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Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2013 @ 3:13am by Sogh M`Kota

206 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 83 - Recovery
Location: SB400
Timeline: Those left back at SB400

Sogh M'Kota was in security checking things while most of the officers were off station. She seen Security personnel come in and out. Getting up she decided to make her rounds of the Starbase to keep her busy seeing their wasn't really much going on at the moment.

Starting from top to bottom she made her way though the Starbase making sure everything was good, and that their where no problems. Their really hasn't been much going on lately, that needed her attention.

"Sogh," another officer replied as they passed down the corridor. "Lieutenant," M'Kota replied back.

When she finished she tapped her combadge, she hailed the Security Officer who was left in charge. "Everything is clear, nothing going on around here." she said as she made her way to the turbo lift.

"Security Office," she demanded as the doors closed shut behind her. Moments later the doors swished open again and she walked out and headed down to Security to finish her report before the next shift came on.

Once she finished and exchanged information with the oncoming shift she headed out and headed down the the holodeck to try one of the Klingon programs. She was in their majority of the night.

Tag: Anyone


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