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Once More Unto the Breach

Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2020 @ 6:37pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar & Petty Officer 1st Class Aquilina de Luca

1,001 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 104 - A Glimmer of Hope...
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 0945hrs


It had been nearly a month since the USS Calidorn returned K'Temoc and others to Starbase 400. Nearly a month since Janice Fultian-Bremer was killed. And nearly a month since Bremer and the Pegasus had set off on their revenge mission behind enemy lines.

K'Temoc was in his office on Level 7 of section A-1 on Starbase 400. K'Temoc hadn't shaved since returning to Starbase 400 and was now sporting a full beard. He also hadn't heard a word from his brother, however he knew he was still alive and the Pegasus was in one piece.

"When did this come in?" K'Temoc asked.

"Just a few minutes ago. Both Republic Intelligence and Klingon Imperial Intelligence report the supply convoy from Alpha Volantis to RDB8 was destroyed about eight hours away from RSB8. The Romulans identified the attacker as the USS Pegasus. Three cargo ships and two escorts, a Preax and an older Battlecruiser were also destroyed. A Valdore type Warbird responded and the Pegasus cloaked and fell back." Commander Rann explained.

K'Temoc nodded. "I better report to the Admiral, thank you."

Rann nodded as he left K'Temoc's office.

Several minutes later K'Temoc arrived in Ops. He walked over to Admiral T'Lar and Commodore Pike and handed T'Lar a PADD.

"Latest intel reports. The Federation Ninth Fleet with elements of the Eighth Klingon Battlegroup and Fifth Cardassian Order attacked Breen and Tzenkethi positions along the borders in the Alpha Quadrant and inflected heavy damage, taking only minor losses. Also, the Federation Second Fleet has been assigned to defend key Federation worlds in the Beta Quadrant, Vulcan, Bolarus, Benzar, Rigal, and Archer systems. Starfleet has sent the Seventh Fleet from the Breen front to the Beta Quadrant and they should be arriving at Starbase 23 in the next few hours. It feels like the Alliance is about to go on the offensive here soon." K'Temoc explained.

T'Lar looked at the contents of the PADD as she listened to K'Temoc, "You may be right." She finished reading the contents.

Lee stood there listening to everything.

K'Temoc handed another PADD to T'Lar. "I still haven't heard from him, but Commander Rann received this today." The PADD outlined the information about the Pegasus K'Temoc had been informed of earlier.

T'Lar handed Pike the PADD in her hand before taking the PADD from K'Temoc. After reading it, she sighed a sigh of relief. A month and no word from him, she was very concerned about him, "Finally...something. I see that your brother has been busy." Deela started to say something else when she turned towards the turbolift.

Lee took the padd he was handed and started reading it over.

"Admirals." MacLeod said as he stepped out of the turbolift. "I was in the CiC when this came through."

MacLeod handed K'Temoc and T'Lar PADDs. They explained that a Gorn and Tholian fleet attacked the Klingon base Ty'Gokor Station and heavily damaged it. At the same time, a Breen fleet attacked and nearly destroyed the Cardassian Manora Shipyards that had been rebuilt in the years after the Dominion War. To add to the bad news, a Romulan fleet attacked and heavily damaged the San Francisco Fleet Yards in Earth orbit and then raided the medical facilities on Denobula before they were eliminated by the Federation Third Fleet that had responded to the attacks.

K'Temoc quickly scanned through the casualty list from the Denobula attack. Mike's daughter Becca was stationed there. Thankfully, her name was not on the list, but he planned to try to contact her. He also wondered if Mike had received the message too.

"Gorn, of course." She hated them ever since her husband was killed by one of them. As she continued reading, T'Lar's thoughts went to her kids when Earth was mentioned. Fortunately her kids weren't near San Francisco, "What next?" She knew better than to ask such a question.

"Admiral T'Lar, Starfleet CnC, Fleet Admiral Akaar is on a secured subspace channel for you." Petty Office de Luca reported from the Communications Station.

Lee looked at Deela "You jinxed yourself when you made that comment."

"When it rains, it pours." She exhaled, "I will take it in my office." She motioned K'Temoc to follow. She sat down, "Admiral Akaar, what can I do for you?"

"Admiral T'Lar. I am sure you have read the reports of the recent attacks on Alliance infrastructure. We've sent the Seventh Fleet to the Beta Quadrant, and now is the time to strike back at the enemy. I am ordering you to take command of the Seventh Fleet as we all task forces of Klingon and Cardassian ships accompanying them. I want you to destroy the Romulan base closest to Deep Space Six, Romulan Defense Base 8. You're to take with you twelve of Starbase 400's support ships with you, leaving the rest to defend the base in case of counter attack. I want this operation to begin in the next few hours." Akaar was blunt and to the point.

"Understood. I will get on it right away." That was it. They were going to war and she was not happy about it but it was expected, "We will leave within the next hour." Admiral Akaar's image disappeared.

Having overheard Fleet Admiral Akaar, K'Temoc made several notes on a PADD and handed it to T'Lar once the channel closed. It included ship names and their commanders. "The Yorktown (K'Temoc), Luna (Pike), Kearsarge (Hurd), Steadfast (Harrison), Lexington (Stark), Saratoga (Ross), Ark Royal (Solomon), Vanguard (MacLeod), Falcon (Bagwell), Venator (Nivar), Mercy (Hades) for wounded, and the Endeavor (Coleman) to help jam enemy sensors and communications would be the most logical group from here to go. The rest of our ships can patrol the system and sit in defensive formation near SB400 and Kaleb IV with their support ships."

T'Lar looked at it and nodded as she read, "I concur." She gathered her thoughts, "Well. We don't have much time. Have everyone meet us in the briefing room in fifteen minutes."

"Yes ma'am." K'Temoc replied.


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