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Posted on Fri Aug 5th, 2016 @ 8:56pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs

1,685 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Hurd Quarters/TBD
Timeline: MD3 2100h, After "Breaking up the Fight"

Hurd Quarters

Jewel was in her quarters, at the moment she couldn't go anywhere nor could anyone but Key personnel enter. She was preparing herself for what will happen next. She knew Deela went to talk with Mike, so she just laid their she closed her eyes and dozed off.

Deela walked in. She saw that Jewel was asleep so she let her sleep a little longer.

She didn't even hear anyone enter the quarters, she just laid their. After awhile she woke up and seen Deela their. "Your here?" she asked looking at her.

"Oh, Jewel, you are awake. How are you doing?"

"As good as expected, thought you went to go talk to Mike?" She asked looking at her.

"I did. He will be here when he can." Deela sat down, "You seem much more calmer." It got quiet for a moment, "I hate this, I really do."

"I know Deela, but please understand my reasoning." She said as she looked at her then sat down on the couch. She had already sent a message to her nanny explaining the situation and that she be keeping him over night. She just sat their, really not saying much of anything just different thoughts running through her head.

"I understand, I just do not like it but this is what you be it." Deela got up and replicated a glass of iced tea. She wanted to get onto Jewel's thoughts but she respected her privacy, "Would you like something to drink?"

She shook her head, "I am fine." She said looking at her, she stood up and walked to the window looking out waiting. What was going to happen next, what would happen to hers and David's marriage, will they ever make up or end up in yet another divorce. So many things where running through her mind.

"Okay, if you change your mind, I would be happy to get it for you." Deela was worried about her and her mindset. Deela sat back down and waited quietly.

Outside of the Hurd Residence

Like General Jackson, Gibbs did not stay in uniform 24/7. So in his civilian cloths, he walked a marine security officer into the Flag Officers Section of the living quarters. It wasn't that long ago when he interacted with General Hurd, so he was shocked to receive the orders placing Jewel on house arrest. Once the reached the Hurd Residence, "Lance Corporal Gant, this is your post until you are relieved. General Hurd is not to exit these quarters. Colonel Hurd, or anyone else, is not to enter without either the rank, or the authorization to do so. Understood?" "Yes Master Sergeant."

Before entering the lock out code to the residence entrance, Gibbs hit the chime, to notify General Hurd of his orders.

Deela stood up and answered the door, "Come on in."

She just sighed but acknowledged Gibbs.

Gibbs nodded at the Admiral and General. "Sorry to disturb you Sirs, but I just received orders for house arrest protocols for you General. So until further notice, you are restricted to quarters. I am also to restrict Colonel Hurd's entry to these quarters as well. I am very sorry General."

She just nodded, "I know Master Sergeant Gibbs, and don't be." She said as she just looked at him for a moment then looked away.

Gibbs did not feel good at all over this situation. "Admiral, just hit the door button when you want out, and the guard will open the door for you. General, when this is over, I will be more than happy to end the lockout."

She nodded, "I understand Sergeant." She said.

Deela stood emotionless, "Yes, thank you. When Admiral Bremer arrives, please let us know."

Gibbs saluted the pair of flag officers, and exited the quarters. Once outside, he pressed the door control panel, "Computer, initiate security door lockout, Jailbird 773." "Internal door lockout initiated."

Gibbs looked at Gant, "Carry on Lance Corporal."

"Yes Master Sergeant," Gant said, and assumed his position next to the door as Gibbs walked away.

Later on, Gant saw Admiral Bremer appear. He saluted the Admiral, and opened the door for him.

Inside Hurd's Quarters

Mike was in a foul mood. His family had just arrived back on Starbase 400 when he was summoned to Hurd's Quarters. "What's going on?" He not so pleasantly asked.

When she heard Mike enter and heard the tone of his voice her heart just dropped to her stomach. She almost felt sick to her stomach, she didn't even turn around to look at Mike and would let Deela start off the conversation.

