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...Till Death Do We Part

Posted on Tue Mar 18th, 2014 @ 2:50am by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Jack Solomon & Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway

1,081 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 85 - Q-uality Time Aboard Starbase 400
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: During Alex/Lee-Hurd/Dart Reception

Deela walked out of the reception and tapped her combadge to answer, "T'Lar here. This better be good."

"Sorry to bother you but Vice Admiral Janeway needs to talk to you. She says it is urgent."

"I will take it in my office. Thank you." Deela's heart felt as if it jumped out of her chest. She knew what it was about and she dreaded to find out the answer. Then she kicked herself for thinking the worse. She exited the wedding reception and made her way to her office.

Deela sat in front of her view screen and took the message. Admiral Janeway wasn't smiling and Deela sensed it was bad news. Janeway's face appeared on the screen, "Vice Admiral Janeway."

Janeway took a breath, "Deela..." Janeway, knowing that Deela was an empath, she decided to throw out the formalities, "I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I had some details as to what happened but we are hoping that the two survivors who were found in the wreckage will be able to clear it up. I will make the necessary arrangements."

Deela just sat there, emotionless. She had turned on the Vulcan side of her to protect her from losing it. How long she could keep it up, who knows. She spoke in a calm and monotone voice, "Thank you...Kathrine."

Janeway was worried about her but would let her handle it the way she needed to. "If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to ask. Again, I am sorry for our loss."

"I will." Once Janeway was gone, Deela got up and walked out of her office. Instead of walking back to the wedding reception, she went to her ship and sat in her command chair. She looked around at the empty bridge. that was pretty much what she was feeling...empty.

Although he hadn't been on the station long, Jack felt involved in all the fun and frolics of the wedding reception. He also liked the fact that he got to wear his dress uniform again. However as he went to get another drink, he noticed that T'Lar wasn't around.

He suddenly had a thought, reminding himself that he was awaiting news of her husbands whereabouts as was she and wondered if she had heard something.

"Computer, location of Admiral T'Lar?" He asked amid the din of the party.

"Admiral T'Lar is not on board the Station," it responded back. Jack thought for a moment and then left the party in a hurry. He headed towards the docking port for the Essex. If she wasn't onboard the Station, then she had to be on the ship. He got his answer as he entered the bridge, finding her sat in her command chair. Jack came over to her and sat beside her, seeing that she was distressed.

"What's happened..." He asked her.

Deela continued to stare at the view screen and spoke with no emotion, "When I got my first command, I had not planned to fall in love and get married until Jim came into my life and I married him. And then, when Jim died, I thought that I was meant to be married to this ship. But along came Vincent and I fell in love all over again. I thought that since he was not in Starfleet, that we would grow old together. So, I married him. And now, it has happened all over again. I was foolish to think that I could be like normal people."

Jack listened as she spoke and could see that she was beating herself up. He understood as he'd done the same thing on trip back from Earth. He looked at her as he spoke to her, making sure he was in her vacant line of sight.

"Listen, I understand your train of thought and where you are coming from. You've suffered loss whether they have been a Starfleet officer or a civilian and the two constants in each case has been you and The Essex," he began, pausing for a breath, "However you are a damn good officer, hell your an Admiral, you are an amazing mother, you are a damn fine friend and as a woman of mixed races, you are incredibly attractive. Life and Fate though have other ideas and plans. There are those who are meant to prosper and succeed, whilst there are those who are destined to suffer with loss but they are driven to step up and challenge that issue and drive through to make the best of the situation and fine the benefits of moving on" he explained to her.

Jack had found reconnecting with Deela a help and he could see that he needed to return that friendship and return that favour. In fact they both needed each other at this time.

"Besides, looking at events logically, what could you have done to prevent this situation? Unless you know of a way to reverse this, all you can do now is be strong for the children, yourself and honour his memory as best you can" Jack offered.

Deela put her right hand over her right eye, "Oh no, the children! What am I going to tell them? And Brandon, how do I tell him that he has lost another dad? I cannot do this again." Deela didn't feel strong at all.

Jack could see that this was hurting her badly and what made him ache was he couldn't take her pain away with a magic wand and make it all better right away. But this was going to be a difficult time when she would need all the support possible.

"There will come a time that the children will have to know and Brandon will have to be told but right now lets concentrate on you. You need to find strength and courage for yourself and the children and I'll help you do that," he promised.

He took hold of her other hand and held it gently.

"Now, talk to me, what do you need to do?" He asked.

"I am not sure. When Jim died, I buried myself deep into my ship so I would not have to deal with his death. It would be so easy right now to turn off my emotions and pretend that everything is great. But we both know that is not going to make this all go away." She took a breath, "Sorry. I need a moment."

They both sat there in silence.


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