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Posted on Sat May 11th, 2013 @ 11:42am by Commander Tressa Brislan

262 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: SB400
Timeline: Current

"Thank you again, I appreciate it."

"Anytime, Tres, we had fun," Saandra said. "Bye, Kaylee and Xav."

"Bye!" the children chorused together. The door slid shut and the family made their way back to their quarters.

"So, what fun things did you do while I was away?" Tressa asked. Xavier piped up immediately with a list of all the games he and Saandra's son Mander had played; Kaylee wordlessly handed her aunt a padd with several drawings which the doctor scrolled through, smiling.

The kids were growing up. Xav in particular looked more like his father every day. Tressa still missed her little brother Aiden and wondered to herself if he would approve of how she was raising his children. She had never known his Betazoid wife but since quiet shy Kaylee was Xavier's opposite she liked to think her niece must have her mother's personality and demeanor.

"AND we had POPCORN! Did you have popcorn?" Xavier asked emphatically. Tressa laughed.

"No I did not, but I wish I had," she said. They entered their quarters and the children ran to their room. Tressa walked past their door towards her room and the hot shower her tired body desperately needed. She poked her head in as they unpacked. "Hey guys, how about we eat out tonight?"

"YAY!" they shouted in unison.

"Shower up then, you make sure you get all the shampoo out before you leave the shower," Tressa said, pointing to the boy. He gave her his most innocent look.

"Excellent, see you in a few minutes," she said.


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