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Lets get underway!

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 3:33pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Percy McWire

1,977 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: USS Ark Royal-A Bridge
Timeline: MD3 1500 hrs (Episode 8)

With the last crew members reported on board and Starbase 400 Operations having cleared them for departure, Jack was seated in the command chair on the Bridge of the Ark Royal-A and felt a sense of excitement as he sat forward with activity all around him.

Having Deela on board as well as Commodore Pike also gave Jack a sense of pride, knowing that they would see what the Vesta Class starship would be capable of as well as seeing Earth once more for what was to be a very special occasion.

Jack smiled before giving his orders, seeing Lt. Raven seated alone at the helm. "Very well people, stand by to get underway."

"Communications are ready, sir," Korso reported.

"Helm and Navigation ready," Raven reported.

"Operations ready, Impulse engines online. Warp power available at your command" reported Taloris from behind.

"Tactical ready to go," Xalanth said from his station having fully gone through the tactical systems.

"Thank you, Lt Xalanth," Jack said. Having already assigned Korso to Communications for the voyage, Jack was already happier that there were more experienced hands-on board.

Pressing the comm button on his chair, Jack signalled Engineering. "Bridge to Engineering, how are things looking down there Mr McWire? Are you happy for us to leave?" he asked.

Percy tapped his combadge "Everything’s is checking out fine. All systems are at 100%, Sir. We are ready to leave the Port and get on our way, Sir." he replied. He then continued his rounds in Main Engineering to get to know the Engineers and get familiar with his new assignment and its surroundings.

"That's good to hear, Bridge out," Jack said before he stood up.

"Very well. Lieutenant Taloris, Seal the airlock. Release docking clamps. Lt Raven, bring thrusters to one quarter until we are clear then bring us to impulse power...let's take this nice and easy," he said before sitting back whilst both Taloris and Raven acknowledged his orders.

The lift doors opened up and out stepped Lee, he looked around the bridge "At ease everyone." He then made his way to standoff in a corner, with his hands behind his back to watch.

Deela had been touring the ship and doing some inspections of her own. She made an executive decision to not be on the bridge during the undocking procedures. The presence of an Admiral tended to make people nervous. She wanted their full attention on getting underway, not focusing on her. Besides, this was Jack's moment, not hers. She would join Jack on the bridge later.

As the crew returned to duty, The Ark Royal-A continued her way out of Starbase 400's Spacedock and cleared the docking bay doors cleanly as she once again entered space. As the Vesta CLass made her way past the outer marker, Raven looked back at Jack.

"Sir, we've cleared the outer marker, we're free and clear to navigate," she confirmed.

"Very well, take us to one-third impulse. Once we are in free space, proceed to take us to slipstream velocity. Set a course for the Wolf System," he ordered.

"Aye Captain," Raven replied. Within a few minutes, the Ark Royal-A accelerated to impulse speeds before Raven confirmed that a course was set for the Wolf System.

"Very well, take us to Slipstream Velocity," Jack said. On the viewscreen, the stars blurred as the Vesta Class starship hyper-accelerated as she jumped into Slipstream and began making her way to the Wolf System. Once confirmed, Jack stood up and moved to the font of the Bridge, turning to face everyone.

"Good job people, now that we're underway, begin all routine work as per shakedown voyage protocols. I expect to hear from all department heads during the voyage with results of drills and tests. Once we arrive in the Wolf System, we'll test all defensive and offensive capabilities. Then we'll use the Warpdrive to take us to Spacedaock in Earth orbit. Carry on," Jack said after explaining what was expected as the travelled on route.

Once the crew had understood their orders, Jack looked over at Lt Caveel. "Number One, you have the Bridge, I'll be in my Ready Room for a while, I'm not to be disturbed except for the senior officers we have on board," he confirmed before walking over to the Ready Room and entering the office.

"XO has the conn," Caveel said as he took the Centre Seat, noting that Solomon seemed still a little excited to be taking out the Ark Royal-A on this...shakedown. The Bajor huffed quietly as he began looking at the list of tasks to be completed and those reports already coming in.

Once inside his Ready Room, Jack walked over to the window and enjoyed the view of the Vesta Class starship travelling at Slipstream velocity. Its differed in such a way to warp speed, but he admitted that he was getting used to it.

Deela was done touring the ship and decided it was time to see her husband to be. She stepped off the turbolift. When she did, Caveel stood up immediately. She put her finger to her mouth, shushing him and the bridge crew. Caveel pointed to the ready room. She walked up to the door and rang the chime.

Lee stood there in the corner of the bridge still watching all that was going on.

