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Out of the Shadows - Part 1

Posted on Sun May 27th, 2018 @ 11:36am by Splendora Sage

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400 - Promenade
Timeline: MD 5, 1530 Hours

Two hundred and 50 years ago....

Trill Home world in the province of Shanrell. A young recently joined Trill by the name of Azrel Vox was doing what she loved best, painting. In this case she was out side her home in the glorious sunshine. She was also waiting for an old friend to arrive. Zando, a known smuggler and scoundral, was an aquaintance of Vox's first host Lerani who had helped him out a few times. Zando was hoping that, despite the change of hosts, Vox could help him again.

It wasn't long before Zando arrived, looking somewhat worse for wear.

"What happened to you?" Vox asked.

"Oh man, I managed to get some pretty fine loot but it seems everyone in the business knows about it so I have been fending them off. I need to stash my loot. " Zando replied, flustered.

"You can't stash it here. " Vox replied.

"I know that, I aint stupid. I heard about your painting talents you now have in this new host of yours, pretty fine looking too. " he said with a wink " So I wondered if you could use your skills to paint something which is a map to where I have hidden the loot but so it doesn't look like a map." Zando asked.

"Hey thats pretty smart. Sure, it might take a few days to create." Vox replied.

"No problem, I have the time." Zando replied.

It took roughly a week for Lerani to paint this picture which, to anyone looking at it, would just appear to be a form of abstract art with a smattering of images. In fact, it was a cleverly arranged piece which included clues to the location of the stash. Zando planned to lay low for a while before going back to get it and if he couldn't quite remember where it was, the map would help.

The stash remained safely hidden as Zando never got to collect it. He died in a skirmish with several of his rivals. The painting, was kept by his descendants until it was sold by a family member who had no idea of its significance.
However, its new owner, the great grandson of Zando's arch rival, Yena, knew all too well but also knew only one person could read the map....Vox.

Present day...

Vox was sat at the back of the gallery. It was a quiet day. There had been the odd customer but no sales. He was totally unaware that things were about get far more interesting. Approaching the station, on a civilian transport was Tomarn, the great grandson of Yena and in a large square container, was the painting.

Sage had a clear afternoon which was rare for her. She decided that she needed a walk. She needed to do some thinking. She'd talked to an old friend recently that had gotten her thinking. She couldn't wait until he was at the station so that she could talk with him a bit more.

Taking the quiet she decided to go to the gallery. She'd been painting up a storm that had been inspired by the work she'd seen in Vox's gallery and she decided to pay it a visit today.

She stood in front and watched the doors whoosh open. "Vox?" She called out as she entered the empty gallery.

He hears the voice from the front of the gallery. "I am in the back, come through the doors at the end of the gallery. " he shouted.

The back of the gallery was a makeshift office for Vox where he did most of his work for the gallery and the odd bit of painting when the mood took him. Off the office was the doors to the store room where new art was kept along with purchased items waiting to be collected.

Splendora followed the voice and entered the back. She smiled as she saw Vox, "Well hello. Slow day so I thought I'd take the afternoon off and come down here to look at some paintings. There is one that caught my eye when I was here last and I wanted to see if you would possibly part with it."

"Oh really, which one has taken your fancy?" he asked getting out of his comfortable arm chair in the corner of his office.

"The landscape by Dilaren Tain from Betazed. It's...beautiful." It was almost like a hollow image. Tain was a big painter on Betazed. His work would not be cheap.

Walking through the doors of the gallery, Alex decided if he would take a look at the shop he came to when he first arrived onboard the station. He just got through the meeting with Admiral K’Temoc ans knew that he wouldn’t be able to meet his fellow officers on the station or in the corps of enineers for several hours. So, he decided to take a quick lunch and look around the gallery.

“Anyone home?” Alex called out, hearing some talking coming from around the corner.

"Ah, you have excellent taste in art. Dilaren Tain is an exceptionally gifted artist. " Vox replied. He then heard the shout from the front of the gallery.

"I am in the back, come on through." He shouted back.

Splendora smiled. "How much would you like for the painting?"

"The foundation that looks after the sale of the work of Dilaren Tain is asking 400 bars of gold pressed latinum for that particular painting." Vox replied "The gallery only gets a 40% cut." he added

"Only a 40%. Sounds so Ferengi of you my dear merchant," Alex says, as he walks through to the back of the shop to Vox and a newcomer to the station. "I never knew you had that side of you my new friend," he says, a smile coming across his face.

Splendora smiled. She had enough to cover it but couldn't resist a bargain opportunity. " about 300 bars and you take a lower cut?"

"Seeing as it's your first purchase, I'm sure I can accommodate your request. Deal." Vox replied with a smile.

Splendora smiled, "Excellent. I can return tonight with the bars."

"That will be fine. We can move it to the back of the shop." As Vox was moving the picture another gentleman entered the shop. When Vox returned from the back of the store the gentleman approach him.

"Are you Raekwon Vox? " the stranger asked.

"I am yes. What can I do for you? " Vox replied.

"I have a painting which you painted and I wondered if you would have a look at it." The man replied.

"Sure, do you have it with you? " Vox asked.

"No, but I can bring it tomorrow morning if that is convenient.? "he asked.

"By all means do. I have not painted myself for a while. Are you sure its by me? " Vox enquired.

"Well, were you not once Azrel Vox? " he asked.

"Oh my, that was over 200 years ago. I haven't seen any of my work since then. Please bring it tomorrow. I would love to see it. Does it need any restoration work? " Vox asked.

"It might" The man replied. "Until tomorrow then." with that he left the gallery

"Well that was interesting" Vox said turning to Splendora.

Splendora smiled, "What a treat! Not many get a chance to see work like that. I'd be interested in seeing that myself." She said.

"I know. I haven't seen any of the paintings I did when I was Azrel, except those I still have. Lets see what tomorrow brings."



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