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More Bad News

Posted on Wed Oct 9th, 2019 @ 2:22am by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Alton Pike & Brandon McNamara & Raivyn T'Lar & Adora Pike

790 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: OPS-Adm. T'Lar's Office
Timeline: MD 01 1500 hours

Deela was still trying to shake off what happened. She sat in her office, reading more reports before returning to work.

Alex didn't usually bring kids into OPS but the Deela's kids refused to return to their quarters until they saw their mom, making sure she was okay. Alex also wanted to make sure that Lee was okay too. She was nervous for she was about to give Deela more bad news. She wasn't sure how to tell her but she also knew that as soon as she walks into Deela's office, that she would be able to sense that something was terribly wrong.

The kids were beside themselves with all of the going ons. Brandon's eyes were red from crying. Raivyn was very quiet, withdrawn. Alex was worried about her. As she and the kids approached OPS, she took a deep breath. As soon as she walked in, she saw Lee. The twins ran to him. Alex walked over to Lee and have him a hug. The kids were hugging Lee's legs. When she pulled back, their eyes met. She didn't have to say a word. He pointed to Deela's office. Alex took the kids and lead them to Deela's office.

Alex rang the chime. Deela called out, "Enter." As soon as the door opened to her office, both Brandon and Alex ran to her, clutching and hugging her so tight that Deela thought that she was going to burst. As Alex expected, Deela took one look at her and knew that she was holding onto a truth and it wasn't good. Before Alex could say anything, Brandon blurted out, "He's dead! He's dead! They killed him! Those bastards killed him!"

Deela was taken aback at his language. She had never heard him say a bad word in his life. That thought though didn't last long. She didn't have to ask. She knew that it was Earl, her pet of 18 years, was dead. Brandon was sobbing. Raivyn didn't cry which concerned her. She'd seen this many times in some of her patients back when she was a counselor.

Deela pulled Raivyn on her lap. Brandon wiped his eyes, "What am I going to do without him?" Deela was thinking the same thing but she had to be strong for them, "We will get through this together, I promise."

Deela looked up at Alex, "What happened?"

Alex took a breath and exhaled, "I was being attacked and Earl saved me. He was thrown against the wall." Alex walked over to Deela, "I'm sorry. I should have left him in your quarters but Brandon didn't want me to so we took him with us. I don't know what else to say."

Deela took her hand, "I don't blame you. He was old and I could tell that his time was limited already. He died a hero and you are here because of that."

Alex pulled the twins towards her. Deela looked at her kids then back at Alex, "I am stuck here for a few more hours. Take my kids back to your place and I will come get them as soon as I can."

Alex nodded, "Okay." She took her kids hands and moved towards the door.

"I don't want to go. Can I stay here?" Brandon didn't want to leave his mother's side.

Deela hugged him after moving Raivyn off her lap, "I will be home in a couple of hours. Now go with her and I'll see you soon."

Brandon sighed, "Why can't you go now?"

Deela hugged him, "Because I have responsibilities here. I love you Brandon and I know that you are upset but I need you to go with Alex. OPS isn't a place for kids."

Brandon hesitated but then hugged her once more, "Okay, I'll go. Come home soon."

Deela watched the kids leave. As soon as they walked out the door, she got a call from sickbay. Earl wasn't dead. He was surprisingly still clinging to life and they wanted to know if she wanted to say goodbye. She didn't waste a moment. She walked out and saw Alex and Lee talking and the kids holding onto him.

Deela walked in and went to Earl's side. After connecting with him, she conveyed her sadness, her gratitude and gave him permission to go. She hugged him as he took his last breath. Tears rolled down her cheeks. This was one time that she wished she was a full-blooded Vulcan.

Deela set him down and walked out of there. She was grateful that the kids were alive and Alex was safe as well. She made her way back to OPS and begun to check the damage they sustained in OPS. She'd have to mourn later.


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