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An Old Friend - Part Two

Posted on Sat Mar 8th, 2014 @ 9:26pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 85 - Q-uality Time Aboard Starbase 400
Location: Infirmary - Starbase 400
Timeline: tbd

A few minutes later they reached their destination as Gabriel smiled at one of the nurses. "Hello. I'm here to visit my wife..."

"Ah yes. Commander Yamaguchi left information that you would be arriving to see her, she is expecting you... and congratulations again sir."

"Thank you." Gabriel replied with a smile as he led the smaller male into the recovery room where Celeste was sitting, reading a PADD, she looked none the worse for her experience in labour. "Hey guys... Paul Harrison, I presume?"
the woman sitting before Paul was deeply tanned and she looked Polynesian except she had blonde hair and blue eyes. "I keep hearing about you... this family seems to love you.."

"That's good." He was thinking what would happen if they didn't.

Celeste smiled at him. "Its intimidating... isn't it?" she chuckled softly as her son seemed to come to life, she reached down to pluck him from his bassinet
"Hello little guy... you have a visitor."

The infant blinked as he looked around with his large blue eyes but otherwise didn't cry or scream as Celeste handed him off to Paul. "Paul... meet Gideon."

Paul had babysat T'Lar's daughter so holding a baby was not scary for him. He looked at the baby and smiled. He tickled Gideon's cheek with his finger tip, "Hi there kiddo." He looked at the proud dad, "I've never held one this new." He stared down at the kid with a smile.

Gideon blinked but otherwise didn't make a sound as Gabriel looked at him. "Well. he's less then a few days old but he's extremely healthy... thanks to my wife being a health nut."

Celeste frowned at her husband. "Keep it up... I dare ya!" she gave him a sinister smile

Paul laughed and then handed the baby back to Gabriel, "Congratulations. He's a keeper." Paul liked babies but he wasn't ready to be a dad himself. He wanted to be married for at least a few years before having a baby.

Gabriel smiled as he accepted his son from Paul. "Thanks... he's quiet but he'll grow out of that soon enough." he explained with a smile. "or so I'm told."

Paul chuckled, "I don't think that you should wish that. Enjoy the quiet while you can."

"We will manage." Celeste commented. "Besides.. we have another year at the academy yet..."

"Sorry. I've been taking care of Vice Admiral T'Lar's daughter, Raivyn and she is a handful now. I was hoping that she would keep her Vulcan half but I was wrong."

Celeste chuckled softly. "Sounds like Admiral T'Lar's child is quite the noisemaker." she commented with a knowing smile. "get this guy motivated, he has quite the pair of lungs on him..."

Gabriel winced. "Yeah."

"Earplugs, get some earplugs and when your son starts to cry loudly, just put them in. That will help." Paul was joking of course.

"Oh I think we'll manage.... somehow." Celeste responded cheerfully. "another year in hell with a baby..." she then sighed. "Paul... a word to the wise.... do not get Rachael pregnant while she is at the academy.... she might hurt you."

"Oh no, don't worry. There is no way. A baby is a such a huge responsibility. And the worse thing is that when it cries, you can't give it to someone else." Probably why his mother started him babysitting T'Lar's kids, so that it would deter hin form having kids too early.

Both Celeste and Gabriel both nodded their heads at this, clearly agreeing with him. "Consider that whoever you have children with... she's the one doing all the work Paul.... so long as you love her, cherish her and make sure she knows that... then you're relationship will survive."

Gabriel added. "There are guys out there who will terminate a relationship the second he hears he's about to become a father."

"I'm not saying it will mind you but I wouldn't do that to her if it were to happen."

"Good... I can respect a man who's willing to stand up and be counted when the time comes.... but make damned sure the lady in your life knows that so she'll be ready when the time comes." Gabriel commented with a smile.

"I guess at some point, we are going to have to talk about it." Paul knew that it would be an issue some day.

Gabriel and Celeste both shared a look as married couples often do, they share a language all their own as Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure she will
be ready when the time comes..." as a small smile crept across his lips. "But Paul.... you are not prepared for what you face...."

Celeste raised an eyebrow. "Paul, the time may come someday but for now... you still have much to do, things to see and stuff to learn before you decide to accept that level of responsibility."

"Exactly. No arguing there."

"You're just a couple of years younger then we are.... don't make our mistakes.. " Celeste explained. "Gabriel and I got lucky... and we both know it..." she turned to her husband. "Is your mom still interested in helping us?"

Gabriel nodded. "She is.... hell she was the one who mentioned the idea to me to begin with.... until we graduate, Torilla Yamaguchi will look after Gideon."

"See? Problem solved. From what I've seen so far, your baby is in good hands." Paul smiled.

Gabriel and Celeste again shared a look that only married couples shared.
"We leave in a few days.... back to Hell and we're going to take mom up on her offer..." Celeste sighed softly.

Gabriel suddenly smiled. "Say... Paul, would you mind getting the door?"

"Sure." He looked at him with a questioning look.

"Someone wants in..."

Paul went and opened the door.

The door opened as Torilla smiled at him. "Hey sweetie." she greeted him with a smile on her face. "Are they alive?" she inquired.

Paul looked at the person who walked in.

Torilla Yamaguchi looked at Paul Harrison as she regarded him with a smile. "Celeste.... you'll be out of here later today after the nurses check you and Gideon over for any further issues.... clearly you're up and about..."

"Yeah... I want out of the asylum."

"Who wouldn't." Torilla agreed as she produced a PADD. "I have you're medical discharge papers here... you are clearly ready to be released, pack your stuff and we can go anytime once you sign here and here."

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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