Mike looked around, waiting for an answer.

Deela took a breath and exhaled, "Someone had reported a disturbance on the Tripitz. By the time I got there, Jewel was being restrained and her husband was on his way to sickbay. Apparently, they had an argument which turned physical. Now, he wants to press charges against her for attacking him."

Deela looked over at Jewel then back at Mike, "She...has asked 'not' to be given any special treatment. I could not see putting a pregnant woman in the brig so I put her under house arrest." She had never felt or seen two people so angry at each other.

Mike turned to look at Jewel, he didn't know what to say, but for two of his senior officers to act this way was inexcusable. "Where's David?"

"He's on the Tripitz," she said her voice shaking and was even afraid to look at Mike at the moment. "I...." she started to say something but couldn't finish. A small tear ran down her face as she looked out the window.

"I am sorry Mike, I let my temper get the best of me and acted the wrong way." She said trying to hold her emotions in because she was about to break down and she didn't want to in front of Mike. "If it wasn't for Jackson, I probably would have killed David." She said as she then looked down in shame. Tears ran down her face.

Mike took a deep breath. He wanted to throw both of them in the brig over night. He's lost his temper before, but in battle or in the face of an enemy...not with another Officer, not like this. "What happened?"

She took a deep breathe and finally turned around looking at him, she started to explain how the fight started over a Dog that he brought home without consulting her. they had made up, then her nanny walked in who is very scared of animals screamed must have startled the dog then the dog attacked her. That David accused the nanny of provoking the dog, which she didn't. How the argument began again, she also told him how her nanny has been with her for 15 years and she trusted her with her life and wouldn't replace her because David chose the dog over anyone.

"He then left for the Tripitz, told him he could stay their." she stated taking a breathe before continuing. "He then decided to insult me through a message and me already being pissed off I punched my screen and went to the Triptiz and attacked David. Jackson had to break me off." She said as she then looked down. Tears running down her face, she couldn't hold it in anymore she sat down and started crying. She felt a failure, she's about to loose her husband. Probably more then that because of her poor choice.

She dishonored herself and she felt miserable, feeling like she couldn't face anyone anymore.

Mike took a breath, being part Klingon he knew how hard it was to keep that temper under control at times. Still, that didn’t excuse the actions. “You’re to remain here tonight. A Marine will be posted outside to make sure you do. You’re also off duty for the next two days. With Counselor Delair still on leave, I want you to talk with one of her staff tomorrow or that civilian that opened a Psychiatry and Psychology, and Natural Medicine Centre on the Promenade, Sage is her name. I can’t tell you when to talk to David again, but I’d suggest you both apologize to each other.”

Mike shook his head, took a deep breath to keep his own temper in check. He planned to talk to David too, tell him the same thing he’d just told Jewel. He looked over at Deela as to say ‘can you believe this’ and he left.

She sighed, she wasn't very happy that she had to go 'talk' to someone. She didn't very well care for counselors or anyone the acted like one. She didn't mind being off duty maybe she be able to rest for awhile. She got up not saying anything to Deela and walked into her bedroom closed the door. She changed her clothes into something more comfortable as she wouldn't be wearing her uniform for the next two days. She then undid her hair and let it hang down and crawled into bed and laid their staring at the ceiling.

Deela sat down and waited for a bit before she knocked on the door, "Jewel? Jewel? Can I come in?" She waited before entering, "Jewel, is there anything you need before I go?" She was concerned with what she was sensing from her.

"Only a favor, can you please take Jr. for the night, until I can look into video of what happened. They're a few doors down," Jewel asked Deela for this one favor. "He's really not much to handle, he sleeps through the night." She said as she looked at her, with a pleading look.

Deela nodded, "Lai'lira is there but I do not see why not. Yes, I will do this for you. Now get some rest and I will get Jr."

"Thank you," she said as she watched Deela leave and she just rolled over and fell asleep. She was beyond tired, and she went straight to sleep.


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