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New Endeavors

Posted on Sat May 29th, 2021 @ 1:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

1,482 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Chief Science Officer's Office/Docking Port 17
Timeline: MD1, 1030 hrs


Nick had just came back from meeting with Lieutenant Xalanth about the newest addition to the Starbase 400, the USS Endeavor-A. Nick wanted to make sure that his new ship wouldn't come to the same fate as the last ship as quickly, if at all. He wanted to make sure that the newest Endeavor would last a bit longer and would end up in the mothball fleet before anything else.

He was about to take a seat at his desk after walking into his office when his combadge chirped.

"Operations to Commander Coleman," Lieutenant Maxwell, a young man from operations said.

Tapping his combadge, Nick replied, "Commander Coleman here. Go ahead Lieutenant."

Without missing a beat, Maxwell said, "Sir, we've got an incoming message from your brother. It appears it's coming from a ship entering the sector. Would you like me to patch him through and give them clearance?"

"Yes, please do. Coleman out," Nick said, closing the link to operations and walking over to his wall mounted comms device. The device fired up and showed the symbol of the United Federation of Planets, followed by a message, "Please Wait."

Nick knew that it must've been something important if Jonathan had pulled himself all the way out of Earth and the Corp of Engineers to come all the way to Starbase 400. He knew his team was working diligently on trying to get more information on the librarian, but Nick knew his teams had it down to a science here. So, what pulled him away like this?

The image of the Federation symbol was quickly replaced by the image of his brother on the bridge of a Federation Starship. The bridge design was different than that of most SCE ships and more advanced. When Jonathan finally began to smirk from ear to ear, Nick knew what this moment must've meant.

"Please tell me you've come bearing good news and nothing to tease me with brother. You know how I hate bad news," Nick said, offering up a small smile, as to not to give away his true emotions of growing joy and jubilation.

"Brother, say hello to the newest addition to Starbase 400. Say hello to the USS Endeavor-A. We'll be in Starbase 400's docking port here within a few minutes. Where shall we park her?" Jonathan said over subspace.

Nick, who had a regularly rough looking exterior, began melting like a puppy-dog. His ship was one of the ones that took the longest, but it was due to the fact that Nick wanted it done right the first time around. Not only that, he wanted to add some of the upgrades from the Starbase's Chief of Security. Once he composed himself, Nick looked back at Jonathan and replied, "Docking Port 17 is where her predecessor usually stayed, if I remember correctly. Park her there for now and I'll meet you there when you get in. Coleman out."

Nick headed straight out of his office and to the nearest turbolift. He wanted to get a bird's eye view of his ship coming into port and he knew the perfect places to watch it.

As soon as the doors parted ways, opening for Nick to walk through, he entered the empty turbolift and ordered it to take him to level 133. That housed the upper observation decks to view the incoming ships and would give him the best view of the USS Endeavor's arrival into port. Since he was on level 1607, it took several moments to get up to level 133, but it was perfect timing.

By the time Nick got to the windows, the outer doors were opening up and allowing him the first glimpse of the Athena-Class USS Endeavor-A. Overhead, he heard the computer announce the new arrival.

"Now hear this, now hear this. USS Endeavor-A arriving to Docking Port 17. Alpha Shift port crews report to Docking Port 17 for docking procedures. Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman, report to Docking Port 17 for transfer of command," the computer announced station wide, or at least in the immediate area.

Nick watched for another few seconds, watching his new baby arrive to the Starbase. He knew his brother was taking good care of her, so he knew he didn't have to worry about anything and it was now safely in the confines of the Starbase dock.

Quickly, Nick headed over to the same turbolift that deposited him onto level 133. It opened for him and he ordered it to Docking Port 17, which wasn't far off from where he was. Smiling from ear to ear, he knew this was just going to start a new adventure.

Once the doors opened, he began a sprint down the hallway to port 17 and waited along the Docking Crew for the doors to swing open.

"Standby, docking seals are being created. Seal created, opening doors to allow access to USS Endeavor-A," the computer announced overhead. As the doors opened, the docking crew allowed Nick to be the first one aboard, which he gladly accepted and quickly made his way up to the bridge of his ship.

Once the turbolift arrived to the bridge, it quietly opened and Nick walked out in awe. The ship was most definitely an sight to behold and he realized that the crew manning the ship had different uniforms on.

Standing up, Jonathan smiled and walked over to embrace his brother. Once he let out of the embrace, Jonathan said, "Welcome aboard, Nick. Say hello to the USS Endeavor-A."

Nick slowly walked around and looked back at his brother before chuckling. "Nice uniform. Is that the new one that is being implemented fleet wide?" Jonathan shrugged and replied, "More in likely. I know they've got them throughout Starfleet installations throughout the Terran Sector. I don't know when you guys are getting them though."

The next thing that he knew, the docking crew arrived on the bridge and Jonathan looked back at Nick, saying, "I guess that it's time to officially make this ship yours brother. Ready for the transfer of command codes?"

Nodding, both men walked over to what appeared to the be the Security/Tactical station, behind the row of command chairs. Jonathan and Nick placed their hands on the proper places and the computer voice chimed in.

"Commander Jonathan Coleman, Deputy Director of the Starfleet Corp of Engineers, do you wish to commence with the transfer of command codes to Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman, Chief Science Officer of Starbase 400?" the computer began. Jonathan replied, "Affirmative, computer. Begin transfer of command codes to Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman. Voice-Print Authorization Code, Coleman-Omega-Alpha-1-0-7."

Looking around, the entire bridge crew that Jonathan had brought with him on the mission, as well as the dock crew were watching the exchange of command codes. Both men remembered back, for the last few centuries, it was tradition for the bridge crew to watch and verify the transfer of command codes from one Commanding Officer to another. It might've been done in different ways, such as the time Edward Jellico was the CO of the Enterprise-D. But, it always made Nick feel a little weird because he was just excited for the new ship and adventures his team could go on to figure out the nature of the universe around him.

Coming back to face Jonathan, the computer said, "Transfer complete. USS Endeavor-A under the command of Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman, Chief Science Officer of Starbase 400."

There was a moment of silence followed by a small round of applause. Both men took their hands off the console and Nick slowly raised his hands. "Thank you all, but now is when the true work begins. Lets see what's out there," Nick said, smiling and allowing the next round of applause to die down naturally.

Jonathan smiled as he spoke to Nick. He said, "Any ideas on what you want to do first?"

Nick looked at his brother and said, "Yeah, you know what we've been working on that we recovered right before the war broke out? We've been working on getting through the layers of encryption from the librarian and I think we've been finding more and more out about this entity. I've got a meeting with my team coming up, if you wanted to come down? When you're free, of course."

Jonathan nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'll come down once my team is done here." Both men nodded and Nick said, "I'm going to meet with my team after lunch. How does that sound?"

Both men nodded and agreed. Nick didn't want to leave, but knew that all would be good. He had to head back to the Starbase and catch up on the updates from the Tholian device. This ship would allow for them to go back to Mendeck and figure out what was really going on and if there was anything left that could help them figure out who or what the librarian truly was.


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