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Only looking

Posted on Sun Jan 19th, 2020 @ 7:00am by Skye

307 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 102 - The Rising Tide of War
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD2, 0430 hours

It was beautiful.

Suspended in mid air, above the sensor grid which crisscrossed the floor beneath her, Skye reached out to run her gloved hand over the display case before her. Inside was something she found personally more valuable and appealing than any painting, antiquity or anything else she had ever ‘acquired’. More satisfying than any system she had ever hacked.

Breathing in she closed her eyes, savouring the rich scent of chocolate which lingered long after the store had closed. She could have her fill of it and be long gone before anyone would ever know. But she wasn’t hungry. She just wanted to look.

Oh she had a well justified reputation - although much to the annoyance of many law enforcement personnel nothing had ever quite been able to prove.

And it wasn’t like she never took the time to just stop and look. Sure it was normally suspended from the ceiling of an art gallery or such like. But she wasn’t hurting anyone. It wasn’t her fault some people ran outdated or easily manipulated security systems.

Mr DeVere’s had the latter. But she’d make sure everything was just as she found it. The man had skills. Like the intricate fairy tale castle carved out of chocolate. It was amazing. She was a little old for fairy tales. Then again she had never had much time for fairy tales growing up.

How predictable and sad most were, waiting for a Prince Charming to come rescue you. Like that ever happened. She preferred to make her own luck.

In the kitchen chirps signalled some of the systems beginning to come online, ensuring they were ready for the day ahead. Skye sighed, taking another long moment before making her exit. Tomorrow maybe she’d check out the art gallery...


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