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Big Mouth

Posted on Sat Dec 23rd, 2017 @ 6:47pm by

1,580 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400 Sickbay
Timeline: Sometime after the Skyline Lounge incident.


"Hey...Wazza hurry?...Sssstop draggin', I c-can walk on mmmy own (urp)."

The two fleeters from the brig were being real aaa...rude. There was one on each arm and one more following out of leg range and with a drawn phaser. The cuffs were starting to chafe. The combat armor under garment, a 'onesie', was sticking to his back. Damned blood. He thought. His head did hurt...and so did quite a few muscles, through out his body.

They dragged him into sickbay. There were already two patients there, laying on med-beds. He chucked to himself. He put them there.

It was their fault! The big guy shouldn't have told him, he had enough...Well...He could have, but when he started getting physical...What was good ol' Jack going to do?...And the second guy? Well, it wasn't Kirby's fault that security was called...It wasn't his fault that the fleeter security dude grabbed him from behind!

He wasn't too worried about the two...the Doc would heal their broken bones...A say nice things to them.

He smacked his lips...He could sure use a drink.

Braxton put down his tricorder and rubbed his left temple. Eviess was going to kill him. The damn Klingon was a nut job and she never shut up. He sighed missing the fact that he was not with his unit. He'd been stuck here because he was taking some medical exams. It would be a step to getting his full MD and he had hours of work to make up for here for his credentials.

He'd treated over seven people today and they all wanted to chat. He was tired, crabby and was nearing the end of his shift.

Braxton had just been about to go sit when the door opened and a man was dumped, with out ceremony, on a bio bed. He could smell the liquor from where he was standing. He sighed and then picked up his tricorder. He approached the man and nodded at the men that had accompanied him. He began scanning. "Anything hurt?" He asked keeping his chit chat short.

Kirby rolled on his side, so not to aggravate the head wound...stupid guards. He took a look at the Doc. The man was a marine warrant officer...That meant, he was a mustanger. Though he was an officer, he knew what it was like to be an enlisted man. He decided he better treat him with respect.

"Can't you ssssee I'm bleeding?" Kirby yelled..."A-and my bo-bo-body h-hurts all o-over!"

One of the guards added his two cents. "He tried escaping through the force field in the brig. He bounced hard on his third try and cut his head when he landed. He..."

"If weeee need yer two cre-credits, Bu-Bozo, we'll a-ask for it!" Jack interrupted, then he looked toward Braxton. "R-right maaaarine? OO...(Urp!)...Oohr-rah."

The big dude in one of the other bio-beds started to moan. Oh great! Kirby thought. That's all we need. Big ugly bites the big one, then his buddies come in and start howling at the moon!...Or what ever it is, they howl at.

"Sssssso Doc, w-we're on the sssame sside...r-right?" Jack smiled. "Weee could e-even become bu...(urp!)...buddies."

Braxton resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He looked over at the guard then the other man on the bio bed and then Kirby. One of the other medics was treating the other guy. Braxton sighed. Of all the asinine things to do. Really? He charged a force field? Braxton bit his tongue not to give the man a talking to, medically of course. He recalled a similar incident when Nicole had died. Sighing he tried something that Hades had lectured him about. "Sure, buddies." He grunted and scanned the man. "He's aware of what's going on so I would say low level concussion but still needs to stay here overnight." He looked at the guards.

"Braxton grabbed the dermal regenerator. If the man couldn't stay still this would be a long process. "Marine can you stay still while I stop the bleeding?" He asked knowing that it was along shot. The man was drunk beyond sanity.

"Nnnnno p-prob Doc." Kirby said. He rolled a little more and was almost laying on his cuffs, half of his face on the bio-bed pillow pad. The muscles in his side and arms hurt, but he had to stay steady.

The brig officers were now at the security officer's bed, quietly talking to him with words of reassurance. The injured officer couldn't reply back through his broken jaw. But Jack knew they were over there. "Ssso, Doc..." Kirby's voice was half muffled. "Wwwwwill 'Duddly Doright' be aaable to (Urp!) reproduuuce? Or did I kick him tooooo h-hard?"

