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Confusion, Fighting, and More Questions

Posted on Fri Mar 22nd, 2019 @ 3:00pm by Splendora Sage & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV

2,158 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Holodeck 2, Corridor -USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD4 1650Hrs


Splendora, having gotten nowhere with the damned EMH and having frustrated herself silly with the holodeck was walking the ship trying to blow off steam. She could beam down to the surface but Tom would be stressed out and she couldn't do that to him. She'd tried to broach the subject with him but he deflected. She was just about to blow her top when a familiar figure turned the corner. "Mr. Roebuck!"

Walt was off duty and walking with his brother planning to meet on the surface for dinner later. It would be the first time either of them had been down to Cardassia.

The brothers stopped when they heard Splendora.

"Miss Sage, can I assist you?" Commander Jon Roebuck asked.

"Well, which Roebuck are you looking for?" Lieutenant Walt Roebuck asked with a smile.

"Actually both will do." She looked over at Walt. "First off thank you for that little silver communicator. It worked like a charm. You saved Tom's life and for that I will always be in your debt. Actually I heard that you collect old weapons. I have an old 18th century Betazoid rifle that you might like."

"Really?" Walt replied. "I've love to have a look."

"It's yours if you want it." She turned to Jon. "I have a question. Is there a way to....remove the holodeck safe guards?"

Jon narrowed his eyes. "There is. You'd have to have command level security access aboard the ship. In this case, you would need Fleet Admiral Bremer, Captain Dow, or myself." With all that had happened with Splendora, Roebuck's concern was raised at the question.

"I see." She pondered that at the moment. Mike Bremer was too close to Tom, Dow she didn't know that well...."Well then might I request your assistance with that. I am conducting an experiment." She thought a moment..."As part of your jobs I know that you have done assessments on officers and their abilities, self defense and that sort of thing."

Jon had been briefed on the basics of the situation surrounding Splendora, and he didn't like where this was going. However, he'd rather she beat on holographic people instead of real flesh and blood. "I'll adjust the settings for you, but I'm due back on the Bridge."

He looked over at his younger brother, "I know you're already off duty but..."

"I'll go with her, if she gets into trouble I can re-initiate the safety protocols. Least I can do for a six hundred year old Betazoid rifle." Walt smiled.

Splendora smiled, "Well thank you gentlemen. I have a little mystery I need to solve. I promise it won't take long and then you Mr. Walt can be on your way to Cardassia."

They headed to Holodeck Two and Splendora waited for Jon to adjust the safeties. "They need to be off completely. I need to feel as if this were real. I need to recreate the scene if I'm going to solve my mystery."

Roebuck eyed Splendora for a moment, then tapped in a few commands.

"Holodeck Two safeties have been disengaged." The computer replied.

"There you go. I also input Walt's security codes so he can re-enable them as needed." Roebuck gave a node and headed back to the Bridge.

"Okay, so you wanted to recreate a situation?" Walt asked. "You can input the information required here, then tap this button when ready."

"Excellent!" She imputed the information and then turned to Walt. "Mr. Roebuck. Am I correct in assuming that you have experience evaluating someone's fighting skills?"

"I do. I am also trained in several martial arts such as Karate, Judo, and Klingon mok'bara." Walt replied.

"Well I need you to assess mine before we start the simulation. Will you do that?"

"Sure." Walt replied.

Splendora gave a nod. "Okay so how do we start the assessment?"

"Once inside we can start the program, make sure the scenario is correct. Then we'll run the program. I'll remain off to the side and watch. Since this isn't a Starfleet test I won't be keeping score for form, technique, and so forth but I'll give you pointers as well as let you know what I see that you've done well. We can then re-watch everything in objective mode afterwards so you can see for yourself how you did." Walt explained as he motioned for her to go ahead inside.

Once within Holodeck Two Walt tapped a few buttons on the arch. "Computer, load program Sage One."

The scene around them changed from the black and gold grid to the scene Splendora had programmed in. "How does it look?" Walt asked.

Splendora resisted the urge to shudder. It looked eerily like where Delar had confronted her and Tom. She sighed, "It's good." She looked at Tom, thank to the computer's medical knowledge of the crew he was recreated to perfection. She turned to where Delar...or a representation of Delar stood. That wasn't right. "Computer change hair colour of subject to the left, make it brown, elongate the jaw and make his eyes green...a sickly green." She watched the transformation. Not right yet. "Increase height to six three."

She watched the image shift. After a few more changes Delar make to holo life. She'd imputed the dialogue and so the scene would play from where he'd interrupted her and Tom.

Holo Program Beginning

Just as Tom was about to say something a sound drew their attention to the ally. There, in life size, was Delar. He smiled like a Cheshire cat. "Mr. Vercetti. Thank you for well leading me to her and for helping me shake the Section agent sent to protect her. Most helpful."

Splendora covered Tom with her body. "Let him go, he has nothing to do with this."

Tom started to reach for his phaser but could see the other guy was already holding his. He let his eye look past the man as a couple of drunk Pakleds walked into view. He tried to pull Splendora behind him. "Who are you?"

