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Brothers...what a pain

Posted on Thu Apr 30th, 2020 @ 11:04am by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Coleman's Quarters
Timeline: MD3, 0600 hours


Coleman had gotten up early to review several reports, labs, and personel reports that cropped up while the crew of Starbase 400 was swinging between DS6 and Starbase 23. Several of the Department Heads under his command were requesting more space where space was simply at a premium. So, he had to make some executive decisions on how to handle each situation.

While reviewing some lab space requests, Coleman's combadge chirped twice and he heard someone's voice come over the Comm saying, "Operations to Commander Coleman."

Looking up from his reports, as though he was expecting someone to be standing in front of him, Coleman smiled because he realized how stupid he must've looked as though he was looking for someone. Once he realized it was coming over the comms, Coleman pressed his combadge and said, "This is Commander Coleman. Go ahead."

The crewman from ops said, "Sir, we've got a rather interesting incoming communique from Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards. Sir, we've got an incoming message from you, sir."

Thinking about it for a moment, Coleman snapped his fingers and realized what was going on. "Crewman, send the message down here to my quarters. I know exactly who it is."

The crewman acknowledged, but still curious as to whom it might've been on the other line. Getting up from his seat, Coleman walked over to the big comm panel on the wall and the Starfleet Emblem appeared on it.

"Enter voiceprint authorization code for priority one communication," the Computer voice said. Coleman replied, "Authorization Code Coleman 7-4-Victor-Tango."

The computer chirped and accepted Nick's Command Codes before bringing up the face of someone near and dear to Nick's heart. It brought up the face of Commander Jonathan Coleman, Nick's younger brother.

"So, how are you liking the new posting big brother? The extra pip fits you rather nicely!" Jonathan said, noticing the two and a half pips on his brother's collar.

Over the last few years, since Jonathan was posted to Utopia Planetia, he had become a thorn in Nick's side, not just because they were were brothers, but due to the fact that Jonathan rose in ranks quicker than Nick had over the last few years. While Jonathan was a full Commander, Nick was only at the rank of a Lieutenant Commander. This was partially due to the fact that Nick took a leave of Starfleet once he joined the Vulcan Science Academy, but it was still a point of much discussion between the two brothers.

"It's fitting me rather nicely. How are things for you over at Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards?" Nick asked, as he knew Jonathan had been slowly working up the ranks since he transferred over about five years ago.

Jonathan smiled as he spoke up. "It has been going very well. They just put me on a special team for a new type of computer core and its technology. They want us to work on the positronic matrix of the new positronic cores. They don't want anything to happen like what occurred back when I was on the Starbase with Bremer and the rest of the crew. So, since I had the knowledge that surpassed most of the rest, they put me in charge of it. What'd you think big brother?"

Nick couldn't do anything but laugh and shake his head. His little brother was becoming a superstar, even if it was only in his own mind.

"I'm happy for you. But, was that all you called about or was there something more that you wanted to ask of me?" Nick said as he was looking at the screen, wanting to know the real intentions of his little brother. Most of the time, Jonathan just called to gloat or ask for a favor that Nick apparently owed him.

Jonathan had a look of shock on his face as he said, "What? I can't call my own brother to tell him the wonderful news? Such a mean older brother, aren't we?"

Nick just laughed and shook his head again before speaking up. "I didn't say that and you know that's not what I meant. Ever since you got transferred over to Utopia Planetia, you've gotten a head bigger than your shoulders. Just remember to take it down a notch or two," Nick said, looking at his brother and reminding him to be humble.

Jonathan laughed with Nick and all of the sudden, it looked as though there was a light-bulb that lit up in Jonathan's head. "I just wanted to let you know that the Transport vessels got back to their depots near the triangle. The captains of each vessels said the evac of Starbase 400 went off without much of a hitch. I heard that it was a bit rushed because of how quickly the Typhoon Pact was coming, but everyone did good, including you big brother," Jonathan said, giving a genuine smile that his brother was actually okay. This was the first time the two brothers had the chance to talk in quite some time, in particular, since the evacuation had happened.

Looking back at his brother, Nick said, "I'm glad you were there to help out, even if you weren't there physically. Thanks again for the ships."

Jonathan nodded and over the comm channel, Nick could hear Jonathan being called away. Jonathan looked at his brother and said, "Looks as though duty is calling me away. Honestly, I wasn't just calling about the promotion. I was calling because I missed you big brother. I wanted to make sure you didn't have any sort of bruises or major damages after the evac. Promise to call mom before she worries her butt off. She's away on Trillius Prime with their science ministry and would love to hear from you. Catch you around bro."

With that, the comm channel closed out and the Starfleet Emblem came onto the screen. Nick just shook his head before whispering, "Brothers...what pains in the butts they are."

With that, Nick continued to work on a few last minute reports before reporting in for duty.


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