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Checking In...

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2020 @ 1:53pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Jack Solomon

1,512 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Ark Royal, enroute to DS6 & USS Essex, enroute to SB23
Timeline: MD3, 0600 hrs

With his shift on the Bridge complete, Jack headed to his Ready Room to get some paperwork finished before something else came up.

Ordering a fresh Raktajino from the Replicator, he headed to his desk where a couple of PADDs were waiting that required his attention. Once he checked the reports upon then and was happy with what he'd seen, he signed them off and relaxed in his chair a little.

As the stars remained a blur whilst the Ambassador Class starship continued at warp towards her destination of Deep Space 6, Jack made a decision. Leaning forward he activated the terminal on his desk and waited for confirmation.

"Computer, open a secure channel to the computer terminal in the Ready Room onboard the USS Essex, message for Admiral T'Lars eyes only, confirm," he requested.

"Secure comm line confirmed," the terminal responded. Jack smiled. "Excellent, send the following message on the secure channel... Stop working and come talk to me instead...acknowledge."

The terminal beeped its confirmation. "Message sent directly to Terminal location.

Jack sat back and waited.

Deela was in her quarters, lying on her couch and listening to music. She was still thinking about Jack and her kids. She chuckled a little, imagining them trying to play a game with her Vulcan father. She was pretty sure that he was teaching her son what it means to be a Vulcan.

She got up to get her something to drink. Once poured, she decided to take it back to the bridge. She stepped into her Ready Room. Her terminal beeped almost instantly. She opened it and laughed at his message. She answered it and saw Jack's smiling face. A smile spread across her mouth as well.

"Jack! Ah, a friendly face. How is everything on the Ark Royal" She sat down in her chair and leaned forward a bit.

"Ah, finally, there you are," Jack joked as he saw Deela's face appear on the monitor. "It's going slowly but it's going. We're on our way to our destination but having to keep pace with the civilian transports so it's slower going than normal," he explained.

Even though this was still a secure channel, Jack made sure not to give away too much information, despite know that Deela knew where he was going. You never knew if others were listening.

"I know I've been ending the various system and status reports to you, but I wanted to get in touch and speak to you, have a more personable conversation, if you will," he started.

Jack paused for a moment. " I love you Deela... I miss you and the kids... its why I wanted to get back in touch and I wanted to talk to you..." He stopped and then realized that he was not just talking to his beloved but also his superior officer and knew that there could be a level of trouble here. "I just got you back, after everything on the Starbase and then suddenly we're ripped apart by orders to proceed to two different areas of space..."

"I love and miss you too." She tried to hold back her emotions, "I know it is hard. And I miss the kids too. The good news is that I was able to talk to the kids." She chuckled, "Brandon asked me why my father does not smile. I am very sure that my father right now is trying to teach him what it means to be a Vulcan. You know what is sad? I am missing teaching my son how to deal with his telepathic abilities. It should be me teaching my son." She leaned back in her chair, "Sorry." She hated being so emotional.

Jack hated being so far apart when seeing Deela looking like this. He knew that she was juggling her role both as Commander of the Essex as well as XO of SB400 during this difficult time, however, he also knew how much she missed the kids.

"Don't be, it's fine, I understand," he said, trying to comfort her. "Brandon knows how much you wanted to teach him his abilities and he also understands that your father is a more orthodox Vulcan than most. I'm sure he'll use the time wisely."

Deela nodded, "Yes, most definitely.'

"You know, I still haven't met the parents yet... just saying that it might be a good idea once we're back on regular duty, whether it's on the starbase or serving aboard the Essex or Ark Royal," Jack suggested. "I was hoping that after the incident and the recovery, that we could get some time together, you, me and the kids...hell I even had a Runabout on standby to go whenever we wanted."

Despite the current situation, Jack wanted to be at her side, to comfort her and to help her feel a little easier about the kids being away during this difficult time. Jack also wanted to take them all away from it all as well.

"If and when this issue gets resolved, we have to go get the kids. And when we do, you can meet both of them. My mother is excited about meeting you. My father, well, you can never tell with him. He can be very intimidating. But I am not worried about you." She cussed under her breath, then her demeanour changed, "We are going to win this war and then you are going to win my father over."

Jack smiled as Deela agreed about going away and getting some time together. He was also happy about the idea that he would be able to meet her parents as well.

"Well, I stand by your orders, Admiral," he said in a mocking manner. "No seriously, I agree. When the war is over, we'll go get the kids and I'll get the chance to meet your parents. Your mother will love me and your father...well, he'll love me as well." Jack showed confidence with his last statement and he knew that he was setting himself up for a difficult task. A task he was up for nonetheless.

"And before we go get the kids, we're going to find a way for some us time together...somewhere along the line, we're going to meet up or something and we'll get some us time. that's a promise, beloved," he said gently.

"If not, we can always do something before we get the kids. I love them but it is important for us to have some quality time with each other too without any distractions." She worried that this war would not be over anytime soon. She was ready to get back to Starbase 400, "After that, we can get the kids, go home and get married. We have put this wedding on hold long enough."

Deela wasn't smiling anymore, "To tell you the truth, I think we need to stop running with our tails between our legs and get a strategic plan to take our home back." She added, "And I DO want my home back."

Jack knew when Deela was serious and he saw this right now, in their conversation. He missed his home as much as she missed hers and he wanted to be back there as soon as was feasibly possible. "Hell, I'm all for taking the fight to the enemy," he agreed. "We need to fight back and soon. I'm just hoping that our divided forces are only stopping over at both Starbase 23 and DS6. That way we can come back harder on the enemy and take back what is ours."

Jack sat back for a moment, thinking. "Then, once we have our home back, we'll take some quality time together, then go get the kids, go home and get married," he chuckled. He was starting to feel a little better speaking with Deela and it was helping to alleviate his missing her.

"Sounds perfect." She smiled.

"Either way, we have a plan. Now we just need the brass to come up with a strategy to go back." A statement which he felt was easier said than done. Before he carried on, there was a beep from his desk panel. pressing the request, an info stream displayed that the Ark Royal was an hour out from arriving at Deep Space 6.

"Hmmm, looks like the Ark Royal will be docking soon at DS6. I'll need to go and get things prepped," he said, with a tone of disappointment in his voice.

"And us at Starbase 23." She also sounded disappointed, "You keep safe and we will get our home back. I love you."

"I love you too," Jack said as he kissed two fingers and pressed them against the screen, hoping she would understand his gesture to her.

Deela knew what it meant and it made her smile. She did the same, "See you soon." Saying goodbye seemed too final.

Jack managed a smile as the channel ended. He felt happier that they had spoken, but the distance apart still hurt for now. He sat back in his chair as he considered his thoughts.


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