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Talk of Wolves and Wine

Posted on Tue Jun 26th, 2018 @ 12:01pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

1,363 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: General Jackson's Office
Timeline: MD 05 1600 hours


Braxton had run like a bat out of hell from the new counselor's office for so many reasons. He was confused and upset but as he got closer to the Marine area he calmed down. He took a few deep breaths and then decided to do what he'd been putting off. He headed to his quarters grabbed his bag and headed to General Jackson's office. He rang the chime. He wasn't looking forward to the chat, not because he didn't like his commander but because he'd talked more in the last four days then his whole life.

Jackson spent alot of time behind his desk, so any interruption in his paperwork was a welcomed one. "Come."

Braxton hit the door open button once called and entered. He gave a greeting nod, "Got a second sir?"

Thomas has not seen much of the Marine Corpsman since their return from Arcanus IV. The look on his face told the General that the stress of that battle has not quite left him. "Of course Chief. ave a seat."

Braxton plopped down on the seat. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. He'd been pulling inhuman shift work as of late. Time in Marine bay, training, time in sickbay it was brutal, and studying in between. "It's been a while." He opened his bag and pulled out a bottle and put it on the General's desk. It was Alpha Centauri Wine. He'd pulled a lot of strings to get it. "A thank you." He slid the bottle towards the General.

Jackson looked at the bottle, and was visibly surprised. Not only did he know the vineyard that this wine came from, but it was located in the region he grew up in. "Thank you Chief. But what are you thanking me for?"

Braxton's rare smiles turned up. "For letting me pull extra shifts in sickbay to get my hours for the medical exams, for having faith in me that I would not let my marines duties slip. I've been told that I have a total disregard to personal safety in times of battle and in my work and that I push myself to near pass out state but everyone saw that as a weakness in me accept for you."

Jackson smiled. "Chief, you have been through much in life, not only as a Marine, but on a personal level. A man in your shoes either finds a way to channel his feelings, and use them to motivate him for a higher purpose, or he lets those feelings eat him alive, from the inside out. The former is a better choice for you, and those around you, than the latter."

He grinned, "I've done a bit of both, to be honest." He'd felt an understanding with the General from the beginning. "That all being said I have some updates for you and a small request."

Jackson gave him a nod.

He sighed, "Our medical bay here is now as stocked as sickbay proper, I've got 25 more hours to complete with Starfleet medical before I can start taking my final exams and if all goes well I should be a full doc soon." He still had a lot of studying but at least he had his hours. He'd learned so much and he'd been able to apply it in his duties here as a Marine medic.

"Thank you for the update. I am also pretty sure that you will pass your exams with flying colors. So why the sad look on your face?"

He shrugged, "Lots swirling around in here." He pointed to his head. "Now the request, I was to be off tomorrow, I know I booked the day but I want to work a full shift here."

"Well, if it helps, we have your back if you need to vent those feelings. As for your work request, granted. But try not to burn yourself out too much. Understood?"

He gave a nod. He looked at the General, "Understood." He studied the general, "How have you been doing, sir? This situation around base is tense."

Jackson did not realize that Braxton was so tied up in Medical, that he was unaware of current events. He did not blame the Chief, who had much in his mind. "One of our fleets got bushwacked not that long ago. Though there is no immediate threat, this starbase, and our fleet was placed on Yellow Alert, as a precaution. I placed our Division, the Fighter Wing, and the garrison planet side on ThreatCon Bravo. " He pointed to the blinking yellow indicator on the bulkhead.

Braxton gave a nod, "Question is where do you need me most, I know this is causing you to loose sleep you're an all in kind of guy too so you tell me where you need me and how I can lessen the load and I'm there."

Carry on as you see fit for the most part, unless you hear our threat level go up. In that event, you could man the Division Aide Station, or if needed, get onboard the Saratoga. Also, if you have a chance, try to clear our Marines on medical restriction. We can use the manpower." Jackson then had a thought. "What is the status of Chief Aquila?"

"He is due for a final check up but he should be able to be back on duty if needed. Not ideal but he is doing well. He's actually been quite good. I'll work on clearing the med restrictions if I can. We should only end up a few people down at most." He scratched his chin realizing yet again that he hadn't shaved....then a thought. "My old CO Sticky Nicky and the crew is close by they just finished an op if need be I can always put a call in. That would give us 10 extra pairs of hands if you don't mind a team that looks like a pack of werewolves. "

Thomas was glad to hear that Giaus would be back in the game again. Then he got curious about the shaggy Marines that Braxton referred to. "What kind of team are we talking about?"

"I was part of them for a long time," he said as he pulled off his jacket and showed the General his shoulder tattoo of a wild wolf howling at the moon. "They.... they smell like wolves, they live like wolves, don't talk much...but I never minded that part. The Wolverine Hell Hound Squadron they are highly skilled but considered a unit of rejects and wild men and women. They are loyal and dedicated just hard to work with at least that's what Starfleet said I found them...quite easy to work with."

As Thomas listened to the Chief, he was already punching up the file for the Wolverine Hell Hounds. The database listed them as "Independent MARSOC Squad 98." "I did not realize that you were in a MARSOC squad. I really need to go over my files more." Jackson said. Looking at his screen, he was alarmed at the ratio of missions versus down time that these Wolves endured. "You will call your friends in. And they will get some liberty time, that is an order. When things die down, you can introduce them to Aquila and Micklin."

Brax smiled, "I'll have them here as quick as Hellfire can drive that shuttle...which is pretty quick." He shuddered at the memory of being on a shuttle with that man. He drove like a bat out of hell. "A quick warning about the Colonel. They call him Sticky Nicky he's great he has been known to um... bite. Got sent to the WHH for biting his CO. Great guy just a bit... unorthodox although if you need someone to watch your back anyone on that squad will do."

Jackson laughed a little. "I have 20,000 Marines watching my back. Ten more will make my back that much safer."

Brax smiled, "I'll call the and let you know when they arrive." He looked at Jackson, "Again thank you General. I am honoured to serve with you."

Jackson stood up. "The honor is all mine. Thank you."



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