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Remembering the first medical

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2019 @ 6:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

1,556 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Starbase 400, Sickbay (Memory Post)
Timeline: MD 03 0939 hours


Isaiah stopped off in Sickbay to see if Hades was around. Unfortunately he'd been too late. Hades had left. He wondered why, after such an injury, he was released but he understood Hades' healing abilities better then anyone. As he was about to leave he saw Dr. Reid. He gave a nod. "Doctor."

She returned the greeting. Isaiah decided he liked Elle Reid. He thought back to their first meeting after his arrival.

MD01-- Memory -- Medical Exam on Arrival

It had been late in the day when Isaiah had arrived. He was tired but he wanted to get medical out of the way. There were always questions. He sighed as he walked into sickbay. He wished Hades were here it would be so much easier.

"Hello?" He called as he entered. He had left his hair down to cover his Vulcan ears and his Bajoran earring.

Perfect timing Dr Elle Reid thought inwardly as she handed a box of tissues to the blubbering med student as she headed out of the office Dr Hades normally occupied.

One hour into the shift and she was begining to wish her imminent maternity leave hadn't left her behind while the Mercy shipped out. Which meant she was now dealing with the aftermath of Dr Menedez. Today was his first day supervising those students unfortunate enough to be begining a surgical rotation. Rarely did the man have free reign over the students and certainly not on the first day.

Now she understood why Dr Harris had left so quickly...

"Hello," she offered with a bright smile as she emerged from the office, noting that at least the new arrival had no obvious injuries. "I'm Dr Reid. How can I help?"

"Lieutenant Isaiah Nivar. Here for my onboard medical." He studied the woman. She looked a little stressed.

"Oh... in that case, welcome aboard Lieutenant," she offered, dismissing the idea of calling out one of the students. "Please, pick a biobed and sit yourself down. We have plenty of room at the inn tonight. Do you have a copy of your medical file with you? If not I can download it ..."

He handed her a PADD. It pretty much held everything. It talked about his broken arm and ribs when he was at the academy long healed. It talked about the gash on his left eyebrow that could never really heal. It was barely noticeable but to him it was but to him it was also a badge of courage. There was the tetanus he'd gotten on the Ferengi colony after being bitten by a Ferengi then just a few years ago there was his long recovery on Bajor. Those records were classified however but they just said that treatment had taken two years both physical and mental.

For now he knew that the doctor would be able to see that he was in top health...except for a little elevated blood pressure.

Letting him settle on the biobed, she scanned through the file, saying nothing for a moment as she simply seemed to nod to herself while she read, one hand absently massaging the small of her back to try and ease the discomfort. "So that was... not very helpful," she concluded with a sigh, sweeping back her long blonde hair as she set the PADD aside for the moment.

Her grey eyes studied the monitor above the biobed, "But you vitals appear strong for the most part. How are you feeling?"

He shrugged, "A little distant, a little cold, slightly arrogant with a good dose of pissed off and have an urge to create art so I'm feeling half Vulcan and half Bajoran. Right in line with where I should be I think." He said wondering if the doctor had a sense of humour.

“Oh, so you’re a surgeon...” she deadpanned, not missing a beat as she began her scans.

He studied her. "If I may perhaps Kava root might help with the pain in your back."

“I haven’t tried that yet,” she admitted as she continued her work. “But I’ll try it. Just in case I get convinced this is a good idea. Again. Your blood pressure is elevated, not hugely but above your normal range. We will want to keep an eye on that to make sure it settles.”

He gave a nod.

“So did you request this assignment or just happen?” She asked as she prepared to take a blood sample.

"It was both offered and decided for me." He said. "My wife thought it was a good opportunity since her brother is a senior member of the crew here." He hated getting his blood taken. He winced and when it was over he resisted the urge to rub his arm.

"At least you have some familiar faces on board which may be nice," she commented, noting how he seemed uncomfortable as the vial in her hand filled with blood. "Worst part is over, lieutenant."

With that she moved across the room, loading the sample so the computer could begin the analysis. It was not overly complex, mostly to ensure your new crewmember was not a health risk or a security one. Leaving it to run, she returned to the new arrival. "It will just take a few minutes and then you can escape.

"In the meantime, I will make you an open appointment for this time next week so we can check on your blood pressure again," Dr Reid told him. "Just drop in whenever it suits you and any of the doctors will be able to help. I am not sure if you have served on a base before but any medical emergencies you come to this area. If you are unable to, just call for help and we will come to you.

Our CMO, Dr Hades, is introducing a call out programme for non medical emergencies so if it is not life threatning and for any reason you are unable to come to us, again, we can arrange to come to you. Is there anything you have concerns about or questions that I can answer now?"

He shook his head. "Not at the moment. Actually Doctor Hades is my brother in law. He tends to be over protective of family so I wouldn't be surprised if he chips me so he knows when I sneeze the wrong way," he said dryly. He thought a moment. "When does the promenade open in the morning?"

“Doctor Hades?” Reid repeated, “wow, there’s a way to put pressure on the pregnant woman. Are you trying to make me have my baby early?”

She couldn’t keep up her mock indignation for long, quickly breaking into a smile to show she was kidding.

He tilted his head, his lips quirking, "Yes well try being married to his sister. Every argument you worry that he'll inject you with Valarian flu or worse put you in an airlock. He is fond of pressing the big red buttons."

"Big red buttons that should never ever be pressed?" she grinned, glancing down as the bloodwork came back. "Believe me, I think we have all at some time been on his bad side. And some with good reason. I would suggest, Lieutenant, that you do not argue with his sister. Just to be safe."

He smiled a little then, rare for him, "I will do my best." He thought back to his earlier question. "What does the promenade open again in the morning?" A question she hadn't answered.

"Well, depends really. Most of the stores open around 0800 to 0900 hours, but a few are open earlier if you like to catch some breakfast. There are some great places to eat. There is this one café that has amazing pickles you could … sorry, that is just a weird me thing."

He gave a nod. "I am just interested in the counseling place. I think it's run by doctor Sage."

"I am not entirely sure when she opens up but the computer could confirm it for you," Dr Reid told him. "You can step down now, we are all done... your blood work is fine but just be sure to drop by next week okay? I will get this signed off and updated on your file so that it is all in order."

"Thank you doctor. Please try the root tea. It will assist with your back ache." He gave a small bow and then headed towards the door.

Dr Reid watched him go, shaking her head as she headed towards the office to finish the paperwork, rolling her eyes when she remembered the cadet who was still in there working through a box of tissues. It was going to be a long shift.

Present time

Isaiah shook himself from the memory and hurried out of sickbay before anyone asked why he'd stood there so long. He decided he'd swing by Hades quarters to see him before returning to his own where T'Mira was waiting with their Nephew. He and T'Mira didn't know Laga well enough but she had still been T'Mira's half sister.

It had been a rough mission that was for sure. He hoped that all those who were in sickbay would have a quick recovery.



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