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A quiet morning aboard SB400

Posted on Thu May 3rd, 2012 @ 2:40pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

300 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 78 - Colonial Uprising
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: Following Gillo's post

It was 0900 hours and Mike had just finished a shower. He’d been able to get about three hours of sleep, so that meant at least a couple extra cups of raktajino during the day. He finished putting on his uniform as Janice walked into the room.

“Let me help you.” She said with a smile, “Your baldric isn’t straight.”

“Far be it from me to show up in Ops with a crooked Ha'quj.” Mike replied with a smile.

Janice hugged her husband, “I’ll meet you for lunch later.”

Mike nodded and kissed her as he walked out of their room. He took a few minutes to hug is small children as they played before he headed up to Ops. Mike had some leave coming up and he was seriously thinking about a family vacation…something he’d not be able to do in years. Just Janice, the kids, and him.

As he entered Ops, Mike was informed that Ms. Gillo was aboard the Princeton, looking over her and seeing how big of a job they had ahead of them. He acknowledged the report then checked to see if there was any more information from the Yorktown.

It had been a quiet night, once Mike was able to leave Ops.

“Admiral, the Andorian freighter has been repaired and their Captain is requesting permission to depart.” Archer announced from the Operations position.

“Permission granted,” Mike replied, “Just advise them to keep clear of the Neutral Zone and Triangle areas.

Mike walked over to Tactical One and looked over the shoulder of the Officer on duty. Sensors showed nothing in the area of the Station except the usual traffic that was already routed. For now, it looked like it was going to be a quiet day aboard Starbase 400.



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