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Good/Terrible News

Posted on Thu Aug 31st, 2023 @ 1:17pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike
Edited on on Thu Aug 31st, 2023 @ 1:20pm

1,469 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 117 - "Returning to the Mirror"
Location: Pike's Quarters
Timeline: MD2 0950 hrs

Things were finally returning to normal. Apologies between friends was made. Alex was spending time with the kids. Watching them, she couldn't believe that they were seven already. earlier, she had talked to her son and gave him some news. Alex was getting ready to make an early lunch. Adora was helping her along with her son, Alton.

Lee had just gotten back from the last mission, he checked on making sure everything was good with the Luna. He headed back towards their quarters, the doors parted open stepping inside "I am home."

The kids ran up to him and gave him a hug. Alex smiled watching them get so excited to see their dad. She waited for them to finish saying hi. Alex walked up to him and gave him a welcome home kiss, "The kids seemed happy to see you."

Lee spoke to his kids, then stood up kissing his wife back "That they do." He gave her a look "Are you okay? You look like you don't feel good or something."

It was true. Alex wasn't feeling great. She'd been tired lately and had things checked out. She smiled as she joked with him, "I'm fine, really. It's nothing that 8 months can't take care of." She looked at him with a smile as she waited for his reaction.

Lee stood there looking at her "So you are pregnant then?" He raised an eyebrow, he was happy to hear if she was.

Alex nodded, "I am. I got confirmation earlier today." She walked back to put lunch on the table, "The doctor wants to see me in the next few days. I haven't told the kids yet."

Lee smiled looking at her "I can't wait to see the look on Paul's face when you tell him." He chuckled.

Alex made a face, "Well, I kind of told him already." She sighed, "I was talking to him and in the middle of it, let's just say, I left him hanging and when I got back to him, he was worried how I looked. He could tell that I was sick. So I had to tell him."

Lee raised an eyebrow "And what did Paul say when you told him?"

Well, he said, "Mom? Aren't you a little old to have more kids?" She laughed, "I told him, I'll never be too old. Then he laughed and said I'm just kidding mom. So, are you having twins again? Then I told him I don't know. And that was about it." Paul was happy for her.

Lee chuckled shaking his head "That would be something....twins again...or more.."

Alex feigned a dirty look, "Or more? I couldn't even handle the two I had." She wasn't really mad. She just liked the idea of having more, even if it was only more.

Lee shrugged "Who only knows how it will turn out."

Before Alex could respond back, the door chime went off and Deela could be heard yelling for her, "Alex! Alex! You there?! Answer the door!" She had checked up on her kids first to make sure they were safe, then came here.

Alex quickly went to the door and it slid open, "Alex! As she stepped in, she saw Lee. Deela hadn't expected him to be home. She knew he could sense her emotions as well as she could his so she calmed herself down as if she was relieved to see her alive, "Alex, you're okay, what a relief. Hi Lee. I didn't know you were here."

Lee turned "Hello Deela, yeah decided to come home right after work you know."

Alex gave her a weird look, "What is so important that you practically broke the door down?"

Deela had to think of something quick, "Um, the computer said that you were...hurt and the comms weren't working. Obviously, it was wrong. Must have been a glitch in the system." She quickly glanced at the both of them, then back at her, "Alex, since you're okay, I guess I'll leave. But then again, since I'm here, do you want to show me that thing you wanted me to see?" That phrase was code that they needed to talk in private.

Alex looked at her with confusion until she heard the familiar phrase, "Oh yeah, I completely forgot about it. Sure, it's in the kids room."

Deela followed and whispered to her once they were away from Lee's hearing, "Something horrible has happened and you need to hear it from me."

Alex wasn't used to the emotional side of her, "Deela, you're scaring me and that is a difficult thing to do to me."

Deela took a breath, "Mirror Lee and Bremer have escaped. And, there are strange things happening around here."

"Oh god, no!" Now she was scared but she needed to think.

Deela asked with concern in her voice, "How do we know that is your Lee or not? A mind meld is certainly out."

Alex had studied Lee's counterpart and knew what made him tick. She knew one definite thing about him and so she had the perfect test. She called the kids over who were playing and she whispered to them. Deela nodded to her. She didn't quite know why she used a Betazoid word meaning 'idiot.' What was even more strange, she told them to say it to each other and play like they're mad at each other. It was perfect. The kids ran out, knowing that they weren't going to get in trouble and started roughhousing with Lee. They were asking him to chase them, hanging on him and everything else to be annoying. The kids enjoyed it since that was the one rule in their quarters, no roughhousing. And to let daddy rest before bombarding him with playing a game.

"What if he's learned patience? He could still trick us." Deela asked.

"Because that word I told them sets him off. I've been teaching the kids to speak several languages so it won't be suspicious. It'll set him off, believe me. I'm pretty sure that he's not that brute that looks like him. Also, I told him I'm pregnant. His reaction was too genuine. That other person hates kids with a passion.

Alex hated doing this but she knew that Deela wouldn't leave until it was proven that he was who he was. The plan was in motion and they stood at the doorway to observe him. Deela whispered to her, "Congrats."

Lee was standing there wondering what was going on when the twins came running towards him, he turned towards them As they got closer they started speaking the word idiot in Betazoid, once he heard that he raised an eyebrow looking at them "What have I told you two about not saying that word, it isn't a nice word at all."

Alton looked at his dad, "We were just playing. That's all." Adora mimicked her brother's answer, "Yeah."

Deela wasn't convinced and knowing that the mirror Lee hated her with a passion, she gave it one more jab. She walked out, "Yeah dad, they were just playing." Alex followed her out to where they were and watched while Deela observed Lee's reaction."

Lee watched his children then stood up fully looking over at the women "Okay what is going on here?" He folded his big arms across his chest.

Deela looked at Alex. She didn't need to be a telepath for Alex to know that look so she called to the kids, "Hey, let's go to the bedroom and let the adults talk."

Deela waited for them to leave the room, "Sorry Lee, we put the kids up to it. I just needed to make sure you are who you are." She sighed, "Let's sit down and talk."

Lee raised an eyebrow as he looked at them

"There has been some strange things going on around here. People being in two places at once and..." She took a breath, "Your counterpart from the mirror universe...has...escaped from the brig here on base. Alex said that he hates the word idiot and it sets him off everytime so I needed the kids to egg you on to get a rise out of you. It was the only way to make sure. Again, I'm so sorry."

Lee's eyes widen "That I know, he also hates Alex and children, he did after all kill the mirror Alex."

"He's evil." All the sudden, Deela got this cold chill and practically turned ghostly white. She didn't know what it was but something told her that she needed to leave. She got up very quickly, "I'm so sorry Lee. I need to leave." She walked quickly to the door, "Tell Alex I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." She left as quick as she came.


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