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Congratulations for a job well done

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2013 @ 2:56pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

734 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: Following 'A Short Visit'

Mike had been busy since returning to the Station. Reading reports, making reports to Starfleet Command, making sure the Pegasus's work was completed (and it was, even to his level of expectation), visiting with his wife and family, meeting with a new crewmember, and an old friend. All that, plus a mission briefing.

Yes, it had been a busy day indeed.

As Mike prepared to leave his Office for the last time today, his comm-panel on his desk beeped. The message was from Starfleet Command, approving some citations Mike had put his crew in for following the covert mission to Romulan space.

Unofficially, Starfleet Command approved the awards for the 'real' actions of the crew during the mission into Romulan space, but officially they approved them for previous actions.

Mike looked at the communication from Starfleet. He made a mental note to try to hold an awards ceremony as soon as time allowed, but he wanted the crewmembers to hear the good news right away, so he forwarded the communication to his Senior Staff and awarded Personnel.

Ensign David Brody - Original Thinking

Ensign Saith i-Ki Baratan - Combat Action Citation and The Dan Remick Tactical Award

Admiral Mike Bremer - Original Thinking

Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV - The Dan Remick Tactical Award

Commander R'nard Lokran - The Dan Remick Tactical Award

Captain K`Temoc - Combat Action Citation

Sergeant Maal - Purple Heart

Commander Jonathan Coleman - Original Thinking

Lieutenant Commander Slade Matthews Jr. - Original Thinking

Major Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan - Distinguished Flying Cross

In addition, Starfleet also approved something else. Mike smiled, then sent a message to Ensign Baratan to report to his Office.

Saith smoothed her uniform down. She had worried about the reason for her summons to the Admirals office. She knew she had struggled with the mission, but she couldn’t come up with anything she had blatantly done wrong. She smoothed her hair much as she had her uniform. One more quick look at herself and she stepped up to the door so it would let him know she was here. The door swooshed open and she stepped inside. Standing at attention she said, “Ensign i-Ki Baratan reporting.”

“Ensign, please come in.” Mike didn’t offer her and chair, instead he stood up from his desk and walked around to the front to stand in front of Baratan.

“I’ve read over the reports from the Lexington’s mission, and in them everyone has sighted you and one of the main reasons the mission succeeded. You handled yourself well, kept your emotions in check, and watched out for your fellow crewmembers. After discussing it with Starfleet Command, I am happy to hear-by promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the rights and privileges there-of.”

Mike smiled as he opened his right hand to revile a black pip. He then attached it to Baratan’s collar. “Congratulations.”

Saith couldn't believe what she was hearing. The shock showed on her face and she looked down trying to get a look at the pip on her collar. "Ttthank you, sir." she finally managed. A frown appeared on her brow, "are you sure they got the right person?" It would make sense that they would promote someone else, not her.

Mike smiled, “I’m sure.”

He stepped back after affixing the new pip to her collar. “I know you have a lot to work on and work through, and other than a few recent isolated incidents your Starfleet Record is clean. Your actions at the Romulan Facility proved a lot about the kind of person you are, and you deserve this promotion. We all make mistakes, we all carry the demons of our past, but they don’t define who we are. What does define us if how we handle those demons, how we face the task at hand.”

Saith raised her eyebrows in surprise. She wondered if her record was really as 'clean' as the Admiral suggested. She knew it didn't used to be, and he obviously didn't know how close she had come to turning on the Romulan mission. Still, she was smiling. "Thank you sir, I will try to keep that in mind."

Mike nodded and dismissed Saith. As she left, he though to himself, and hoped his little pep talk would help boost her confidence, even more than the promotion had...



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