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First Officer and Second Officer meeting

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2013 @ 7:23pm by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,321 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: T'Lar's Office
Timeline: Before the mission

Lee had just finished meeting Captain Yamaguchi for the first time. He noted how it was a bit interesting but understandable. He then received a message that Admiral T'Lar wanted to speak to him. He got up and headed for her office.

He pressed the door chime once he got there.

"Enter" Deela called out.

Lee walked into her office and stood in front of her with his hands clasped behind his back:"You wanted to see me Admiral."

Deela looked up, "Yes Captain Pike, please, have a seat."

He nodded and took the offered seat."So what can I do for you Admiral?"

"Its nothing important. We've been working together on this ship for a while and I realized that we haven't had a real conversation."

He gave a small chuckle:"True there we both been so busy with missions that we haven't."

"I wanted to talk to you about Alex and your wedding among other issues that there might be."

"I had figured maybe you also called me in here to talk about Admiral Selvek."

Deela leaned forward, "That too. Although I wish that I could just forget that Selvek is even on the base. There is something about that man that I do not like. He's very good at blocking me. I cannot sense much from him. What are your thought about the man?" Deela wasn't sure if it was just her or if her feelings about him were justified.

Lee nodded in agreement:"I don't very much care for him, he seems to be hiding quite a lot, I also can't get too much with him myself."

"Good. Then it is not just me." Alex leaned back in her chair.

"So what about Alex would you like to talk to me about?"

"Lee, may I call you Lee?"

He nodded:"Sure Admiral Lee is fine."

"You are the closest to Alex than anyone on this ship. I wanted to see how she is doing. She has had so many changes in her life. The death of her ex, Paul coming to live with her and now she's getting married again. That is a lot for anyone to adjust to."

He smiled:"Alex is doing ok, she's adjusting to Paul living here on the base with her and I sense that she is really happy being with me. Granted it is a lot for someone to adjust to."

"I know that she loves you very much. I've always liked Alex."

Lee chuckled:"And it's quite interesting what she feels when she sees Paul with Rachael, she can't believe how much grown he is. And sometimes it makes her sad for a lot that she missed with him due to her ex."

"I remember when she first arrived on the Essex. She had just lost custody of her son and her marriage had ended abruptly. She was depressed. Although she graduated from Starfleet Academy, her psychological evaluation was preventing her from being assigned. As a favor to her mother, I was able to get her assigned to my ship. She was a mess. I helped her learn to fight and tried to give her positive reinforcement. It took a long time for her to get her confidence back but words are just that, words. She needed something more. The turning point was when she went on one of the away missions, Alex and another crewmember were attacked. Alex was not only able to fight off her assailant but she also fought off the other one as well, saving the other one's life."

Deela looked Lee in the eyes, "Alex is very important to me. Not only was Alex part of my crew but she was also like a daughter to me. I'm very proud of her." Her tone sounded almost like a warning to Lee.

Lee looked back at Deela:"Don't worry Admiral I plan on taking care of Alex and Paul for the rest of their lives. They both are very important to me as well."

Deela smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. She has had too many disappointing events in her life."

"If she is ok with it, we are going to have a Klingon style wedding." He smiled.

She raised an eyebrow, "Which ceremony will you be using? You have the long version where she will have to perform certain tasks or the shorter, informal ceremony? And usually, a female performs the ceremony which means that Admiral Bremer would not be marrying the two of you."

"Will probably do the shorter informal one and General Torg's wife K'nera will be here for the wedding. Unless Alex wants Admiral Bremer to marry us then we can for a normal wedding." He shrugged.

"I am sure whichever one you both choose, it will be beautiful. I just want Alex to be happy. She deserves it. Will her parents be attending the wedding? The last time I saw her mother was when Alex graduated from Starfleet Academy."

Lee nodded:"I understand that you do Admiral. Far as I know Alex's parents are coming to the wedding. They will be coming here with my parents."

Smiling, "Good. I am looking forward to seeing her again."

"My cousin Sartak is the CO of the USS Discovery and he will be bringing them."

Deela nodded, "It must be nice to have family in Starfleet. I have never had the pleasure."

Lee smiled a little:"Yea it is nice to have family in Star Fleet. Sorry you don't have that pleasure."

"I'm fine with it."

"Though when my family does get here I do feel sorry for who ever decides to mess with the Base."

Deela smiled, "I'm not familiar with the USS Discovery, what class is that?" She hadn't had a chance to study all of the ships of the Fleet by name and class.

Lee gave a smirk:"Well the Discovery is a Sovereign class. My cousin Joe is the CO of the USS Silverhawk which is also a Sovereign and my cousin Jack is the CO of the USS New Hampshire which is a Galaxy Dreadnaught class. All 3 ships will be here along with 3 Vorcha class from the House of Torg."

"That is a lot of family. Most of Alex's family is gone. Her maternal grandparents were killed in a shuttle accident. Her paternal grandparents had her dad late in life and they passed on from natural causes. Neither side had any other kids. As for other family, they're spread out all around the universe. At least she has her parents coming."

"Sorry that most of Alex's family is gone. Am sure that my family will be willing to adopt her into mine." He smiled.

"I don't doubt it. She's a very likable person, that is, when she isn't kicking someone's behind."

Lee had to laugh at that one:"Yea have seen Alex kick some serious butt before."

"When she first came aboard my ship, her fighting skills were good but they needed perfecting. I helped her do so and she has made me proud ever since. I would hate to be on her bad side." Deela smiled.

Lee chuckled:"Yea Alex is one tough woman and would hate to see if anyone crossed her."

"I hate to end this conversation but I do believe that you have a mission to prepare for and I have things to do as well before I have to deal with, the devil himself." Deela stood up, "You are a good man. Alex is lucky to have found you."

Lee nodded:"Yes that I do." He stood up as well "Thank you Admiral. I am lucky to have found Alex."

"Oh, good luck on this mission." Deela wasn't sure if she believed in luck but it seemed to be the proper thing to say.

Lee nodded:"Thank you and good luck dealing with things here on the Base." With that Lee turned and left.


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