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Will you come find me if I am lost?

Posted on Sun Dec 16th, 2012 @ 12:00pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

422 words; about a 2 minute read

"Will you come find me if I'm lost?"

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

***** Yamaguchi Quaters - Starbase 400 *****

"Personal Log. Stardate 66430.45. - I sincearly hope my first days on the job goes well because like that old saying goes, dignity and an empity sack is worth only a sack.. End log."

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi sighed softly as she looked at the datapad in her hands as she didn't know where anything was so she decided she would head to Operations, hopefully she wouldn't get lost along the way as she was known for getting lost on assignments, always within the first week and always it was over something stupid like heading to her office or heading for lunch or to one of the four schools on base.

She tugged on her boots as Racheal grabbed something to eat from the
replicator as she herself was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt rather then the jumpsuits that Federation fashion seemed to dictate that children wear.

Torilla had encouraged all of her children to think independantly for themselves, rather then overreact and lose control, she had taught them control of their emotions and feelings and for Elizabeth and Gabriel, it had been rather easy but that was because she had been assigned near her husband and now with Racheal spending her time with her, she had been seperated from her husband due to the demands of this assignment.

She missed him, she missed his company and his presence, his voice and his touch and to make matters worse, she did not know when she would see him again, she turned her attention back to her youngest. "Come on Racheal, we're both going to be late at this rate.."

Rather then talk back to her mother and risk getting grounded for something so pointless, Racheal's response was "Yes mother."

Torilla raised an eyebrow as she tried to repress a smile. "So... who's Paul?"

"He's.... Ummm... a friend."

Now Torilla did smile. "You mean to tell me that you've only ben on base a little over two days and you've met someone?"

"Mom, I'm twelve.. soon to be thirteen."

"Yes... I know... I am your mother afterall.." she responded cheerfully. "come on then, places to go and work to do and all that." Yamaguchi lead her daughter out the door and down the hall.

A short time later she dropped Racheal off at school and then she made her way to operations.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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