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He's Back!

Posted on Fri Feb 17th, 2023 @ 1:41pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant K`Wor & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Ensign Luke Conway & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Gul Mavek

1,010 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 1115hrs


Draven, Vercetti, Ruso, and Mavek stood in Bremer’s office while Mike stood behind his desk reading information from two different PADDs.

“This definitely shines new light on the situation.” Mike said as he finished reading. “And Tony told you that I just turned by back on him and told Starfleet Command he shouldn’t be promoted?”

“Basically.” Tom replied.

Mike nodded a moment, then tapped a few commands in on his desk. A moment later a holo of his letter to Starfleet appeared over his desk. “What I actually said was, that I supported Brunel’s promotion, however if it was found to be true that he was negligent in the incident between the USS Miami and a Cardassian ship on Stardate 53913.1, Captain Brunel should wait until the next promotion cycle to give him additional time to learn from this tragic mistake.”

Mike paused a moment. “I didn’t stand in his way or pull his promotion.”

“And now, all this time later, we believe the incident to have been staged.” Mavek stated.

Draven handed Mike another PADD. “I already wrote something up for you to send to Starfleet Command.”

Mike read the PADD over, he then copied the data from the other PADDs and his letter to Starfleet so many years ago to the PADD as well. “Where’s Tony now?”

“Sleeping off a few shots. Guest quarters on Level 731, room 187.” Vito replied.

“I’m going to go try to talk to him.” Mike said as he headed out of his quarters.

A few minutes later Bremer stepped out of the turbolift on Level 731. He turned to the left and started walking toward Tony’s room. As he looked up he saw someone walking toward him. Doing a double take, Mike stopped the man. “Mörderin!”

“Who?” The man asked. “My name is Karsun, I just got here a few days ago aboard a Bolian freighter after my ship had engine trouble.”

Mike squinted his eyes. “Don’t lie, I’m taking you into custody.”

Mike went to tap his commbadge but the man grabbed Mike’s arm. “I think you have me confused…Captain?”

Mike pulled his arm free and took a defensive step back. “It’s Fleet Admiral actually, and you know that. Now, stand down.”

The man closed his eyes and put his hand to his forehead. “Please, not so loud. I still have a bad headache from my ship taking damage. I was tossed down, but can’t remember much more.”

“I thought you said your engines had trouble.” Mike replied sarcastically.

The man nodded, “They did, and while drifting, I got caught in the path of a small asteroid and it hit my ship.”

Mike went to tap his commbadge again.

“Please, don’t.” The man said as he opened his eyes and looked up at Bremer.

A moment later, Tony stepped out of his room as he tried to blink to get the sleep out. He’d heard noises, like someone fighting. As he looked around, he saw Mike laying on the deck bleeding from his head and mouth. There was clear sign of a fight, and someone else’s blood was also on the desk and corridor wall but no one else was there. Tony looked down the corridor and heard a turbolift door shutting.

Burnel took a breath as he tapped his commbadge. “Security and Medial to Level…umm…I don’t know, just lock onto my commbadge and send someone now. Bremer is down.”

Tony checked Mike’s pulse and it was strong as he started to wake up.

“Whe…where did he go?” Mike said as he struggled to sit up.

“Turbolift.” Brunel said.

Mike blinked his eyes, then realized it was Tony there helping him. Mike looked to his sides and saw the PADD he’d be carried a few meters away. “Tony, read it.”

At the same time K’Wor, Conway, and a security team rounded the corner with Doctor McLintock.

“What happened?” K’Wor asked as he knelt by his father.

“Mörderin.” Mike replied as Kitty started to scan with her medial tricorder.

“He’s alive?” K’Wor asked, surprised.

Tony told Conway what he’d heard and saw, and Conway and two of the security officers ran down the corridor to the turbolift to trace where it went.

A moment later Draven, Vito, and Tom arrived on the scene too.

“He said it was Mörderin.” K’Wor said to them. “I read a report he was killed last year.

“Believed killed, and he’s going by Mörder now.” Draven replied.

Conway walked back, “The turbolift stopped on Level 100. Security was there, but when the doors opened it was empty.”

“So you lost him?” K’Wor replied angrily.

“I did…” Conway started before Mike cut them off as he stood.

“Now’s not the time for the petty beef between the two of you.” Mike leaned back for a moment as he balance stabilized. “Mörderin or Mörder or whatever he calls himself now…he said he arrived on a Bolian freighter.”

“Only one has been here in the last week. I know the Captain, I’ll talk to him.” Tom said.

Brunel stepped away and started reading the PADD.

“I have security teams on all decks between here and Level 100.” Conway added.

“Why would he get off near the Brig?” Vito asked.

“I’ll ask Lennox to send some Marines to the Brig, and sweep all levels between here and Level 100.” K’Wor added.

Mike tried to nod, but his head still hurt and was fuzzy.

“You have a concussion. I stopped the bleeding from your head and lip.” McLintock stated.

“Thanks Kitty.” Mike replied with a slight smile.

“Lek, help him to his Office. Let security and marines do their job.” McLintock added.

“Can I walk with you?” Brunel asked Mike as he walked back off.

Draven looked at Mike as Mike let another slight smile show. “Sure.”

“We’ll get him.” K’Wor assured his father.



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