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Posted on Mon Jul 19th, 2021 @ 9:48am by Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

1,185 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Medbay.
Timeline: MD1 2000 hrs

Xalanth’s eyes blinked a few times as he came round. His body was still crying out in pain but it was fading slowly. Judging by the low light it was night in the sickbay. Pulling himself up the lizard looked around seeing that Kah'lyn was across the room from him in the recovery ward.

Looking to his side he saw the small pile of get-well cards from his staff, mates, and judging by the card with the small claw prints his daughters. Smiling to himself as he read it his coughed as his dried troat tried to breathe.

Pulling his legs around he waited for a minute until life had returned to them before standing up. He was still shakey, but he managed to hobble over to the wall replicator and get himself a water.

Walking slowly back he paused at the cylinder next to Kah'lyn. Looking at it he realized this was the artificial womb they'd used to save the child. " Hey, there little one I'm your uncle Xalanth. He said softly to the small hybrid in the green liquid. " You'd better be nice to your mother and father."

Kah’lyn stirred at the sound of Xalanth’s voice, “I’m... not sure if she’ll understand you from in there.” She offered a tired smile.

" They said the same about me talking to my own unborn girls and yet they all could hum the clan ballad off by heart." The lizard half-joked as he hobbled around and sat on the bed opposite from Kah'lyn. " How are you doing my friend?"

Kah’lyn’s smile faded. “I honestly don’t know Xalanth! Just because I feel more like myself, it doesn’t mean I can be trusted. You should have security here, I’m a spy! Or at least part of me is.”

" Security is just outside the door and were being watched by three camera's." Xalanth said doing his best not to look over at the hidden security cam. " Besides the bastards behind it are both currently sitting in our cells." he said giving her a warm smile.

“So I’m considered that much of a threat huh?” Kah’lyn offered a brief smile. “I guess... I should be flattered.” She sighed. “I did this to you didn’t I? I remember going with you to my father’s ship but everything after that...” she shook her head. “The only thing I remember... is Croesus coming to save me!”

" No you didn't my freind. That thing your father put in your head was the one who shot me not you." The lizard said reassuringly as he pulled his blanket around him. Even with his reptilian medical gown on he was still cold. " Besides i've had worse. Fulvia stabbed me in the shoulder when we first met and she's now bearing me a second child." He said a grin forming on his face.

“Really? She stabbed you?!” Kah’lyn smiled. “This is a story I have to hear!”

" Feels like a lifetime ago. " Xalanth said as he took a drink of water. " It started with me being yanked out of bed at eleven at night for a conversation with some nasty people from Starfleet intelligence."

" Turns out they needed me to go undercover in a pirate gang and muggins here happened to be the closest thing to one of them they already captured. So after some modifications, I'm dropped off at a gentleman's club on some border world with a brief description of my partner. I manage to get into the lounge we're supposed to meet and that's when I first saw her. All dressed up in a blue lounge singer dress singing one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard. So muggins here takes a seat and waits until she finishes. As she climbs off the stage and heads for the backroom I stand up walk right behind her and mess up the recognition code. Within a minute I'm on the floor with a blade through my shoulder." He said grinning and laughing at the memory.

Kah’lyn grinned as she looked at the smile on Xalanth’s face, it was obvious how in love he and Fulvia were. “I’m still struggling with the fact that Croesus isn’t mad at me for what happened with Miru.”

" Because he loves you, my dear. He knows this is the fault of that two chuklef£$£s we have locked up in the brig. You’re the victim in this. " Xalanth replied ressuringly.

“I wish I felt that way!” Kah’lyn sighed. “At least my daughter is alright, the doctor said if she hadn’t performed the fetal transport that the drugs they gave me would have aborted my pregnancy. It’s still in my system so I have to wait until it’s gone, and my body is ready before she can be transported back into me.”

" I wish i knew what words to say to convince you that's it's not your fault. Leilani the council in my family, not me." The lizard said scratching his head slightly. " I'm glad your daughters doing okay. " He said continuing to scratch his head as he clicked his tongue against the side of his mouth.

" Sorry, this whole situation is so alien to me. My people would never do something like this. A father killing his daughter's unborn child is unheard of. Well maybe with the marauders, but there barely draconian at this point."

“It wasn’t so much my father” Kah’lyn sighed. “It was more Miru, if it had been up to my father I think he’d have let the baby live. All Miru wanted was to prove he could be Commander!”

Xalanth gave her a reassuring look. " And look where that got him. His goal failed, his warbird and crew captured, the star empire disowned him and he can't sit down any more due to a lizard shooting him in the ass. "

Kah’lyn giggled. “Seriously! You shot him in the ass!?” She laughed. “What I’d have given to see that!!”

" My suit should have recorded it so, I'll send you it when I get out of here. To tell you the truth I was aiming for his testicles, but I missed. Dragonian training doesn't cover shooting whilst high on Reman combat drugs and federation painkillers.." The lizard replied honestly.

Kah’lyn nodded. “You almost got yourself killed because of me Xalanth, how can I ever repay you?”

The lizard looked at her for a short while before replying. " I did what my ancestors bound our blood with the desert sand to do all those generations ago. To protect people. If you want are debt repaid then live a long happy life with your husband and daughter and the debt will be fulfilled."

Kah’lyn nodded. “Croesus and I aren’t married, but maybe one day we will be.”

" Well make sure to invite me to the wedding. " He said with a friendly grin.

“Oh I will I promise!” Kah’lyn grinned.

" Good." the lizard said with a happy grin.


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