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Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2016 @ 7:32pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Odo

463 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD4 1235hrs - Current


Odo and Kratz both came out of Kratz’s quarters.

“First Ramata’tar, please follow us to Ops. We need to speak to the Admiral.” Kratz said with a new found since of confidence.

Ramata’tar glanced at Odo, then back to Kratz. “Yes, Founder, it will be done.”

Odo then looked at the Jem’Hadar that had been assigned to guard them by the other Founder, gave him a curt nod, then they started for Ops.

Several minutes later, Odo, Kratz, and the two Jem’Hadar arrived in Ops. Bremer saw them as they stepped off the turbolift.

Mike walked over. “Odo, Kratz?”

“Kratz and I talked for several hours before he was comfortable in linking with me. Once he did, he realized he and I both have many things in common and he wants to join the rest of the Changelings in the Great Link, and help me keep the Dominion on its current progressive track.” Odo replied.

“Great.” Mike said sincerely.

“I believe we should leave. One of your Security Officers advised us of the situation with the Cardassians. We don’t want to escalate the situation.” Odo replied.

Mike looked over at the Ensign at Communications. “Signal the Dominion vessel, let them know Odo, Kratz, and their Jem’Hadar escort are ready to beam aboard. Also advise the Cabot and Sovereign to be ready to depart. If the Cardassian vessels follow, advise them not to interfere as long as the Cardassians don’t.

Mike then looked over at Ramata’tar. “First, are you planning to remain with us?”

Ramata’tar nodded, “I’ve pledged my life to defend this station. If the Founder allows me to remain, I will.”

Odo nodded. “Of course.”

A few moments later the two Changlings and the Jem’Hadar Second beamed over to their vessel.

Mike glanced over at Ramata’tar, then back to the view screen as the massive Dominion Battleship broke orbit and headed for the Bajorian Wormhole with the Federation Starships Cabot and Sovereign following, and a Cardassian Keldon class cruiser behind.

A few moments later Thomas Riker and Ro stepped into Ops.

Riker looked over at Ramata’tar then spoke to Bremer. “Looks like we missed the fun.”

“Odo and our Dominion guests just left the Station.” Mike replied.

“Do you want the Ashalla to follow?” Ro asked.

“No. If she’s ready to go, then proceed on your mission.” Mike flashed a smile.

Ro nodded. “Aye sir.”

“It looked like your engineers did a good job with Ashalla.” Riker commended.

“Very good. I’ll pass that along to our Engineering teams.” Mike shook Riker’s hand. “Fair winds and smooth sailing.”

The two left Ops as Mike looked around for a moment before returning to his Office.



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