and chopped up into most salads.”

“Zeke teases me at times because I do put it on a lot of things.” Anna laughed. “While I was pregnant I couldn’t stand the smell of bacon or eat it.”

“Pregnancy can be strange. I remember once when I as in Lerani Vox, couldn't stand the smell of the Toruun Tree on Trill. It seriously made me want to throw up.” Dee commented. “There are a few exceptions for adding bacon. Not many but a few. “ She added.

“I’m hoping the next one is pickles,” Anna said with a smile. “I hate pickles, you would think that I wouldn’t crave them while pregnant. I guess Mikey had other ideas.

“Are we talking mixed pickles or just big juicy gherkins? “ Dee asked.

“I craved dill pickles.” Anna replied. “And the sweet baby gerkins.” She shuddered. “I really don’t like them so that was a tough time for me.”

“Shame you didn't share them. I would have been quite happy there. “

It wasn't long before their orders arrived. Dee had her usual BLT with extra bacon, of course.

“This looks amazing.” Anna said as she picked up her fork. “You know what we should do? Set up an evening together, the four of us. We haven’t all been together since the trip when we went to your homeworld.”

“Yes. It just has to be done. We could make a night of it if we time it with some good entertainment. Also, I recently found out that there is a holodeck simulation of the winery we went to so we could go there sometime as well. “ Dee replied before taking a huge bite from her BLT, pretty much silencing herself for a good few minutes.

“I’ll talk to Zeke.” Anna said. “I am certain he will be up for it. We both had such a good time with the two of you it will be nice to spend a night out together.”

“Definitely. I will tell Jax how I feel after the concert we are going to. I just hope I'm not rushing things. “ Dee commented.

“Do what feels right in here.” Anna put her hand to her heart. “You will know if it’s the right time or not, trust me.”

“When I am with him, he makes me feel amazing. I focus on my work, while on duty, but I do count down to when I can be with him again. I have not felt like this about anyone.” She paused. “Are you planning on having a dessert? “ Dee asked.

“Then the time is right.” Anna said. She looked at the menu. “Strawberry cheesecake looks really good.” She looked over at Dee. “What sounds good to you.” She didn’t eat a lot of sweets but she was hungry for one today.

“Ensign Richards in my team suggested I should try a Tiramisu. Apparently it's Italian and translates to Pick Me Up. “ Dee replied. Dee was always interested in trying new things.

“Never tried it.” Anna said with a smile. “But I’m always into new things but today it is the cheesecake for me.”

“Oh yeah, a cheesecake is fantastic and I will probably have that next time, but I am taking a chance today. “ Dee commented.

Anna smiled. “Might as well go for what you want.” She took a drink from her glass. “Where do you see you and Jaxon going from here, once you tell him how you feel?”

“Not wanting to jinx anything but I can see myself marrying him and maybe having a child.”

Dee replied. The deserts arrived and neither of them wasted any time in tucking in.

Anna enjoyed the rest of their lunch together and promised herself she would talk to Zeke about a gathering for the four of them. It had been good for them to get together she had missed this.


Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase 400


Lieutenant JG Deezell Vox
Assistant Chief Engineer
Starbase 400


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