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Popping some smoke

Posted on Thu Sep 17th, 2015 @ 7:37pm by
Edited on on Tue Oct 6th, 2015 @ 11:57am

2,823 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 89 - Futility's Return
Location: Regiments CQ Office


For Gunnery Sergeant Thompson, he was now relaxing in his chair inside the Charge of Quarters office, long a military tradition, the Charge of Quarters was the Commanders representative, and as the representative he/she was in charge of the Battalion making sure everything was secure, and the Marines were not causing trouble.

As a Marine with over 30 years of military service, he had seen the Marines struggling to gain acceptance from Starfleet, as a viable land force; one like its predecessor, the former United States Marine Corp. For many years after the formation of the Federation, Starfleet had been the premier military force used for peace. With their Starships, and security units, they kept the fleet safe; but the Dominion War proved everyone wrong.

With over 10.1 million dead Starfleet officers and over 10,000 starships now destroyed or so badly damaged that they were all headed for the scrap heap, Starfleet found out that they had been remiss to think that the fleet could do almost anything, and everything with only 120 Security Officers per ship.

But there were some old Fleet Admirals who were still in love with the idea of Starfleet continuing the tradition of defensive instead of offensive, and with their security departments not in tune with the facts that Wars were costly, bloody, and not the sterile wars of being vaporized in space with your ship, the were slowly farmed out.

Now finding that to keep the peace, you needed a ground soldier who could be inserted and fight for a long and sustained fight; and win. So the Marines were brought back to life. Without a solid training program, depending on security policies, the Marines suffered disastrous losses on the battlefield, but as they steadily began to grow, the Marines looked to their predecessors, the US Marine Corp of the 21st century.

Soon the Marines became known as that fresh kid that didn't care how big you were, or how important you were. They were the kid who would go out and use a baseball bat on you, and take out your knee caps in a fight. Nothing was off-limits to a Marine when it came to fighting a war, or you needed a military force that could roll with the punch, and kick your insides out.

Wars were not pleasant, but in time, the Marines soon learned how to fight and win. Though they lost one battle for every two that they fought, it was the Marines who were now the sole masters of ground fighting for the Federation, and with Federation trying to rebuild its former bases, and help the many thousands of worlds that had been destroyed during the War, the Marines soon found themselves in occupation duties, and on Starbases, such as Starbase 400.

For Gunny Thompson it was usually the weekends that he sort of despised. For it was during the weekend that the Marines not on duty usually got into trouble by starting or ending a fight at the EM/NCO club.

Usually there would be a few that loved to drink and fight any Marine especially the MP's. But all of the Marines took out their anger on the Ships security forces whom they considered pompous asses. That lived in a nice and clean starship, and never had to endure the hard realities of war.

The Marine MP loved to fight the grunts, and when the MP's went to work at a bar fight in a public place, the MP's usually brought out their stun batons, wading into the fighting Marines, making quick work on the combatants. then they would beam everyone into a secured sickbay brig, where they were check for any injuries by the corpsmen or a medical office would examine them.

For the usual barracks fights, that he couldn't stop by ordering them to stop, he called on the MP's who loved to fight with the Marines. Instead of using a transporter to beam the warring parties into a medical brig, they simply went in, and beat up on the Marines, then drag them out by their heels, and throw them into the brig. The First Sergeant when dealing with the Marines could only issue them some mox-nix first sergeants details, or the executive officer could impose an Article 15, but to many of the Marines, this was just a hindrance. What they needed was a strong leader that could really shake up the Regiment.

For Hondo, she told about Isadora about her so-called meeting with the general and his unplanned absence. Thankfully he was gone, and now she could enjoy herself with her good friend. It had been almost 10 years when they last saw each other as Isadora left for an assignment, and Hondo was sent to a command.

Isadora was half Filipina, her Dad was from Scotland, and her mom was from the Philippines. Taught the dialect of the Visayas, both Hondo and Isadora would sometimes talk together in the Visayan dialect, as they talked about many things. Now holding hands, they both looked into each others eyes, in the almost empty Officers club.

Then Isadora had an idea, She grabbed Hondo's hand, and then they took one of the Turbolifts to the Promenade, and from there Hondo who had never been in a massive Starbase saw the massive promenade with thousands of people walking around. The sounds of music from various clubs, restaurants and bars was overpowering, so entering one of the clubs, Hondo began to change from a quiet Filipino woman to one that loved to flirt with the older civilians and retired officers. Hondo who in her younger days was known as a flirty, and being in her late 50's did not stop her from having a good time.