The dermal regenerator sent pleasant reverberations into his skull. "Hey Doc. Did I evvver tell yoou that time I was in Storm Lake?"

"No," Braxton simply stated.

He remembered as he started to doze off...


Yes, he was feeling much better now. The stuff they served here wasn't exactly spice, or even sarien brandy, but after a few shots, he was starting to get a slight buzz. The bar was quiet by his standards, but the civilians seemed OK. Much better than being around a bunch of fleeters, trying to prove how tough they are...He hadn't had to hurt anyone yet...and since he was 'on duty', Mom (this was Gentry's old call sign), would disapprove.

Most of the women here were not really his type...Well, there was the one at the end of the bar. And Jack was sure she was giving him the eye. So he decided to go over, and maybe ask her out...suave like. "Whasssss a g girl like you...(Urp!)...d doing to this"

There was a hard tap on his shoulder and Kirby was spun around. He looked......up. "That's my girl yer botherin'!"

The dude was big! With a farmer's tan and a heavy bush of reddish blond hair that made him look like a cross between a human and a lion.

Kirby decided to say something witty... "Booooy! You are one uuuuugly individ...individ..ind...dude."

'Simba' didn't seem to like all...In fact, he looked like he was wanting to crush him...for a second...A couple hits in the right place, dropped 'Leo' like a sack of potatoes. That was when he noticed the other guys...and they didn't look happy at all!...This guy has friends?

"Well...time to leave."

As he backed out, the mob followed...He knew they were ready to spring. But, before this could happen the 'Lion King' broke through the small crowd..."I'm gonna rip your..."

Jack didn't wait for the end of the speech. In the corner of his eye he notice a young couple gliding slowly by on hover bikes...pastel hover bikes. He pulled the guy off the cute green one and kicked it into gear.

He was moving at a good speed...Zipping in and out between buildings, at a safe altitude of five meters... He was thinking about how close he came to getting into trouble again, when...


Oh crap! There was 'Simba' on the cute pink bike...With a metal bar or something in his hand.

"Where'd he get that?" Jack asked himself.

The pink hover bike over took his, and Leo swung....

"Ha! Ya missed"

But, Kirby noticed there was smoke coming out of this bike...and it now wanted to only turn right. He had just enough control, to miss the wall of the two story building, as Laughing Boy shot past...

...He didn't miss the window.


Went the window (made with real quaint). Jack did a perfect roll as the hover bike came to a sudden stop...He was on his feet in a flash.


There was a wet naked woman coming out of the bathroom....She looked pretty nice...Kirby spent a second enjoying the view, then stepped out the apartment door, ran down the stairs...and ran into some uniformed people.

One of them shot him with a stun beam......

......"Kirby...Jack Kirby! Wake up! Someone's here to get you."

The door opened revealing the jailer and a guy in a Marine uniform.

"This is your commanding officer." said the Storm Lake cop.

Then Marine Captain Gentry...'Mom'... yelled...Loudly.

"On your feet Marine!"


Kirby awoke...He was suddenly sitting up...facing Braxton. "Uuuuuuurrrrrrrrp!" He regurgitated.

Braxton jumped out of the way but alas was not quick enough. He hissed low as he took in his, now dirty, uniform. This kid was off to a bad start. Braxton's gaze narrowed. He knew it was a side effect of both the liquor and the bump in the head.

Fighting hard for control he called over a nurse who helped settle Kirby down while Braxton stepped away.

The nurse, a blonde older lady, fluffed Kirby's pillow. "Just lay back," she said. "Rest up. You'll feel right as rain in the morning."

Kirby laid back, the cut in his head was gone...As to be expected...All in all, he thought he made a good impression.


The nurse smiled and pulled the covers over him. She looked at the two security guards. "Gentlemen he'll be here in the morning. Feel free to pop by then." She shooed them out.



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