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A call for help

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2011 @ 6:06pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

581 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 77 - No Time for the Dishonored
Location: USS Pegasus, Bridge
Timeline: Current, Stardate 65238.9
Tags: Everyone!

OFF: Time to get into this mission!


As the ten ship task force from Starbase 400 traveled at warp six back toward SB400 from Earth, many of the crew taking a little extra time to relax. Some were in holodecks, others reading, sleeping, or just enjoying NOT being on duty a little longer. Since the ships were in the heart of Federation space, everyone was at ease...soon then would be back along the Federation border and nose to nose with potential aggressors again.

Aboard the Flagship USS Pegasus, Admiral Bremer was seated in the CO's chair. He was looking over a report set to him from Vice Admiral Stryfe still at SB400. Things had been quiet while the senior most crewmembers were away. A new civilian ship, the Blaze, was using SB400 as its home port now and her Captain, Melody Johnson, was getting failure with SB400's protocols.

As the tactical station beeped, "Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the USS Aegean, an Excelsior class vessel, she says she is under attack by unknown vessels. Bearing 045 mark 219, 4 light years out." Ensign Starns reported.

Bremer tapped the comm-panel on his chair, "Pegasus to all ships, we're responding to the USS Aegean's distress call. Make notes in your logs. We're increasing to warp nine, maintain formation on us. We'll relay tactical data. Bremer out."

"Admiral, ETA at warp nine is eighteen hours...and we are the closest ship." Chief Branson reported from the Conn position.

"Thank you Chief." Mike stood and walked up the ramp to Tactical. "Yellow alert, Captain Harrison to the Bridge." As he stopped besides the young Ensign. "What do we have on the USS Aegean?"

"She was just recommissioned, an Excelsior class ship, NCC-8634. She is on a routine training mission. The run between Vulcan, Regulas, and Donatue. Her last known position was eleven light years out from Regulas. Commander Clifton Mixon in command." Replied Starns.

As Captain Harrison entered the Bridge and walked over to take over Tactical, "That puts her in between SB400 and our current position. Send a message to Vice Admiral Stryfe, let him know what's going on as well and to be ready to receive wounded. Also to increase patrols and scans of the borders and colonies inside the Neutral Zone." Mike ordered.

As Ensign Starns moved over to the Mission Ops station behind Tactical, "Sir do you think this is a Romulan attack?"

"It's too soon to tell, but let's been prepared for anything." Mike replied.

As he looked over the automated distress call they had received, Mike thought about who would have attacked a Federation ship so deep inside Federation space. He really didn't suspect the Romulans, it wasn't their style. He also didn't suspect Clark's group, too far from their bases of operation for their small ships. At this point, 'who' was a really good question...

Mike gave a nod to Harrison before walking back to his seat. Anything could happen in the eighteen hours it would take to get there. Even so deep inside Federation space, there just weren't any other vessel in that area, much less any ships patrolling the interior of Federation Space during this time of peace. He sat down and continued to wonder about who would attack the ship, and the welfare of her crew...

OFF: I'll post us getting there tomorrow, so until then, post up what you're doing while enroute and your reactions! Anything to get us going!


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