Dancing with many of the men, took her back some four or five years, when she was still a major, but as she received further assignments, and was promoted; she did not have time to enjoy herself. Now as a Captain, she could relax even though she was a Regimental Commander. With the both of them flirting, drinking, and talking over old times together, they began to get closer, and now with their legs enter twined with each other, Hondo saw the time was now 0300 hrs.

Getting up, Hondo said I now have to leave, and Isadora said "why?" Holding her hand, in hers, Hondo said I'm going to give my command a big surprise, and I'm going to be making a lot of changes, so why wait for the week day? It was hard for the both of them to part, but with Hondo now the Commander of the 327th, she had important duties to fulfill. Kissing Isadora on the lips, she said, give me a call next week, and I'll see if I can see you once again. Then she was gone.

For Gunny Thompson he thought he was going to get at least 2 hours of sleep before having to go down to the brig and see who was inside, then have to sign out the drunk and take him back to the barracks before the SGM came in during the weekend seeing how headquarters was doing. But as he slept someone was pulling on his arm and saying Gunny, Gunny wake up. Looking up through his foggy brain, all he saw was his CQ pulling on his arm, and then the figure of Hondo in full dress Uniform .

Getting up he said “Ma’am” can I help you?” Yes said Hondo, right now I want you to "COM" "Regimental First Sergeant" and tell him that he is needed back at Headquarters ASAP. Thinking the female Marine was a bit deranged coming into the Headquarters bldg at 0345 hrs in the morning, and ordering him around . Gunny Thompson said “Ma’am may I ask who you are you?

Yes you may Gunny; tell TOP, "that the new Regiment Commander is now in her office, and that if he isn't here in less than 30 minutes, hew better be prepared to be doing the Commanders shit detail.

Then Hondo began to talk softly and said "Gunny Thompson" do you have the units PADD on you?" If you do, please take it out and look for new replacements to the regiment within the last 24 hours"....

Pulling out the units PADD which contained any transactions during the past 24 hours, he saw something that made him turn a bit pale.... "The woman he was speaking to was their new Regiment Commander", Captain Milagros Hondo Magbangan; former Commander of SFMC Galahand Marine Corp Base, and the 47th SFMEU....

Almost turning pale, Hondo said, "easy gunny, here have a cup of coffee", both the first sergeant and I are going to be working for a while, so relax in my chair while you call Top, and have him respond ASAP, and I don't want anyone to know that I'm here at this moment.

For Regimental First Sergeant Ermey, of Headquarters; to receive a message from the CQ is one thing; but "ORDERING him to be in the Regimental Commanders office in less than 30 minutes was another thing. Knowing that there was no Regimental Commander he would have given the CQ a butt chewing when he got up the next morning, and went to Headquarters, to check CQ's log.

But there was something odd about the message, Gunny Thompson was not the one to kid a first sergeant on something like this. Getting out of a warm bed, that was occupied by a sleeping female NCO from one of the other Battalions, he felt her stomach, and got out of bed, quickly dressed; walked out of the apartment and took the nearest Turbolift. Entering the 327th's headquarters deck, he saw it was still dark, but there was a light on at the CQ office, and a light coming from the Regimental Commanders office.

Expecting to see a horde of MP's who were called by the CQ for a large brawl he could not control, or the MP's had targeted the 327th for an unannounced drug busts, Gunny Ermey was now beginning to get pissed off thinking ;; Wilkins called me in for this? :: Finding Gunny Wilkins standing outside the lighted office of the Regimental Commander, he began berating Gunny Thompson for calling him to the regimental office, and as he stood there yelling at Gunny Thompson, he heard a female voice coming from inside the office...

"TOP!".. "If you want to yell at someone, then you should come inside and yell at the person who made the request; and while you're at it, we can start throwing Marine Corp Regulations at each other from 5 paces!"

Entering the office TOP saw a middle aged woman who was Filipino in race, sitting at the desk like she owned it, and on her chest was four rows of medals, some of them gotten in combat. Seeing the female Captain, he stopped and stood in front of her desk.. "TOP" do you have your PADD on you?" Yes ma'am, then I suggest that before you do anything else, is to consult your PADD, and look at the new replacements that came to the Regiment within the last 24 hours.

