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Something Special

Posted on Sun Apr 19th, 2020 @ 11:24am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,214 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase Holodeck
Timeline: MD2 1930 hrs


Freya stepped off the shuttle from the Mercy, she’d decided to catch up with a Kaden, as he’d decided to visit the Starbase. At the time she hadn’t felt like going out but thinking it over she wanted to spend what free time they had together.

Walking along the station promenade a shop selling women’s maternity clothing and baby goods caught her eye. It wasn’t just that, it was some maternity size sexy lingerie that made her smile.

Kaden was across the store with his back turned eating a sandwich after Vox dismissed him to go home. He took another bite but couldn't help noticing a couple of ladies was busy checking him out. Which both made him uncomfortable and irritated they both waved to him. Kaden forced a smile on his face doing his best to be polite but took the opportunity to flash his wedding ring at them that seemed to cause all interest from them to go away as they sat up and left.

Freya couldn’t help but notice a coupe of women talking about a very well built handsome man they’d just encountered. Making her way across from where they’d just come she walked over behind Kaden. “Hi handsome!”

Kaden pulled Freya down into the seat next to him. "Thank god, you are here been getting all sorts of looks it is driving me nuts." He said feeling a bit uncomfortable from the unwanted attention.

“Well the ladies that left here seemed to like you, at least that’s the impression I got.” Freya smiled. “I feel lucky to have you as my husband and protector.”

Kaden took another bite of his sandwich. "I feel the same about you it's just I can't sometimes stand the attention from others." He said to her.

“I know you can’t Imzadi.” She smiled. “How’s about once you’ve finished eating we go and do something nice together? We could spend some time in the holodeck in that home in the woods you love so much?”

Kaden took another bite of his sandwich before sitting up from his seat. "I can finish this on the way." He replied as he desposed the plate back in the replicator.

Freya nodded. “Let’s see if we can get the use of a holodeck here on the station for a while. If not there’ll probably be one free on the Mercy.”

Kaden took another bite of his sandwich. "I am sure we can find one." He looked at the love of his life. "Did you miss being with me? I am sorry I got hungry after Vox let me go home hope you didn't mind."

“I did miss you” Freya nodded. “But I don’t mind, it’s nice to see you out with friends!” She smiled happily.

"Anything to keep me from going stir crazy." Kaden retorted.

“Hey, you’ll get back to work soon enough.” Freya smiled as she held onto Kaden’s arm. “If you’re that bored I can always pick up some reports for you to read.”

Kaden had finished the last if his sandwich before stopping with his hands on his hips. "I thought you said if we was going to be couple it was a rule we leave our jobs out at the office or has that changed now?"

“No that hasn’t changed, I’m making an exception for you. I’m not saying you can’t read reports, just don’t bring a bad day home with you.” She offered a smile.

Kaden shook his head he had always felt it was a good rule to keep work at the office. "Hey I know you bend the rule a little to be my unofficial counselor when I need it. But I still value keeping work at our jobs like we promised I will be fine Lennox and the guys got things handled. I am sure we can find something else to keep us occupied." He kissed Freya on her head and held her close.

Freya smiled and nodded. “Agreed. I just want to see you happy not bored because you can’t work.”

Kaden ruffled Freya's black hair. "Thanks, but if I get too bored I can always hang out in the holodeck to entertain myself."

Freya grinned and straightened her hair. It didn’t take them long to get to the holodeck, luckily it was free for the next 3 hours so Freya was quick to book the whole slot so she and Kaden could spend some relaxing time. She looked at Kaden as she told the computer exactly what they wanted and where before the doors eventually opened to reveal a peaceful forest area with a track leading to a cabin within.

As Kaden walked down the trail his face lit up. "You know I did miss you." He turned to Freya his arms wide open to give her a hug. But instead of hugging his wife he walked past her to his 24th Century truck parked nearby and hugged it. But much as he loved it he was only teasing Freya as he turned to face her as she was shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

“I swear there’s times I wonder if you’d be out with that more than me if we lived on Earth!” She grinned playfully before heading inside the cabin and sitting herself down on the soft blanket covered sofa in front of the fire place.

Kaden followed her in and sat down beside her. "I may love my truck but she is nothing compared to you."

Freya smiled. “I know, I was just kidding!” She happily leant forward and kissed him longingly and passionately. “You are everything I’ve ever wanted Imzadi.”

"Freya, how is it every time I try to talk to you about the idea of living in a place like this you seem to ignore it?" Kaden asked suddenly. "Does my idea of living this sort of lifestyle not appeal to you?"

“Are you kidding! I love this!!” She looked at the fireplace which now had a burning fire thanks to the holodeck settings. “I don’t say much because...we can’t have this living on the station. I’d love a more permanent home like this but Earth is so far from the station we wouldn’t get home very often.”

"What about after? when we retire or maybe join the reserves? We could always do that couldn't we?" Kaden looked at the fire place as well watching the fire burn the logs inside.

“I guess we could buy a place on Earth and maybe on another planet nearer the station? It could be our holiday home and retirement home for later years?”

