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Up to no good

Posted on Mon Jun 7th, 2021 @ 5:07am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

409 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Romulan ship
Timeline: Current


Terrh sat in his quarters staring out of the viewport that looked directly at Starbase 400. His mind was busily going over his plan, one which had to be meticulously right if he was to get what he wanted. The door chime disturbed his thoughts. “Come in!” He turned to look towards the door.

“Commander, our people have not returned from the Starbase, and we’ve had no contact with them.”

Terrh shook his head. “Then it’s a good job we sent expendables! Luckily ones that will not be traced back to this ship.” He sighed. “Any news from my daughter?”

“It appears the programming is working Commander” he nodded. “We have been receiving reports from Kah’lyn, she is following your directives.”

“Excellent!” Terrh smiled. “She’ll make a wife worthy of you yet Subcommander! Actually I’ve been giving the subject of my grandchild some thought, I believe you have a surrogate carrying a child for you since the loss of your wife? The doctor assures me that once we return home he could take care of Klingon’s child and replace it with yours. They are approximately at the same stage of gestation, Kah’lyn would be none the wiser once her programming is complete.”

“I would be honoured Commander” he nodded. “Thank you.”

Terrh nodded. “Now back to business, the Klingon ... Croesus. Kah’lyn is holding onto him, he’s the one spoke in our plan. He needs to be gotten rid of. I need you to arrange it, I would use Kah’lyn but with her strength of feeling for Croesus it could override the programming and we cannot afford that.”

“Leave it with me Commander” the Subcommander nodded. “I will see to it that Croesus is ... taken care of.”

“Excellent” Terrh smiled. “Have Kah’lyn get closer to the Admiral, the information she could get from him would be worth its weight in bars of gold pressed Latinum. Not to mention the favours it would win us back on Romulus. It would also give high Command a reason to trust Kah’lyn, being only half Romulan is a downside where bringing her home is concerned.”

“Well there’s always my home Commander, a wife’s place is in the home after all. Providing the next generation for Romulus.”

“Indeed SubCommander” Terrh nodded and smiled. “Right, carry on with your duties. Right here and now we need to get the plan moving.”



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