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Hot or Cold

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2019 @ 8:18pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Tomalak
Edited on on Sat Oct 19th, 2019 @ 9:57am

533 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD2 - 2205hrs


Bremer was still in his office going over reports when the comm beeped. “Ops to Admiral Bremer, you have an incoming communication from New Romulus, it’s Admiral Tomalak.” The woman’s voice was slightly somber, probably from the recent battle but also wondering why a Romulan Star Empire Admiral was wanting to Fleet Admiral Bremer…concerned another attack was coming soon.

“Sent it through.” Mike said, coldly. Tomalak was one of the last people he wanted to speak with.

After a moment, Tomalak’s face appeared on the screen. “Fleet Admiral Bremer. I hope you’re well.”

Mike glared at the screen. “What do you want Tomalak?”

“My comment was sincere. When we last spoke, we were building a good rapport…” Tomalak started.

“Tomalak we haven’t spoken in a few years. Yes, at that time, it seemed we were building bridges between our peoples, then you ruthlessly attack. A sneak attack that’s killed thousands!” Bremer replied.

“We’ve lost hundreds of loyal Romulans in the assault too, but Admiral, I want you to know the attack was not my idea.” Tomalak replied.

Mike was taken back a little, was this as close to an apology as Tomalak could muster? “But like a loyal Romulan, you helped to plan and carry it out.”

“Actually, no. I was not involved in the attack at all. I’ve been on New Romulus dealing with other matters, however I will be redeployed to the war zone soon. I am hopeful we do not meet on the battlefield.” Tomalak replied.

“Trying to atone for the attacks…” Mike stated but Tomalak cut him off.

“I’m not trying to atone or apologize for anything. As you said, I am a loyal member of the Romulan Star Empire, and I refuse to betray my people! I will do everything in my power to win this war. The Federation has been trying to bleed the Romulan Empire to death ever Hobus!” Tomalak rebutted.

“The Federation offered assistance the moment the Hobus Event happened, and the Romulan Senate refused. Yes, we’ve allowed Romulan refugees to find a home in the Federation. You would have also been welcome if you’d chose to leave the Star Empire.” Mike paused a moment, “The Federation wasn’t going to sit by and let those people seeking to get out suffer.”

Tomalak didn’t reply for a moment. He felt conflicted. Between his love for his home and not wanting to see another war upon those people. “It is obvious we will not agree here. Perhaps, after this war, we will meet again.”

“Perhaps, we’ll meet on the field of battle.” Mike rebutted.

Tomalak smirked. “Die well.”

The channel closed. Mike leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. Deep down, he hoped he and Tomalak had been able to build that bridge a few years before, then maybe there wouldn’t be a war right now. He took a sip of his now cold raktijno and made a yuck face. Raktijno was much better hot.

Mike stood and left his office. It was late and he needed to try and get at least a little sleep.



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