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Long Time Coming

Posted on Fri Jul 8th, 2016 @ 8:14pm by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,105 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: XO's Office-T'Lar
Timeline: MD1, 1620 hrs

Deela was sitting in her office and was looking over the PADD. She read over some of the things that Bremer wanted her to do. One stuck out.

=^=Admiral T'Lar to Captain Pike. Please come to my office at your convenience." Deela leaned back in her chair and continued to look at her to do list while she waited.

Lee had just stepped out of sick bay after being there for 24 hours, he was glad to be out and be able to sleep in his bed again, hearing his name he tapped the comm "On my way Admiral." Lee slowly made his way to the Admiral's office, he pressed the door chime when he got there.

Deela knew that it was Pike. It had been a long tome since she used her telepathy, ~Enter.~

Lee slowly entered the office "You wanted to see me Admiral?"

"Yes, I did. Have a seat." She waited for him to sit, "How are you feeling?"

Lee nodded then slowly took a seat "I'm doing ok. Doctor said that I should be fully recovered in a week or so."

"Good. Before Fleet Admiral Bremer left, he gave me a few things to do while he is away. So, I wanted to get the official stuff out of the way. Then we can discuss my concern for Alex." Deela pulled out a little box from a drawer in her desk and set it in front of Lee.

He looked at her for a second then took the box slowly opening it.

As Lee opened the box, Deela spoke with a straight face, "As acting Commanding Officer of Starbase 400, I, Admiral T'Lar, hereby promote you to the rank of Commodore." She stood up, "Congratulations Commodore Pike."

Lee looked at the pin then looked at Deela,putting the box down on her desk he stood up slowly and shook her hand "Thank you Admiral."

"You're welcome. It was long time coming and you deserve it. " She sat back down.

He reached into the box taking off the Captain pips he then put the Commodore one on.

Deela relaxed as she just wanted to talk as friend to friend, not as his superior, "Now that we have that taken care of, I really want to discuss Alex. Would you like something to drink?"

Lee sat back down "Sure I'll take a Vulcan spice tea."

Deela got the drinks and sat back down, "I heard that she visited a certain someone instead of doing as I asked her to which was to go straight to Sickbay to see you. In her current condition, she should not be stressing herself out like that. Yours and Bremer's counterparts are ruthless psychopaths and they know how to play mind games. I have dealt with Bremer's and if yours is anything like his, I am sure that he said things to her that would make any of our skin crawl."

He took a sip of tea and sat there listening to her, he then sighed closing his eye remembering reading the mirror Lee's thoughts "The mirror Lee raped and killed the mirror Alex along with killing Ruben and selling Paul to the Orion Syndicate. I also found out he's a slightly high ranking member of the Syndicate."

"I am not surprised." She exhaled, "Quite frankly, I would not have known about Alex visiting the cell if Lt. Goldberg hadn't told me. He was worried because she was a wreck when she left and he had never seen her THAT upset. I have to assume that he told Alex about her and Paul's counterparts. With her being pregnant, things will affect her a great deal more."

Lee sat there and shook her head "Yea I told her when she came to see me in sick bay that I wasn't too happy that she had went to see the mirror Lee, especially with her being pregnant." He chuckled slightly "I guess Ensign Creger was worried about her too and ran a scan while we was looks like Alex and I are going to be having twins."

"Twins?" She was happy for them, "Congratulations. Very unexpected." Deela sat back in her seat, "Then more reason for her to stay away from the brig. Just in case Alex tries to go see him again, I've told security that she is not allowed. I made a promise to her mother that I would protect her and this is the only way I can think of."

"Yea both Alex and I was shocked a bit when we found out that we are having twins." He gave her a small smile "Thanks. I appreciate that, I've asked her to stay away from the brig myself as her husband."

"Good. Then we are in agreement. And if you both need anything, and I mean anything, let me know. Also, I am sure that you are aware that Bremer will be gone for a week or more so I will be needing your help to run this place until he gets back. I have engineering inspecting our support ships making sure that they are ready for anything that might come. Most of the ships check out. I believe there are about three more ships that need inspecting, including your ship, the USS Luna. If you want to be there when they do, that is fine. Like I said, I want to be ready for anything that might come while Bremer is gone."

Lee nodded "That we are. I will Admiral." He finished his tea "Yes I had heard that Admiral Bremer would be away for awhile. Sure I will gladly help in anyway that I can. Yes I do want to be there for the inspect of the U.S.S. Luna. I understand and don't blame you for wanting to be ready for anything."

Deela chuckled, "Then, I guess we are done here. Give a hug to your wife for me and tell her I said congrats. I am happy for the both of you."

Lee nodded and smiled "I will and thanks again Admiral."

Deela stood up, "Also, there is nothing going on right now so I will let you know if I need you for anything. And if I did not say it earlier, I am glad that your injuries were not too severe."

Lee stood up slowly. "I'm glad that they wasn't too bad. Just let me know if you need me Admiral." He walked over putting his glass into the recycler then turned to leave her office.

Deela watched him leave then went back to looking over her to do list.


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