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Posted on Mon Dec 12th, 2022 @ 4:17pm by Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant T'para & Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 113 - No One Left Behind

T'para was feeling very happy with herself as she gave Xalanth a farewell kiss before stepping into the station's main medbay. She would miss her mates homeworld, but the stars were where she really belonged.

And now her mate had an autopsy for her to do on the humanoid remains found amongst the debris.

Stepping into the medbays changing room she began changing into the red surgical scrubs. Time to do what she did best.

Olivia had been asked to help Xalanth with his investigation by Ariana prior to her departure from the station, she was already there waiting for T’Para when she stepped into the room.

T'para gave Olvia a smile as she stepped out. " Hello there you must be lieutenant O'Riley nice to meet you." She said offering her hand.

Olivia nodded and smiled as she shook T’Para’s hand. “That’s me, Commander Monroe asked me to help you as much as I can whilst she’s away.”

" Trust us to arrive while most of the staff are off the station." T'para replied as they walked over to the table. There wasn't much left of the individual a large section of chest, part of both legs and a right arm. There was still a crushed helmet that the crew had decided to leave intact. " Well let's take a look at you." T'para said as she ran a scanner over the remains. " Well there definitely human remains, DNA results showing them as Indigenous Siberia." She said looking at the scanner results.

“So the question is, was this some sort of bizarre accident? Or a body that someone didn’t want found?” Olivia couldn’t help but wonder. “Can we tell if the victim was alive at the time of this happening?”

T'para had reached for the pillars and was gently removing the remains of the spacesuit from the remains of the arm. An obvious deformity was obvious as the wrist seemed to have shrunk. " Whoever they were they seemed to have been restrained for a long period of time from a young age. " She said before her eyes noted something clutched in the fist. Gently prying the fingers lose a small felt patch was reviled. It was faded deeply, but a few of the words were still visible. " Guards tank army can't tell which one. Seems to have had a word added later across it. лжец Russian for liars."

Olivia looked at T’Para “So are we thinking that this person was kept as a slave? Perhaps from childhood given the obvious deformaties?”

" Communist countries on earth had a long history of generational punishments. " T'para said as she pulled back part of the suit on the arm. " Looks like we may have had a tattoo here on the upper arm. Most likely a prisoner number. Will need to run it through the computer to get an exact number."

Olivia nodded. “Let’s make a note of it on the record and once we’re done here we can look it up.”

T'para nodded as she continued. " Signs of extensive trauma and repair. I'm guessing she may not have been in the machine by choice."

Olivia nodded. “So we’re definitely looking at manslaughter or murder?” She shook her head. “Perhaps someone running the slave trade who no longer needed this slave.”

" Perhaps though given the tech she was in I think she'd been dead for a long long time." T'para responded as her blue eyes noticed something in the layer of space suit gently extracting the sliver of the paper part of what looked like a maintenance report. The ink was faded but russia words were clearly visible. " Definitely soviet era suit." She said out loud as the words translated.

“How come the body has only just come to light? Has she been buried all this time?”

" Looks like it. Someone may have hidden her in one of the asteroids long ago and the drone just happened to process it." T'para guessed.

“Can we find dna records from back then?” Olivia looked at T’Para curiously. “It would be good to find out who she is.”

" Perhaps. Though the USSR destroyed large amounts of it's DNA archives at the end of the eugenics wars. " T'para replied as she thought things through. " Though there may be another way."

Olivia nodded. “I hope so, it would be sad to have to call her Jane doe.”

T'para looked ta the faded badge again and then to the computer. Sliding it under one of the scanners she began typing as a collection of old soviet badges which began going through.

" Right while that's going on let's take a look...." T'para said as the door in the observation lounge slid open as Xalanth stepped inside. " Ladies." He said calmly as he stepped up to the screen. " Any updates?"

“It seems our body belonged to a Soviet female” Olivia offered a smile. “We’re trying to find out who she is, though it depends on whether any records exist.”

Xalanth nodded. " Engineering believes the ship was some kind of experimental attempt at FTL. The organic material putting out enough energy to do warp nine."

Olivia nodded. “So something obviously went awry with it.”

The lizard nodded. " Most likely shot her out here. She must have been terrified."

“Of that I’ve no doubt” Olivia offered a smile. “I really hope we can find out who she is, and we don’t just have to list her as Jane doe.”

A bleep from the computer got their attention. A clearer image of a mountain striking a mountain with a number 456th running across. " Patch matches the 456th guard's tank army. The unit was disbanded when they went rogue to try and aid the polish during the Warsaw uprising. The whole unit was sent to the gulags along with their families. " T'para read from the computer screen.

" Now we just need to run through the list for any native Siberian that were in the unit. Hopefully will give us a name." she said typing until another bleep came up. " Only one serving a captain Pankov Foma Yemelyanovich. Our individual must be his daughter one Lipova Mariya Yemelyanovich."

Olivia nodded. “Do they have any existing family? Anyone surviving that would appreciate knowing that we’ve found her?”

" Would need to run it through the archives could take a couple of days. " T'para said as she looked over at her mate who had started talking on his communicator. The look of shock on his face was unmistakable.

" Well, girls I'll have to cut this short. The organic material that was with her ship seems to be powering up." Xalanth said hurrying for the exit.

“Powering up?” Olivia quickly followed Xalanth.

" Yeah, it started pushing and is putting out a tone of radiation," Xlanth called before a yell from T'para called him back.

The hybrid had removed another section of the woman suit revealing a long jagged scar running along her torso.

Olivia turned to look. “What in the hell??”

T'para was running a scanner along the wound her face looking bleak. " I think I have the cause of death. The scar matches an incision from a Romulan surgical scalpel "

Xalanth pushed as he ran for the doors. At least that explained what had happened to the poor girl.


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