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What to expect

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2011 @ 12:32pm by Ensign Dar Vox

469 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 76 - Home comings
Location: Security Command
Timeline: 10 Min. after the Briefing


Dar looked over the data in front of him and made some notes on his padd. The reports from SFS where well defined but few. With little to work with on official reports he turned to some old friends for 'unofficial' SFS reports.

Dar logged off the network and grabbed his notes. Turning to Ens. Struthers "I'm done with the terminal now I'm heading to my room to make up my report."

Struthers "Fine I'll let Capt. Harrison know you got what you where looking for."

Dar just nodded and headed for his room once there he got on a secured line to some of his old friends. "Thanks for taking my call Scott after my being busted back to Ensign most everyone else has avoided me like my loss in rank was contagious."

Scott "Well I was there when it happened Dar I testified at your court marshal remember."

Dar "Yes I remember and I understand you tried to save my career by adding your opinion to your testimony. That isn't the reason I'm calling though and I'll owe you for this How big depends on what you can get my on the unofficial network you get me?"

Scott "No need you saved my butt to many times over the years. What do you need?"

Dar explained his issues with the official channels and what he needed to Scott. Capt. Scott Freemen was his best friend at the academy and they had served together on several posts. Scott was now the Chief of Security/Tactical aboard the USS Gregory.

A few minutes later Scott came back from his work."Here is what I've got for you and I did one better for you I reinstated your Pass code to the network next time you wont need me to get this type of information. I'm sending the data to you now. So anyways hows your new job what you doing?"

Dar "Thanks Scott and I still owe you. I'm the new Master-at-Arms on SB400. Everything is great so far and it's only my first real day on duty. Well I got to go I'm still on duty and I need to get this report to Adm. Bremer Take it easy."

Scott "Back at you buddy take care"

The comm went down and Dar got to work on the report. The weapons list was short on names but heavy in numbers mostly Gorn and a few odds and ends stolen from various Cargo haulers. The Ships list was much like what the Maquis used. The colonies had a few SF small arms and shuttle craft the rest was going to come from Clark's group.

Finishing the report Dar copied the report to a few padds and headed off to give it to both Capt. Harrison and Adm. Bremer respectively.


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