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Just Another day

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 6:00pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

536 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Various
Timeline: MD3


Kah’lyn stepped out of the shower, it was the start of yet another morning with a mile long list of jobs that needed doing. As she ran the towel over her skin she couldn’t help but look at herself at the mirror, now at 12 weeks pregnant she had a small rounded bump starting to show and she couldn’t help but marvel at how it looked.

Croesus had been busy all night helping on the Ark Royal and his other duties so when he entered Kah'lyn in the shower was just what he was hoping for.

" Hellooo" he smiled.

"Ohh hey" Kah'lyn smiled. "I missed you last night." She gave Croesus a loving kiss.

" Mercy you are one hot Momma to be. We have a lot of repairs today. Are you up for it?" Croesus said caressing her bare shoulders.

“I’m up for it, but what about you?” Kah’lyn was enjoying the feel of Croesus’ strong hands on her shoulders. “You’ve been working all night as it is.”

" I will sleep when I am dead. But it is not a good day to die. I will jump in the shower and meet you in 10 minutes." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn smiled. “I would love to join you but I really need some breakfast before we go. I’m eating for two and don’t I know it! Good thing is my morning sickness has finally stopped.”

Croesus hurried through his shower, replicated his work attire and quickly hustled to join Kah'lyn for breakfast.

" I am as hungry as a targ."

“In that case it’s a good job I got you your favourite ready isn’t it?” Kah’lyn smiled as she brought him his plate before sitting down to eat her own breakfast. “I promised my father I’d take a trip over to his ship later. I doubt he’ll let me poke around too much but he’s promised to show me Engineering, though I doubt he’ll let me see too much, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for anything of interest.”

" Please understand when I say this...that I don't trust your father. It is too convenient that all of a sudden he wants to make friends. Be careful please." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn nodded, “I will, I promise. I’m not overly sure I trust him myself, there’s too many unanswered questions for me.”

" I wish I could go but I'm afraid I would be to cynical to my future father in law. When are you going?" Croesus replied.

“After my shift today” Kah’lyn offered a brief smile. “I’m not planning on being away for too long, it drives me crazy being away from you!” She grinned. “Besides I feel out of place on that ship, the way the crew look at me ... they don’t like having a half Romulan, especially one whose a Starfleet Officer, onboard their ship.”

" Well it's their loss and my gain. I want you ever second of every day. When you get back I will show you." Croesus smiled. " Now let's eat."

Kah’lyn smiled the biggest smile yet at Croesus’ comment, “Yes, please!”



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