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The Little Voice in my Head

Posted on Fri May 22nd, 2020 @ 4:55pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

1,092 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23
Timeline: MD4 1700 hrs


Croesus returned to duty after going by sickbay for a routine bio scan. The local medical staff seemed very eager to study his physique given his human/klingon make up. An very eager nurse quickly dispatched a gown but Croesus declined her eagerness.

When it was revealed that no sign of tampering had occured minus the bruises Croesus exited and resumed duty.

Local operations had most of the duty cycle covered so Croesus decided to relive his experience in the holodeck. As a new technique allowed the user to wear exterior implants to boost memory this holo ride would be as real as any other he had ever done.

Kah’lyn had been to Sickbay and had herself thoroughly checked out. She knew there’d be questions about the event and she needed to prove that she had nothing to hide. A full medical and tests later she had the results copied to a PADD and went to find Croesus. The whole experience had left her feeling unsettled to say the least, something about it was niggling away at the back of her mind.

< Holodeck >

Before him sat identical dopplegangers of himself and Kah'lyn playing out what Croesus remembered prior to their capture. Like a voyeur Croesus watched the scenes unfolding.

Kah’lyn arrived outside the holodeck, she paused for a moment before finally stepping inside. She gasped as she came face to face with a replay of what they’d just been through. She walked up to Croesus “Have ... you found anything?”

" Kah'lyn!" Croesus smiled. " No I was hoping you could come. Maybe if you add your memory to the format we can find some answers? But before you do I have to do this..." Croesus said as he took her into him and kissed her gentle.

Kah’lyn practically melted into Croesus’ arms and the kiss. She needed to feel the closeness between them right now. As their lips parted she smiled. “You keep that up and we won’t be paying much attention to the program for long.”

Croesus smiled but backed up.

" I owed you that. I need answers, something doesn't add up." Croesus added.

“What doesn’t add up?” She looked at Croesus somewhat confused.

"We saw the probe destroyed yet it was full functioning when we head back. They let us go...Romulans don't let people go unless they have an agenda. They shot me but not you at first?"

“Let me show you what I remember” she walked over to the arch and added her recollections by linking in her report on the event. She returned to Croesus’ side as the program updated and restarted.

He stepped over to her and added the temporal buds.

" These are amazing, like you."

Kah’lyn smiled. “So what will these tell us that we don’t already know?”

" We only remember certain points in a dream. These magnifiers fill in gaps we missed."

Kah’lyn nodded. “Okay so let’s see what this shows us.” She looked at Croesus but for some reason she had butterflies about what it might show.

Croesus story merged with Kah'lyn's up to the point when he was shot. Then it showed her crouching over him and then went dark. Like a flicker another image appeared but then showed them in the cells and later the Gallant.

" What was that flicker? Computer replay image 234." Croesus asked.
" What is that image?"

Croesus looked to Kah'lyn for imput. " Computer clear up the image." and it cleared up slightly.

" Do you know this person?" he asked her.

Kah’lyn shook her head. “No, I don’t. I don’t remember there being anyone else, I tried to defend you and they shot me too!”

Croesus was stumped as the image hung in the midst.

" Computer interpret possible variations of bio image."


" REMAN I dont remember any Remans present?" Croesus reacted to Kah'lyn.

“Neither do I” Kah’lyn couldn’t help but feel creeped out by what the program was extrapolating. “What ... does this mean?”

" A speculation of an after image...someone you saw not me. These are your memories." Croesus replied.

“But ... why don’t I remember?!” She shook her head, the feeling in the pit of her stomach was getting worse. “I swear to you ... I don’t remember!!”

" Have you ever heard of a katra? A Vulcan soul?" Croesus asked her.

Kah’lyn nodded. “Yes, I have.”

" Synaptic pattern displacement has the same effect. I used to be Chief Science of a starship many years ago." Croesus replied.

“So you’re saying that I’m carrying someone around inside my head?” She looked at Croesus confused. “That’s what happens with Vulcan Katra isn’t it?”

" I can't prove anything but synaptic pattern displacement or something similar might be a possibility. We need to find a Vulcan priest fluent with the katra." Croesus replied.

“So what does that mean for me?!” Kah’lyn looked at Croesus. “If the Admiral thinks I’m a risk he’ll throw me in the brig and never let me out again!!” She shook her head and started pacing. “Plus I’ll lose you ... won’t I?”

" No. When I make a friend it's for life. In the mean time I will snoop around. Starbase 23 has a lot of people in and out. I will ask Korel to look around for us too. He has a few connections. Computer secure the holodeck.


" Now where was I." Croesus said as he began kissing Kah'lyn again.

Kah’lyn took a moment but she soon melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Croesus. As their lips eventually parted she looked up at him. “So is that all I am to you ... a friend, or are we more?” Her fingers were already working on his clothing.

" What ever is going on I won't let you do this by yourself. I guess what I am saying is I love you Kah’lyn Chiara." Croesus answered.

* A little voice inside her said something else. He does not love you. He pities you Kah'lyn.*

Kah’lyn shook off the nagging voice in her head as she smiled at Croesus. “I love you too.”

Those words meant the world to Croesus but the voice persisted inside Kah'lyn’s mind.

* He doesn't love you *

Kah’lyn pushed aside the voice again, right now she wanted to enjoy her time with Croesus if the voice would let her.



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