Melody Johnson

Name Melody Michelle Johnson

Position Former SB400 Crew member


  • 25 Mission Posts
  • 2 News Items

Last Post

Fri Apr 27th, 2012 @ 6:52pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 125
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description She has long brown hair, emerald green eyes that twinkle mischievously when she is in a playful mood and an athletic build (without looking like a body builder).


Spouse none
Children none
Father Robert Johnson (deceased)
Mother Madeline Johnson (deceased)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview She is a typical Irish Gemini and all that that entails. Conscientious, honest, serious yet mischievously playful, caring, sympathetic, intellectual, silly, humorous, reliable, responsible, stubborn, opinionated when passionate about something, courageous yet shy, reserved, outgoing, adventurous, curious, impetuous, resourceful. She loves her job and constantly strives to do it better and to make the position more helpful to the team. She is a bit guarded with people she doesn't know but once she gets to know someone and comes to trust and respect them she will open up (somewhat). When she works she is working she is all about work. When she is playing she plays hard. When she loves she loves generously, completely and unconditionally. When she's angry....leave town or at least stay out of her way. She can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on how she is treated. She hates dishonesty, thievery and people who make promises they have no intention of keeping (only making the promise to make themselves look good), egotistical and conceited people, know it alls who think they are always right (even if proven wrong by a book....saying the book is wrong) and closed minded people. She loves intelligent conversations, having fun, being silly, playing harmless practical jokes on her friends, helping others and learning new things. She is as comfortable in formal attire in the company of royalty as she is in a pair of faded, beat up, vintage blue jeans, vintage tie dye t-shirt and barefoot.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is a strong leader, an excellent motivator, extremely organized, a self starter, diligent worker and able to think fast on her feet. She can remain perfectly calm when all about her is spinning out of control (excellent in a crisis). She excelled in her studies and is a quick learner. She has studied several styles of Martial Arts in her spare time has become a marksman with her hand phaser. Her only weaknesses are a fear of heights and she can be a bit stubborn and head strong when she is convinced she is right and she is a bit lacking in diplomacy since she sometimes is brutally honest and speaks her mind.
Ambitions To live life to the fullest, to see what there is to see, explore what there is to explore, to do what "they" say can't be done (whoever "they" are) and to survive doing matter what.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, music, exploring nature, history, and playing in holosuites on the star bases she docks at for R & R.
Languages Earth English

Personal History Melody was born and raised on Earth in the small mountain community of Idyllwild, California. Her mother ran a small bakery and her father piloted a freighter for a local broker. When she was 10 years old her father was killed when he was hauling mechanical parts from a manufacturer to the Star Fleet shipyard on Mars when Breen pirates attacked his ship and pillaged his cargo. Melody's mother was devastated by the death of her husband and went into a deep depression rendering her unable to work which resulted in her boutique being closed which added to her mother's sense of loss and while Melody was at school one day her mother committed suicide. Melody was taken in by her father's best friend and his wife (her god-parents), Jake and Ama Beckett. Jake had also piloted a freighter for the same broker as Melody's father but the year before Robert Johnson was killed Jake had left the broker's employ and gone off on his own as a privateer. After his best friend had been killed and the Breen pirates responsible went uncaught Jake used the time he wasn't under contract with whoever was willing to pay for his services to hunt down his best friend's killers. Since the Becketts didn't have any children of their own...Melody became the son Jake had always wanted and would accompany him on his runs from time to time, thereby learning the business. When Melody was 13 years old Jake lost their home in an ill played poker game so Melody and Ama were forced to live on Jake's freighter until they were able to acquire a small piece of property on Norpin V almost a year later. Ama had begun drinking by the time they were settled and between hating being around her drunken God-mother and hating her new home, Melody decided it was time to go. She went to work for Jake on a permanent basis and when she was 17 she had earned enough to purchase a fast ship that, although small (needed only one person to fly it), was capable of hauling people as well as cargo and was armed ( and struck out on her own. At first business was slow but she used her down time to learn certain skills that would not only raise her survival percentages (forms of martial arts, hand to hand combat, weaponry and its uses, etc.) she mastered those skills and used them successfully...become a large part of the reputation she gained in the next few years throughout the region and eventually the galaxy. By the time she was 21 potential contractors were seeking her out instead of the other way around and she was able to pick and choose who she contracted with and what she hauled. By the age of 23 she had managed to earn a price on her head by local authorities on several planets and the privateer (a fancy name for pirate) community regarded Melody (Capt. Mel as she was known)...some with respect and some with foreboding.