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Posted on Sun Nov 11th, 2018 @ 3:44am by Captain Jack Solomon & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,456 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 96 - A Visitor From the Past
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Current, after "A Visitor from the Past"...

Jack made his way to Deela's Office with a PADD in hand, wanting to discuss several matters and most of those were related to some ideas for planning a wedding.

Not the best way to do it he admitted, however since the fleet had returned from the Delta Quadrant and the recent unplanned visit from the USS Enterprise, he'd made a promise to spend more time with his fiancee.

Deela had been busy since she got back. She hadn't even gotten a chance to spend time with her kids. She promised them that they'd spend time together tomorrow. She was feeling a little guilty about going back to work immediately. It seemed that making time for loved ones was almost impossible. She was looking forward to being with her kids. They had a date with the holodeck.

Jack walked up the steps to Deela's Office and pressed the chime. He could already imagine that she was hard at work after the action that took place in the Delta Quadrant. He himself had filed a lengthy report about what took place at the Talaxian Colony.

"Enter." When the door opened, Deela smiled. He was a sight for sore eyes.

"Hi, are you busy? I thought I'd pop by and see how you were doing...maybe even replicate you a drink for a few minutes break?" Jack asked, already noticing the pile of PADD's on her desk. Busy was an understatement.

"That would be great. I could use a little break right now." She put down what she was working on.

Jack walked over to the replicator and ordered a drink for each of them. When the cycle was completed, he served Deela her drink and took a seat. "So, hows the paperwork coming since we got back?" He asked.

Jack knew this himself, having filed off several reports about what happened during their time in the Delta Quadrant. With Deela being an XO, he also knew she would be busy too so taking this chance was worth seeing her.

She shrugged, "It is coming along, slowly. But I always have time for you." She sipped her drink, savoring the liquid.

Jack kissed her forehead gently after she took her sip. "And I always have time for you too. I just want to make sure that your not too snowed under with paperwork," he explained.

"How are the kids doing? Have you had much time to spend with them? I understand if you want some space for a bit to get caught up but at some stage we'll need to start thinking about planning for the wedding, when it will be and a honeymoon." Jack was excited about what was to come but he also didnt want to overload Deela either.

"Slow down and take a breath." She smiled,"The kids are fine. And no, I have not been able to spend as much time as would like. Hopefully, I will be able to rectify that tomorrow." Deela pushed her chair back slightly, "Now, as to planning the wedding, we can talk about it right now. But first, I need to know what kind of a wedding you want. We can have a big wedding or a small and intimate wedding." This would be her third time to the alter and so it was important to her for Jack to get the kind of wedding that he would want.

Having realised that he had started speaking at Warpspeed without taking a breath, Jack smiled for a moment before kissing his beloved on the forehead. "I'm sorry... I've missed you and had all this on my mind," he said, apologising to Deela. Sitting back for a second, Jack considered the important question.

"I nearly got marrried once before," he admitted, casting his mind back to the USS Wildcat and his long term relationship with Colonel Dalton. However that had ended with B'eta leaving to pursue her career after deciding a relationship was too much to handle.

"Personally, I'd like to have a small and intimate wedding," he decided. "A small gathering of friends and colleagues close to us both would be something memorable for me...if thats ok with you..." He said, wanting to make sure that Deela was ok with his thinking.

Deela smiled, "Definitely okay with me. Then an intimate wedding it is." She was hoping that he'd say that. Her parents were getting up in years, 159 and 74 years old and she wasn't sure if they were going to make it for this one.

Jack smiled and felt a warm glow as they seemed to reach this decision easily. "So, is there anything you'd like for the wedding? Any personal choices or wants?" He asked gently. Jack wanted this to be special for them both.

Deela thought for a moment, "How about a true Betazoid wedding?" She didn't break a smile, "We would not have to worry about wedding dresses and uniforms."

Jack took a moment to think about Deela's suggestion. He knew that true Betazoid Weddings were silent ceremony's and that the wedding party was naked during the ceremony. Realising that this could be a little embarrasing but wanting to be true to his love, he made his decision.

"I agree. The wedding is already a small intimate affair so lets go the whole mile and follow true Betazoid tradition," he agreed. "Just remind me what that means I've agreed to..."

Deela was surprised that he would even consider it, "You have agreed to being butt naked in front of everyone. The guest will also be required to show up naked. Oh and that means Bremer as well." Deela chuckled, "I can see it now. Everyone exposed and no where to hide. And my parents, you will get to see them in the buff as well. Imagine sitting around the table, knowing that you saw your mother-in-law with no clothes on and trying to have a normal conversation." She smiled at her soon to be husband.

Jack suddenly realised that he was on the end of a cruel joke from his beloved after she explained a quite vivid picture of the wedding party naked. "Bremer...naked?" He said after a pause. "Damn, that a picture I really didnt need... I'm sorry... I thought you were being serious," he said smiling.

"So really, what would you like?" He asked a little more seriously.

Deela let out a small chuckle before answering, "I have a crazy idea. We could use the holodeck and have our wedding there. We could choose any theme we want, go anywhere we Paris, France. What do you think?"

Jack smiled, hoping Deela wasn't pulling his leg again. "I love the idea...if your serious," he said before thinking for a moment. "Can I ask one thing though? Can we keep the Baku Mountains for us? It was our first date and its special to me...hopefully to us?" He asked.

She nodded, "Of course."

"Otherwise I've heard that Paris is a very romantic city....and I've never been there...." He hinted. Knowing that this was all falling into place made everything seem more real.

"Neither have I. I have seen pictures but that is about it. And who knows, maybe we could actually get away for our honeymoon." It would be nice to actually go on a honeymoon. The last time she got married, she didn't get to go on one.

Jack moved closer to Deela, sensing something about the way she explained that it would be good to get away for a honeymoon... He took her hand in his for a moment. "I promise that once we are will get a honeymoon and we will go away from the station and enjoy a break away together," he promised her.

"I'll even double check the Runabout we're taking personally myself so that nothing gets in the way of us enjoying a honeymoon," he finished. It was important to Jack that Deela was happy, he was making a commitment to her and one that he wanted to start in the best way possible.

When an alaram beeped for attention on one of the PADD's he still had to work, Jack looked down at it and realised that he was due to go and inspect the repairs to the Essex after her recent excursion.

"Damn, thats my time up for now," he said, looking at the details on the PADD. "Like you my love, the Essex needs me for an inspection of the repairs we made after the Delta Quadrant excursion," he explained.

Kissing Deela's forehead gently, Jack whispered "I'll catchup with you later," before leaving to make his way to the Docking Ring and letting her continue with her work.


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