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A long awaited Reunion

Posted on Thu May 28th, 2020 @ 11:35am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,617 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23
Timeline: MD5 1200h

Jewel needed to go see her very good friend Admiral T'Lar, she has been so busy that she totally forgot to stop by to say hello. Making her way to where she was and tapping the chime and waited for a response.

Jack had left to do whatever he had to do on his ship and she was just chilling on the couch. Once again, it was quiet with the kids off to the grandparents on Earth. She found herself dozing off when she heard the chime go off. She got up and went to the door and opened it.

Deela got this look of surprise, something that was very hard to do, "As I live and breathe."

"Hello my friend," she said with a smile as she hugged Deela, "It's been to long." She added.

Deela hugged her back, "If I knew that you were coming, I would have made arrangements to meet you." She motioned her to come in, "When did you get here and what have you been up to?"

She chuckled, "A couple days ago, but got busy with the switch in positions and getting caught up on what's going on." Jewel replied as she walked in and took a seat. "Oh a lot of things that seem to not go right but, I'll be alright in the end." Jewel added with a sigh.

Deela frowned, "I am so sorry to hear that." She was still standing, "Oh, where is my manners? Would you like something to drink? Tea," She had an opened bottle of wine that her and Jack hadn't gotten tio.

"Sure wine will be fine," she said with a smile. "After my very nasty divorce from David, I left and went back home to Qo'nos where the house of Pir'Up Pa rejected me and removed me from their house." She said as she took a sip, "to them the divorce was shaming the house." She added with a sigh. "So I been a Klingon without a house, no honor in their eyes." She added, "I have yet to talk to Mike about that, though I have had many opportunities to but I am to ashamed." Jewel replied looking at her.

"To top that off the twins, won't speak to me. They went off to the Academy, the two younger children are home with with my father and step-mother." She added "Then to learn my sister was killed in action, not been my year." She said sitting there.

Deela handed her a glass and sat down next to her. Putting her hand on her shoulder, "Don't be ashamed. It was not your fault. As for David, well, I cannot say that I have had a good experience with him since your divorce. No respect and major anger issues. It had gotten so bad that I had to restrict him to his quarters one time. He changed and not for the best."

Deela realized that she was ragging on someone who was no longer on the ship, "I am sorry. You don't need me pouring salt in old wounds." She sipped her wine.

Jewel chuckled, "I been hearing that name a lot the last couple of days." Jewel said looking at Deela, "I heard that he didn't wait long to get remarried, and that he had a daughter he didn't know about." Jewel replied with a sigh.

"Pretty much. To tell you the truth, he scared me and you know it takes a great deal to do so. I could sense so much hostility especially when I didn't rule in his favor. It radiated off him and gave me such a headache. Jack and I only went to the wedding because we had to show up, not because we wanted to. He had just gotten out of sickbay after coming out of a coma. The only thing that made it nice was having Jack with me and dancing together. We have not done that for a while now." She took a big gulp of her wine.

Shaking her head, "well he is gone now." She said with a sigh, "Maybe I'll find love again..." She said looking down at her glass. "But, I won't hold my breathe...two failed marriages." She said taking a sip, "Sorry to hear about Earl, he was such a good Tiger." She said looking at Deela.

"Thank you. At least he died a hero. He saved all those kids from getting killed." She missed him as much as she missed the kids, "He was getting old and was having health issues. I do not think he would have lasted another year. But this way, he died with honor."

"He did," Jewel said with a smile. "So when's the wedding?" She asked looking at her.

"We haven't set a date yet. Once we get Starbase 400 back, I think we will do it them once things settle. We still need to get the kids back and we will probably go somewhere before we get them, a short getaway. It seems like whenever we decide a date, someone else gets married. This time, I think we will be spontaneous." She smiled, "So, are you sticking around?"

She smiled, "This time yes. I know I shouldn't have run from my problems but things would probably only got worse with David if I stayed. Plus I needed to get away, think and get my mind straight." She said as she looked at him. "Plus I am the 1st Marine Division CO so I won't be going anywhere." Jewel said with a smile.

"Oh, congratulations." She thought for a moment, "I did not get the memo I guess. Not surprising though. Bremer and I haven't talked much since we arrived here so I did not hear you were back. But I am glad you are. It has been pretty quiet without the kids. I could use the company."

She chuckled, "It only just happened a couple days ago. Was just going to be the Executive Officer of the Division but Ross wanted to have me in charge as he felt he wasn't ready and wanted to learn from me I guess." Jewel replied with a shrug of the shoulders. "I hear ya the two oldest are now in Starfleet Academy and the two youngest are with my father and step-mother." Jewel replied, "I miss them so.." She said looking at her taking a sip.

"I'll be glad when we get back home," she added.

"So will I. So will I." Deela finished off her wine, "I am missing so much right now. Brandon has his Betazoid telepathic abilities now. My mother is trying to help him with it. I wanted to be the one but this damn war. And Raivyn, well, Raivyn is Raivyn. Still shy."

"Alena seems to be that way, but I am sure they will grow out of it as they grow older." Jewel replied, "Now Daniel on the other hand he is anything but shy." Jewel laughed. "That is awesome that Brandon has got his abilities now, I know it's hard but at least it's your mother helping and not someone else." Jewel replied looking at her.

Deela chuckled, "Sounds like Daniel and Brandon would get along." Chuckling again, "Brandon is so funny. When I talked to him last, he told me that my dad never smiles. I tried to explain to him that it is his way. Apparently, my dad is trying to train him in the Vulcan way but I do not think that Brandon is going for it." She turned serious again, "By the time the kids get back, I am not going to recognize them." She was sure Jewel was thinking the same thing about hers

"I hear ya there." Jewel replied with a smile. "So, what else has been new other then this stupid war." Jewel replied looking at her.

Deela wasn't aware that she had already met with Bremer, "I do not know if you heard but Bremer's wife was killed. I know how he feels. He was really messed up for a while there. I do not think that I have ever seen him like that. I know what it is like to want revenge. When we were battling on Starbase 400, there was some Gorns and I so wanted to shoot them all for killing Jim. I do not think that it would have satisfied me though. He took off and left me in charge. I was not happy. Not because I cannot run things when it gets tough but it was the way he did it."

"Yes I know...I was on Earth with our father when I found out. She's one of the reasons why I choose to return," Jewel said as she stood up walking over to the window. Tears running down her face, and the next little while was silence.

Deela sat there for a moment, then joined her. She put her hand on Jewel's shoulder, "I'm glad you did even if it was under the circumstance."

She nodded, "I know." Jewel replied looking at her. She looked at the time, "I have to head back got some things on the Kearsage that I need to take care of. To make sure things are 100% before we leave here." Jewel replied with a smile. "Will have to have a girl's night once we are back home," Jewel said smiling.

"Okay. That sounds like a plan. I am glad you came to see me." Deela returned her smile.

She nodded, "me to." She said as she gave Deela a hug and then headed on her way. So many things to do so little time to get them done.


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