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Bad for Business

Posted on Mon Oct 29th, 2018 @ 7:04pm by Korel

198 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 96 - A Visitor From the Past
Location: Neutral Xone store
Timeline: Concurrent


Korel started his day off like most Merchants did counting his money and then counting the merchandise on hand.

A dealer in Antiquities, Korel found he is enjoyment ironically enough in the delight of his customers eyes once they found that singular item they just couldn't leave the store without.

He actually had gotten his business practice by watching a certain Ferengi Merchant on Deep Space Nine.
The business motto of always leave your customers wanting more was apparently one of their rules of acquisition Korel concluded.

But business for Antiquities of late had been bad which meant he would not be able to make this months rent. Which meant he would have to sell out and leave, yet again, another station.

His partners H'rall and Vagh had already left port delivering the facimili baby chair to the emperor, in the hopes of restoring his family honor.

Receiving word they were returning Korel concluded to have a sale and at least make this months rent giving him time to pack up and move out.

Turning on the Open sign, Korel manned the register in the hopes a hand full of some bodies would come in today.



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