Jack was reading through the various schedules that were set up for the shakedown cruise and the areas that required investigation when he heard the door chime going. Without looking up, after hearing the doors close, he said: "Caveel, I'm pretty sure I said I wasn't to be disturbed, I know you're my new XO but I've only just left the Bridge."

Seeing Jack with his CO cap on, metaphorically speaking, Deela smiled and even chuckled a little to herself. After composing herself, she spoke in an authoritative voice, "Does this include your Commanding Officer?" She stood there with her Admiral cap on as well. This was going to be fun.

Jack looked up and automatically jumped to attention as he realized it wasn't Caveel but Deela standing before him. His sixth sense kicked in and he stood there before his other sense caught up.

"You know, that's not very funny... making me jump like that... Admiral," Jack said. He could see his wife was fighting to hold back a smile after her small joke just now.

"Well, you know, we ARE, technically on duty. Which means I outrank you and that means, you have to obey me and follow my commands." She was losing the battle of not smiling, even with her Vulcan training. She tortured him enough, "So, first order of business. Come here and give your soon to be wife a kiss."

"Yes ma'am," Jack said as he smiled and took an embrace of his wife to be. He kissed her gently as he held her before pulling back to take a breath. "So, this is really happening isn't it?" he asked Deela. They had waited so long to do this together.

"Yes, it is." She smiled, "It is not going to be the wedding we had hoped for but I don't mind. We have waited too long and I want us to be official."

"So do I," Jack said as he agreed with her. "We've been through too much and lost too much to wait any longer to be married. I want this so much, I want to see you happy and also see the look on your face when I call you Mrs Solomon..." he added with a cheeky grin on his face.

"And, I also get to take you there on a brand new starship as well, instead of the runabout I had put to one side," he added. "At least way, you get nice fresh large quarters on board." Jack was already thinking of the idea of a nice hot bath for them both when he got off duty.

"Oh, by the way, I noticed you weren't on the Bridge when we left, Although Commodore Pike was there to see us off," Jack noted.

"I wanted to be on the bridge with you but I felt that I would be a distraction." Being an empath had its pros and cons, "As soon as I walk onto the bridge, everyone's blood pressure goes up and they get nervous. Then they try so hard to do everything right, they make mistakes. I am sure that they took notice of Commodore Pike. But since his rank is somewhere between Captain and Rear Admiral, people do not get as nervous. Now put both an Admiral and a Commodore who are also the XO and Second Officer on the bridge, well, I thought it was best."

Deela stopped, took a breath and looked at Jack, "I hope you are not too upset that I wasn't with you. If I did, I am sorry."

Jack smiled as he understood why Deela wasn't there for the launch. "It's ok, I understand," he said. "You didn't upset me by not being there and if anything, its also good to know that you care about how the officers and crew feel when a senior flag officer is on board."

Holding her gently to him, Jack felt a glow about him and also about Deela. "I made sure that you and the other visitors have the best quarters possible, I didn't want there to be any issues about being on a new ship overseeing its operations and not getting a good nights sleep in the process," Jack explained.

"Good idea, thank you." Deela kissed him, "I am sure that they are grateful as well." After a moment of hugging, she stepped back a little, "When I came aboard, I gave myself a tour of your ship. I have never been on a Vesta class ship before. It's nice. How do you like it so far?"

Jack smiled as he felt a sense of pride in Deela's question. "I love it," he admitted straight away. "Quantum Slipstream drive, state of the art warp drive, ablative armour...Theres so many toys on board it's amazing, I can't wait to see what she can do when we get to the Wolf system."

Having already taken the Ark Royal out into combat without a shakedown cruise, Jack was impressed that both ship and crew were able to perform under such difficult conditions previously, however this cruise would give them a chance to run out any niggles.

"Hopefully you'll have a ship soon as well," Jack offered. "I feel bad that I was able to get a replacement so soon. The Essex was a fine vessel."

"She was." Deela loved her Intrepid class, "But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end." After a brief memory of the Essex crossed her mind, she smiled, "Well my dear. You have a ship to run and I have an appointment to talk to my kids. I get to tell them that we're coming to get them. If you need me, you know where to find me." She kissed him one more time and left. When Deela walked out, Casteel stood at attention. She nodded at him and then smiled as she left the bridge. Like she said, they always get nervous.

Meanwhile in engineering

Once Percy was done with his rounds he checked his padd to have a look at the shakedown procedure checklist. He prepared in advance a few simulations for the team to see how they would handle these scenarios. He prepped his team for the upcoming simulation that would happen spontaneously, not even he would know when the computer would start with the first ones. None of those simulations would cause any interferences with ships system. He was ready and he hoped his team was too.


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