Pulling out his PADD he did the same thing as Gunny Thompson, then he saw the new orders... oO SHIT Oo Snapping to attention he suddenly bellowed "Ma'am" "Regimental First Sergeant Marcus Eme Gunnery Sergeant George Wilkins eporting as ordered ma'am!".

Automatically saluting Gunny Ermey, Hondo said "Top",

I am "Captain Milagros Hondo Magbangan, and I am the new incoming Commander for 327th Infantry Regiment." Also to let you know that I am not a greenhorn female officer who is here looking for her first job as a commander, I am well versed and have combat training as a regimental commander.

You'll notice, my records my former rank was full Colonel, before I took the downgrade to Captain, and my previous military assignment was the former commander of the 47th SFMEU, at SFMC Galahad Marine Corp base. I also hold a battle ribbon as a veteran of Operation return where I was wounded. "NOW, any questions as to my fitness to be the Regimental Commander of this sorry ass Infantry regiment? "No ma'am" replied TOP.

"if not, then sit down, quit your bitching and lets get to work. We have three hours before I want to go to bed and sleep, for Monday both you and I plus whoever is left in the Regiment will be doing a lot of work".

First Sergeant Ermey could not have been more pleased with the appearance of Captain Magbangan. He had heard through the Marine grapevine that the 47th SFMEU was a well trained combat regiment, and had been in several military campaigns. Known as a tough unit, and no slouch when it came to combat, their Commander a fully accomplished, and tactically sound officer was now here, and she was no wilting flower when it came to over inflated blowhard Marine Officers. She either embarrassed them, or showed them where they were wrong. He knew that she took good care of her Marines, and made sure their families were well taken care of when their spouses were on deployment.

He also knew that she was forced out because there were so many younger offices who lacked the will to do their jobs properly, but had friends in high places that made things happen for them, and in this case it was the Marines. Unfortunately there were still a few Starfleet Admirals who still did not like the Marines, and by placing certain officers in the Marines, they hoped that they would help turn the Marines back to being a backwards, and a minor player.

Finding that 2nd Battalion was now with General Jacksons main force, and would be returning once the current mission was completed, she just sighed, and went on to the thing in her agenda book. "SGTMAJ Wilkins" as they both sat in her office, "tell me about my command, and don't leave anything out".

Finally finished with his scathing report, Hondo said TOP, it looks like the both of us have a full week ahead of us, right now once 2nd Battalion returns, I will be scheduling "officers call", for the officers, and you will have "NCO business with all of the Senior, and junior NCO's.

Continuing with her list that continued to get longer and longer, she finally finished, and seeing that it was now almost 0945, she said SGTMAJ, "if you don't have much to say, you're now dismissed". Since today is Saturday, I think that I'll leave your people alone for now. "Have a good weekend, I'll see you Monday at 0600 hrs, and we'll start with our inspection of the barracks, inspecting as we go along."

Entering his office he sat down in his chair, and began to open up his log, then thought to himself,

oO there are going to be a lot of changes in headquarters, and having had a former Regiment Commander who was too Politically Correct and tried to please everyone had failed, was removed from the position Oo.

With the new incoming Commander, things were going to return to the old way of doing things in the Marines, a lot of discipline, training, all mixed in with common sense. Plus the Commander was not afraid to "pop smoke, meaning that she was going to step on toes, and she was going to change four years of poor performance from the past Regimental Commander.

For the many hundreds of younger officers that had been influenced too much by politically motivated commanders, they had forgotten that the Marines aren't interested in political allegiances, or being politically correct. They wanted a commander that would lead them to battle, and win; not kowtow to a senior officer who seemed to walk over the officers.

The previous Regimental Commander had stripped many good officers of their authority, by sending them to be maintenance officers, NBC officers, educational officers, and every boring job in a regiment where they used officers. Forcing many to request a transfer to another outfit. Now maybe once the Commander found out, there would be some changes.

"Yep this was going to be one heck of a ride, as the new commander would begin to flex her muscle. Sitting there in his office Regimental First Sergeant Emery thought - oO Hell, I think I'll withdraw my application to retire, it may be fun to see those prick-ass Captains in charge of the battalions and those over educated whimpering 1st Lieutenant company commanders with no common sens, now trying to get in good with the Commander - -Oo.


Captain, Hondo Magbangan
327th Inf Regiment


Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey, E-9
Regiment First Sergeant
327th Inf Regiment


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