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A Good Day to Die

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2017 @ 1:29pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

275 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: USS Warspite
Timeline: MD05 Mid Day


< Docking Port 23 >

USS Warspite Defense Vessel / Patrol Centaur Class NCC-25016 arrived and immediately moored at its assigned hitch, calling upon Lieutenant Commander Croesus to answer their mechanical needs.

An encounter on the outer fringe's during their last duty cycle had resulted in some major structural and mechanical systems damages and had caused the chief engineer to be overwhelmed. Given her personality and pride this was entirely unimaginable given her Betazed lineage.

Entering from the docking port Croesus immediately recognized Lt Commander Tiara, as they had served together on McKinley station following the academy. Her smile was a welcomed sight but her temper had evolved.

"Well, are you just going to stare at me or are you here to get busy ? " Tiara greeted.

" Lt Commander Croesus at your service Chief. Where am I most needed ? " he decided to reply rather than inject his trade mark flirting tone.

" the shield emitter systems are not engaging. Make that a priority fix." Tiara stormed.

Nodding Croesus wasted no time heading up to emitter control. Often times approaching a problem from the reverse yielded a quicker repair. Tiara would be best served by him being as far away from her as was possible, given their past encounters together. At McKinley their rivalry had only been their ego's following a short romance that had not worked out.

< A few hours later >

Croesus completed the initial repairs to the emitters and returned to his off duty residence to unwind and make his log entries. The burning question on his mind was in seeing Tiara again. He had encountered and revisited many past old school mates but Tiara was very special.



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