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New Assignment

Posted on Thu Mar 26th, 2015 @ 7:16pm by

594 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 87 - Disaster
Location: Transport Ship
Timeline: Current


Javier had a slight headache and felt low in energy due to the previous night of partying. Easily he could've taken something to erase the headache and boost his energy levels from the dehydration of one too many Ferengi ales and dancing into the wee hours of the morning, but he liked his body to naturally repair itself from its irresponsible owner for a night.

As he sat there looking at other passengers of the transport, he wondered what their story was. An obviously overweight man sat across from him with greying hair and an already greyed out mustache humming to himself while looking out the window of the lines that warp speed produced for viewing. He seemed to be in his early 60's on his way to a vacation spot by the look of his casual clothes. Probably some high ranking official who sat behind a desk all day eating unhealthy foods Javier thought to himself.

Next to the man sat a twenty-something year old woman adorned with a Starfleet junior grade lieutenant uniform looking quite nervous and anxious at the same time. Javier smiled. He remembered that day too. The very first assignment right out of the academy and on the way to wherever you'd get your duty. The transport from Earth to said destination could and did feel like an eternity. Some of his friends told him they wished it had gone by slower to delay the agonizing eventuality of finally arriving and meeting your new superior and letting him or her down.

Javier never felt that way when he got his first assignment. Yeah, he was nervous, who wouldn't be? But he was eager and determined to prove himself. He also always went by the ancient Earth motto of it's better to just rip off a band-aid fast to get it over with. He found this outdated saying useful in a lot of areas of life, it was a shame it had gone away like many other things from history.

The poor girl was working up little beads of sweat. He wondered if she was heading to Starbase 400 or if that Starbase was just a transfer point for another journey.

"You'll be fine," he said to her suddenly, stopping the old man's hum in mid-tune as he looked at the young Latin to see if he was the target of those words.

The young lady looked next at Javier and at first surprised, but then smiled. "Oh, am I that obvious?" she asked as the old man started humming his tune again.

"Yeah, kinda," he replied. "I was the same way when I got my first assignment when I graduated," he lied trying to calm her nerves. "Our minds always play the worst tricks with us when they usually turn out to be nothing," he said with a reassuring smile.

"Y-Yes, I guess they do," she agreed to be polite, but not truly believing it Javier could see.

He smiled back as the announcement over the com announced their arrival.

"Well, I guess this is my stop," he said as he got up and grabbed his small case. "I wish you luck wherever it is you're going," he sincerely wished to the youn girl.

"Thank you," she nervously said as she watched him leave.



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