Kaden leaned back still watching the fire. "That be nice, but what about Betazed? Don't you want to stay close to home as well?"

She nodded. “How’s about we update your parents old house on Earth? They did say we could have it if we wanted, it does have the boat shed and the tree house!” She grinned. “Then we can buy ourselves a property on Betazed to go with it.”

"I gave that place to my sister she always liked that house more than I did." Kaden stood up and tossed in another log into the fireplace. "Besides I rather live on a different planet."

Freya nodded. “In that case we’ll just buy our ideal home on Betazed. There’s plenty of wooded areas there where you could have this very home built if you wanted.” She smiled warmly. “I’d like to spend shoreleave time letting our son run around in fresh air, not recycled air.”

Kaden walked back over to Freya and sat back down next to her. "Speaking of our son, we need to start thinking of a name for him. I don't think ' Hey You' is going to be a nice one for him."

“Any ideas?” Freya gazed at Kaden curiously.

Shrugging Kaden just stared at the fire. "No idea but it has to be a catchy name..." He reached into his jacket and pulled out his personal PADD. "I downloaded an entire list of boy and girl names so we could get started."

Freya gazed at the PADD with him. “Show me your favourites and I’ll see what we agree on.”

Kaden browsed thru the list on his PADD there was so many to choose from he figured he just point to any random name on the list. "What about Bob?"

“Bob?” Freya shook her head. “No way! Too plain. Let’s find something unusual like your name. Do you like Isaac or Logan?”

"My name is unusual?" Was all Kaden could ask feeling a bit confused. "Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?"

Freya smiled. “It’s a good thing! So do you like Isaac or Logan?”

What about...Kal or Konnor?" Kaden replied.

“I don’t mind Kal, it sounds nice” Freya smiled.

Kaden set his PADD down on his lap. "That is Superman's name you know..." He told her.

“I know, Kal-El” she smiled. “So are we Agreed on Kal?”

Kaden raised an eyebrow he was bit surprised on how fast it took to think of a name. "Well, I suppose so it's just I thought it take us a while to figure out a name."

“Yeah I guess it was a bit quick” Freya nodded. “How’s about we keep looking and make a short list of names?” She picked up another PADD. “Okay so...Kal to start, what else?”

"How about you think of a few?" Kaden suggested as he handed her his PADD.

Freya scrolled through the names, “There are so many! I don’t know what to choose!”

Kaden certainly understood what Freya was saying but it wasn't just his kid she needed to add a few names of her own as well into the hat. "Well, Logan sounds nice too."

“It does but I’m not sure whether to add that to my list or not, what about Kyle?” She sighed choosing names was a frustrating process in some ways.

"Add that to the list..." Kaden then took the PADD from Freya before he planted a kiss on her. "Say, is this all you brought me here for was to discuss baby names or was there another motive?"

“Well...” Freya smiled. “I was hoping we could spend some romantic time together while we’ve got the chance. This small bump is going to get bigger yet, I’m only just around 20 weeks plenty of time for more growth.”

Kaden kissed her bump a few times as he gently rubbed it. "I am not complaining it is a very cute bump and our son is growing very nicely." He replied.

“He loves listening to your voice” Freya smiled. “He’s getting to know you through the sounds he hears inside me. The more you talk to him, the better he’ll know your voice.”

Kaden's eyes widened as he got to his feet. "He is thinking that?" He asked in bewilderment. "Wow, what a kid just be sure when he is born he treats Artemis know how much I love that cat."

“It’s a case of teaching children to respect animals Imzadi. I just hope Artemis will like the baby. Cats can be very territorial.”

"Not asking me to get rid of my cat are you?" Kaden asked.

“No way! I love him too you know!” Freya smiled. “Artemis is family.”

Kaden breathed a sigh of relief for moment he was scared Freya would say yes. "Thank God, had me going there for a moment." He resumed running his hand over her baby bump. "I have to admit I wish he come now."

“I know, but it’s too early yet my love. Besides we won’t have so much time for ourselves once this little one is born, so let’s enjoy it while we can.”

"I suppose you are right but since we are alone...had any ideas?" Kaden asked softly.

“Well there’s a nice roaring fire and a lovely soft rug in front of it...” Freya smiled as she ran her fingers across Kaden’s chest. “We haven’t made love in front of a roaring fire since this little one was conceived.”

Kaden's eyes widened as big as saucers as he watched Freya run her fingers over his chest. "So...uh...feeling quite frisky are you?"

Freya paused and smiled. “Why do you sound so nervous? It’s not like we don’t make love anymore.”

Kaden lifted his index finger. "But wasn't carrying our son at the time either." He pointed out.

“We’ve made love since then, haven’t we?” Freya frowned. “It doesn’t feel that long ago...or was it?”

Kaden gently turned Freya's head to him by her chin. "Freya, are you going to shut up and kiss me so we can remedy that or what?" He asked with a grin.

Freya’s smile beamed as she wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck and gave him a passionate kiss.


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