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Making Port

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2020 @ 2:24pm by Captain Jack Solomon

770 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Ark Royal arriving at Deep Space Six
Timeline: MD3 0600hrs

Having completed his call with Deela, Jack took some time to gather his thoughts, safe in the knowledge that the Ark Royal was due to arrive at DS6 with the rest of the fleet within the next hour.

With Lieutenant Yosemite settling into her role as XO quick quickly, it helped that she had managed to get status reports from all of the ship's departments around an hour before the Ark Royal was due to arrive. Having them already on his desk, Jack had already decided that he was going to check on them before leaving the ship.

Before completing his slow walk of the Bridge, Jack stopped before the Operations and Helm stations. Lieutenants Taloris and Raven were regular crew onboard the Ambassador class starship every time she went out on a mission or tour, except this time, like everyone else, there were on an extended tour.

"So, how are we looking, ladies?" he asked gently, knowing that they had both been on duty for quite some time.

"Sir, I'm operating within the norm if that's what you wish to know?" asked Taloris, giving her typical raised eyebrow at a question she felt didn't require being asked.

"Well that's good to know, Lieutenant, however, I was referring more to the chance of being able to get some time off ship whilst we are serving on and assisting the crew aboard DS6," Jack explained, worried that his point may have been missed somehow by his Operations Officer.

"I'm ready to serve sir. As per my orders, I'll be ready to serve on either the Ark Royal or aboard the station as required."

Jack smiled. "I'll take that as a yes then," he replied. Looking over at the helm, he got the feeling that Raven had other ideas. "Lieutenant?" he asked.

"I'll be glad to get some off-ship time, sir, if you pardon the poor choice of words," Aeryn explained. "Its good to take the old girl out, don't get me wrong, but it's also good to get used to some time aboard a station again...even if it isn't home."

"Agreed," Jack said, as he could feel the weight of having to leave behind SB400 bear upon him and Raven and it was something that he'd also seen in others on board.

"It'll be good to see what our direction is one we arrive. Either way, I know that the crews of the SB400 starships will still be tied to those ships, so I'm not losing anyone on my watch or from my team," he assured them. Hearing an alert ping for attention Raven checked her console.

"Captain, we're coming into range of DS6," she reported. Jack nodded as he made his way back to the conn and took his seat. He looked up in time to see Rhae enter the Bridge and take her seat as well. Looking at her, Jack was intent on seeing if she was ok as well.

"How's the old girl doing Rhae?" he asked as she made herself comfortable in her new position on the bridge.

"Green across the board sir, all of department head reports are waiting in your Ready Room," she replied. He could see her relax a little as she noticed DS6 on the viewscreen. "So, we're almost there."

"A few more minutes," Jack responded. "Taloris, hail DS6, let's get docking procedures underway please."

"Aye Captain," nodded the Vulcan Operations Officer as she opened a channel.

"Deep Space Six Operations, this is the USS Ark Royal, Ready for docking manoeuvre," she requested. As the Deep Space station loomed into view, Jack held his breath as he took in the sight. It was good to see another Federation starbase again, but it wasn't SB400...a thought he tried to hide away for now.

"USS Ark Royal, this is Deep Space Six Operations, you're cleared for docking 15," replied the Operations Officer. "We're already welcoming ships from SB400, please make yourself at home during your extended stay. What's ours is yours," they replied.

Jack smiled as the welcoming mat was rolled out for them and already felt a little safer. Once docking was completed, he made sure that the various assignments were handed out and let Rhae get on with her job. He headed back to the Ready Room and began reading the Department reports, knowing that he was due to check in soon with the other ships from SB400 and also find out what was in store for him on DS6.

For now, they had a new home, but it was the old home that Jack wanted to get back to...and soon.


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