"Delar is the name. I was Section 31's finest yet thanks to your girlfriend and her need to help Starfleet personnel and her pity for the Cardassian I was thrown in the coldest, darkest brig. "

Splendora spoke, "Listen Delar I'll come with you just let me...have one more kiss."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh for the love of Toleg. Alright. I feel generous."

Splendora took Tom's face in her hand and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and one on the cheek taking the opportunity to whisper. "Tom I love you. Tell Bremer to keep you safe." She splayed her hand on his chest pushing the Silver communicator that Roebuck had given her. She tapped it twice and stepped back knowing that Tom would be transported to the Pegasus. She had to get him out of there.

"What the fu...." Tom shimmered away.

Delar turned bright red. "I will not have you make a mockery of me!" He backhanded Splendora sending her to the ground. "I will deal with Vercetti later." He reached down grabbing her arm. "Come along then."

Splendora kicked out failing to connect with Delar on the first try. She pulled hard on her arm and managed to break his grip. Kicking out with her right hand she missed the hologram and promptly fell on her butt." She sighed in frustration. She got up again and tried to punch the hologram but he'd grabbed her arm and threw her to the wall knocking the wind out for her.

"Computer, freeze program!" Walt said as he walked over to help Splendora up so she could catch her breath.

"Something isn't right here. I remember this fight. Mister Vercetti and myself were on the Bridge of the Pegasus and watched from orbit. No offense, but if you'd fought the real Delter...Delar like this he'd of wiped the floor with you." Walt explained.

"When it happened, you were fearful. For yourself and Mister Vercetti. It was like, an adrenaline rush times then ten. Right now, even without the safeties engaged, I don't think there's any real sense of fear. You lived through this encounter. Would you trust me to make a few changes?" Walt asked.

"Of course," she said catching her breath. "Change away."

Walt nodded, then started to tap in commands on the Arch panel. The holo-people vanished but the surroundings stayed the same. Walt glanced over at Splendora a few times as he made changes. Delar reappeared with a phaser in his hand as he took aim.

The holodeck's doors opened and in walked Tom Vercetti.

"I thought you'd be resting." Tom said to Splendora.

"Oh shi..." Walt started to say.

Before he could finish or Splendora could answer Tom, Delar fired his phaser and hit Walt sending him against the Arch and to the deck. He took aim again this time at Tom.

Splendora had been distracted in thought while Walt made the changes to the program. The door opening and Tom walking in threw her. The phaser shot seemed to send her blood into a boil. "No!" With cat like speed she launched herself at Delar sending a wild phaser shot to the ceiling. Her blood began to pump and a tunnel seemed to form in her ears picking up the slightest sound...the groan of Roebuck on the floor shot, Tom's breath.

She recovered to her feet quickly as did Delar. Spinning hard she delivered a kick to Delar's wrist knocking the phaser away. Delar's hand shot out and his fist connected sending her back against the wall. Splendora was not phased by the impact. She kicked out at the wall launching herself high in the air and over Delars head.

As he swung his arm to deliver a backhanded blow she grabbed the arm yanking hard hearing a sickening pop. Sweeping his feet she sent hit to the ground and with her boot she delivered a blow to his windpipe severing his consciousness. She hurried to Roebuck. "Lieutenant!" She looked up at Tom. "Call medical!"

"Computer, freeze program." A voice said from seemingly no where followed by the sound of buttons being pressed. A moment later the holo-Roebuck laying on the deck shimmered away. So did holo-Vercetti. Walt, the real one, then reappeared beside the Arch.

"I do apologize, but I had a feeling only a real threat would do." Walt said. "And...and I think it did." His eyes were still wide after watching the fierce but brief fight.

Splendora's heart hammered in her chest. It took her mind a moment to process the happenings. She knew that the last time this happened the adrenaline lasted a good hour before she got sick so she had some time. She just sat down feeling a bit shaken and electrified at the same time. What she wasn't aware of was the physical signs. If one looked close enough her hazel eyes seemed to be brighter as if lit from inside. Her hands shook slightly. It took several moments for her breathing to calm enough for her to speak. "I see...good thinking."

"Do you need a medic? Walt asked?

She shook her head. "No...I'll be alright..." She could feel the pulsing in her body still yet she refused to get up.

"Do you want to review what happened?" Walt asked.

"Yes please. I want to know what the hell happened there." She looked up at him.

Walt helped Splendora to her feet and they walked over to the Arch. He tapped in a few commands and the fight started again.

She watched it. "I...I felt nothing. When we fought I mean. I was afraid for Tom and for you but then it my body took over. My mind was calculating each step its like I could see a thousand combinations .... How is that possible?" She looked up at Roebuck.

"You did have a glazed look over your eyes. As if you were reacting through instinct or someone that's trained to fight all their lives. The only pointer I would give you, early in the fight after you kicked Delar you let your left arm drop slightly and it gave him to opportunity to punch you. Remember to keep your arms up to help prevent that." Walt smirked.

Splendora sighed, "Well I should go...see me when we get back to the station. I'll have your reward. I also have Falton dagger you might like. Dates back from the time Vulcans and Romulans were one. Before the divide."

Walt gave a respectful nod, then turned to reactivate the holodeck's safeties and shut the program down.

Splendora thanked him again and left feeling the force of coming down off the adrenaline. Like last time she knew she was about to get sick. She hurried on shaky legs to her quarters.



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