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[USS Falcon] Any News

Posted on Sat Jun 27th, 2020 @ 11:54pm by Lieutenant Samuel Carrington & Commander Sarah Rodgers
Edited on on Sat Jun 27th, 2020 @ 11:54pm

720 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD01 1920 hrs

"I was starting to think, you would never leave the bridge." Sam said with a big chuckle to his tone. He was very happy to be off the clock, and resting now in the mess hall with Sarah. Even though the room was crowded, he did not care. Because in his eyes, no one else was in the room. He was focused on her.

“You and me both,” Sarah said with a smile. “But it comes with the territory, We thought we had picked up something but it ended up a false alarm.”

"Well the important this is, you are hear now." Sam said, with a big grin in his face. "I don't want to loose our spots, do you want me to order your food from the replicator?" Sam asked, hating the replicator, but it was their only choice, at the moment. The Falcon had no chef.

“Yes,” Sarah nodded. “Surprise me. I brought salt and pepper.” She held them up. “Anna took pity on me earlier, I have enough to share.”

"real salt and pepper, not replicated?" Sam asked, a little surprised. Why was she hoarding it, til now?

“Like I said Anna gave it to me a few hours ago and I saved it for our dinner together,” Sarah explained. “I would have felt guilty not sharing with you.”

"I see, Anna is to blame." Sam said in a joking manner. He was trying to be humerous. "Make sure to thank her, from me." Sam said, as he walked over to the replicator. He ordered their food.

“I will,” Sarah promised. “I was excited when she offered them to me. It was like discovering gold in a mine, only better because our dinner is going to taste so much better.”

"Salt and Pepper can only help so much, its still replicated food." Sam reminded her. He felt that she was giving the condiments, to much credit.

“They make it tolerable,” Sarah replied. “At least slighly better than straight out of the replicator. You have to admit I am right.”

"Spices by definition, make things better." Sam said, with a big grin on his face. That was not really a fair comparrison.

“When we get back I am going to stock up for our next trip out,” Sarah said with a grin. “We need to take our comforts where we can get them.”

"We will get back." Sam started to tell her, as he went on. "I think the Falcon's crew can handle the re stock, you need a day off." He knew, she would not take it, but he still suggested it to her.

“What did you have in mind for this day off?” Sarah asked him. She never took a day but she wanted to know if he had a plan or he was just thinking she needed to.

"you me, maybe a day of pampering at the sauna and recreation center, hopefully on Starbase 400, if not at least on the holodeck." Sam suggested, with a playful smile on his face.

"Your on," Sarah knew he would be surprised at her answer. "I will request our first two days back on leave as long as we aren't under an alert and we can spend the two days together."

"I am so looking forward to that idea." Sam said, as he reached over to grab her hand, to express his feelings. He liked the idea, that she liked him, as much as he liked her. Despite their positions on the USS Falcon. A ship this small, hard not to find companionship.

Sarah smiled at him. “We need some time together without outside influence and I am looking forward to getting you alone, away from the ship and others.”

"Ya but the only two officers on this ship that have those accomendations is you and the Captain." Sam said to her, but he did not want to impose her, to share her soliderity of her personal quarters.

“I would love for you to come back to my place,” Sarah said seriously. “I didn’t want to assume you wanted to.”

"Why are we still here?" Rhetorically asked Sam with a big grin on his face as the scene fades.

Sarah didn’t say a word she just stood and took his hand as they headed to her quarters.


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